Describe places & buildings

BỘ ĐỀ DỰ ĐOÁN IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Tháng 9-12/2019 (about places)

8 thg 5, 2024

8 đề về mô tả nơi chốn 


Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors

You should say:

- What it is

- Where it is

- How it looks like

And explain why you remember it well


Describe a city you went to with your family

You should say:

- When it happened

- Where you went to

- How it was

And explain why you liked it



Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home

You should say:

- where it would be;

- how you would like to go there;

- what you would do there;

And explain why you would like to go there.



Describe a special day that made you happy

You should say:

- When that day was

- Who were with you on that day

- What happened

Explain why you felt happy on that day


Describe an impressive advertisement you remember well

You should say:

- When and where you saw it;

- What was advertised;

- What the contents of the advertisements were;

And explain why you remember it well.


It is Hoi An that I would like to talk about as the colourful place which I vividly remember/ the place that my family and I visited last year/ the place that I desire to visit.

I'm going to tell you about the day I visited Hoi An. That day was so special that I still vividly remember. 

It is an advertisement about Hoi An that I'm going to tell you. That advert was so impressive that I still vividly remember. 

(Nếu là đề về tả nơi chốn) 

Hoi An is a small ancient town, around 40 km away from Da Nang city, and located in central Vietnam. This place is extremely famous for its distinct cultural and historical characters and it left the deepest impression on me when I paid a visit there last year/ that's why my family decided to visit there on our summer holiday/ that's why I am eager to pay to visit there. The local authorities has preserved the town's incredible legacy of Japanese merchant houses, Chinese temples and French colonial buildings. Hoi An is very touristy, but not unreasonably like many other popular tourist destinations in Vietnam, which have experienced great modernisation and urbanisation and lost their own original values. Some of central Vietnam’s most beautiful scenery, for example paddy fields, fishing villages, and beaches are within easy reach in Hoi An.

This ancient town is beautiful and colourful to look at. Most houses in Hoi An are painted in yellow and a lot of visitors, including me, come to Hoi An to admire the beauty of sparkling lanterns which adorn the streets. The lanterns are in different shapes and vibrant colors, making the whole town bright and impressive, especially at night. The local food, the pedestrian streets, and the river are also great. Everything in Hoi An is amazing in its own way. Call me romantic but Hoi An is the place that I love, and this hasn’t changed since I first was there 5 years ago. It is something about its appearance,  atmosphere and friendliness that draws me back again and again.

(Nếu là đề về tả 1 ngày đặc biệt)

Hoi An is a small ancient town, around 40 km away from Da Nang city, and located in central Vietnam. This place is extremely famous for its distinct cultural and historical characters, so I decided to have a 2-day trip there last month. I remember on the day I was in Hoi An, the weather was so nice with the blue sky, the sunshine and gentle winds. I visited a lot of historical sites, including Japanese merchant houses, Chinese temples and French colonial buildings. Hoi An is very touristy, but not unreasonably like many other popular tourist destinations in Vietnam, which have experienced great modernisation and urbanisation and lost their own original values. I also visited and took a lot of nice photos in paddy fields, fishing villages, and beaches. These amazing scenery are within easy reach in Hoi An.

In the evening, I had a small walk around the town to admire its beauty of sparkling lanterns which adorn the streets. The lanterns were in different shapes and vibrant colors, making the whole town bright and impressive. I enjoyed a lot of local dishes and took a boat trip along Han river. Everything in Hoi An was amazing in its own way. Call me romantic but Hoi An is the place that I love the most, and this hasn’t changed since I first was there 5 years ago. It is something about its appearance, atmosphere and friendliness that draws me back again and again.

(Nếu là đề về tả 1 quảng cáo ấn tượng) 

I remember I watched that advertisement by chance at Incheon International Airport in Korea last month. The relation between Vietnam and Korea has been developed positively in recent years and Vietnam is a popular tourist destination to Koreans. Therefore, it is easy to understand why there are a lot of advertisements about Vietnam's destinations shown in Korea. 

Hoi An is a small ancient town, around 40 km away from Da Nang city, and located in central Vietnam. I can tell that the advertisement has done a really good job in describing the most beautiful and distinct cultural and historical characters of Hoi An. The 4-minute advert shows the town's incredible legacy, like Japanese merchant houses, Chinese temples and French colonial buildings, as well as some of central Vietnam’s most beautiful scenery, for example paddy fields, fishing villages, and beaches. The ancient yellow houses and the sparkling lanterns are showed repeatedly in the advert, making Hoi An so memorable and impressive. There are some scenes about the local dishes, pedestrian streets, and people taking a boat trip along Han river. The theme music of the advert is another plus point as it is Vietnamese traditional music. 

In general, I believe the advert is impressive enough to draw the viewers' attention, thereby making them want to visit Hoi An once in their lifetime. 

Describe a school you went to in your childhood

You should say: 

- Where it was

- What it was like

- What you learned there

And how you felt about it

(…say your elementary/ primary school name…) was the first school I went to and this is the school I will always remember. The school was in the central area of my hometown just behind the city hall. I started studying at this school when I was 6 years old and at that time, the school was like a whole new world to me. Fortunately, I had a very positive impression about teachers, friends and everything on my first that at school and I felt I was very lucky to be in this school. 

I studied in this school for about 3 years and I enjoyed my time there a lot. The school was a nice place with a suitable environment for the kids. It was a 4 storied building of U shape and there were almost 200 students there. The teachers were very helpful and very friendly. I never found them in a rough mode with students. Managing and taking care of 200 students is not an easy task and to my surprise, the teachers were very dedicated and caring to do that perfectly.They always treated us like their own children and there were numerous times we got gifts from them. They have helped us a lot to prepare for our study and also taught us about the values and ethics of life.

I enjoyed the environment of our school, especially the big garden, playground and canteen. I also enjoyed having such great teachers who were caring and good humans. In the break time, I used to play with my classmates and that’s something I will never forget. The childhood is magical and pleasant and for me, this became even happier because of the school I went to. 

Describe a place where you read and write (not your home)

You should say:

- Where it is

- How often you go there

- Who you go there with

And explain how you feel about it

Whenever I’m tired of studying at home, a small coffee shop called ‘The secret garden’ is the best alternative place. It is located in the first floor of a shopping mall in district 7 which is quite far from my house, but I don’t mind travelling since it’s hard to find a place that I can get inspired in working.

My friends and I usually visit there to study and gossip. But in some particular cases, for example, when I feel down, I will visit that coffee shop alone to withdraw into my own world by finding a nice seat and enjoying myself with a tasty drink and nice music.

I love the decoration of that cafe with the golden lights and its inspiring botanical design which really helps me to relax and make me feel better after a stressful day. Despite being popular and kinda crowded sometimes, the coffee shop is still able to keep its quiet and soft atmosphere. In addition, there are various types of food and desserts which this lovely coffee shop serves for customers. At first, I didn’t think the coffee shop would be good like this but with the affordable prices and friendly staff, it has become the must-visit place that I highly recommend. That's all I wanna say about my favourite place.

Học viên BE READY IELTS - em Thanh - Band 8.0

I’m going to describe a café that I go to maybe once a week. It’s just down the road from where I live, near Manchester, so it’s really convenient for me to walk down there for a coffee or a bite to eat and to use the wifi.

The last time I went to this local café was on Friday afternoon. I was trying to do some work at home, but I found myself getting distracted by little jobs around the house. So I decided to have a change of scenery; I put my laptop in its bag and made the short walk to the café, where I spent the next few hours getting all of my work done. With a nice cup of coffee and just the right level of background noise, I found it much easier to concentrate.

Over the course of the afternoon, I drank two cups of coffee and a glass or two of water. The café owner takes a lot of pride in making the best ‘flat white’ coffee in the area, so that’s what I tend to drink. If I remember correctly, the second coffee that I ordered was a decaf, because I try to avoid drinking too much caffeine in the afternoon. I didn’t have anything to eat on that occasion, but I do sometimes have one of the home-made cakes that they sell.

There are a few reasons why I like going to my local café. I suppose the main reasons are the coffee, the free wifi and the friendly staff. However, on Friday I also managed to sit at my favourite table near one of the windows, and the café wasn’t very busy. So the atmosphere and noise level were just right, and I was able to focus on my work without distractions for most of the afternoon.

Mr Simon, nguồn:


Describe a historical building in your area

You should say:

- what it was
- where it was

And explain what features of the building you found interesting.

Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

- where the market is
- what the market sells
- how big the market is

And explain why you enjoyed visiting it.

I’m going to tell you about Ben Thanh Market as a historical building in my living area/ as a market that I usually visit.  

Ben Thanh market is located in District 1 and is one of the earliest surviving structures in Saigon, making it become an important symbol of this City. Because of the historical values, this place has become a popular tourist destination.

Ben Thanh market is the largest market in Ho Chi Minh City which offers a variety of merchandise. It is a great place for local people to buy grocery, food, flowers, vegetables, or home appliances, and for tourists to buy handicrafts, branded goods, Vietnamese art and souvenirs. Even though the market is very big from the outside, the narrow corridors are packed with goods and people, making visitors struggle to move around the market.

I often go to the market every two weeks because this market is in the walking distance from my university. My friends and I usually visit the market during lunchtime to satisfy our hunger for food. Many excellent local dishes can be easily found at the food stalls in the market and I always order for myself a dish of Banh beo.

And that’s all I want to talk about Ben Thanh market.

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