IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Thực hành trả lời chuyên sâu các câu hỏi phức tạp

Topic: Study & Education part 3

8 thg 5, 2024

Câu hỏi + Câu trả lời mẫu Topic Study & Education


concept(s): (các) khái niệm

to gain a deeper insight/ to deepen one's understanding: hiểu sâu rộng hơn, đào sâu hiểu biết hơn.

concentrate (verb): tập trung  |  concentration (noun): sự tập trung  |  break one's concentration: phá vỡ sự tập trung

distract (verb): làm mất tập trung |  distraction (noun): sự gây nhiễu, mất tập trung

motivate (verb): khích lệ ai đó |  self-motivation (noun): sự tự khích lệ  |  motivated (adj): khích lệ 

keep up with: tiếp tục

the pursuit of knowledge: sự theo đuổi/ tìm kiếm tri thức

discipline (noun): tính kỷ luật

a continuous process (noun): quá trình liên tục 

take in information: tiếp nhận thông tin  =  imbibe knowledge: tiếp thu kiến thức

facilitate (verb): tạo thuận lợi, hỗ trợ  |  facilitation (noun): sự tạo thuận lợi, hỗ trợ  |  facilitator (noun - person): người tạo thuận lợi, hỗ trợ

an active participation: sự tham gia tích cực 

source of knowledge: nguồn kiến thức

the emergence (noun): sự trỗi dậy, xuất hiện

AI (Artificial Intelligence): trí tuệ nhân tạo

digitalization (noun): kỹ thuật số hoá

Argumentative discussion: thảo luận mang tính tranh biện

adults = mature people = grown-ups

children = kids 

students = learners

teachers = instructors = educators

sense (noun): giác quan (five basic senses of human include sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste)

flexible (adj): linh hoạt  |  flexibility (noun): khả năng linh hoạt

adapt (verb): thích nghi  |  adaptable (adj): có thể thích nghi  |  adaptability (noun): khả năng thích nghi


Các câu hỏi: Bài viết của Ms Liz IELTS - Câu trả lời: giáo viên Be Ready IELTS

What makes a good student?

I think the first characteristic to make a good student is self-motivation. The student has to be motivated and resilient to be able to keep up with the pursuit of knowledge. Second, discipline is also a must to maintain a continuous process of taking in information effectively. Finally, a great student needs listening skills. It means that they must be ready to listen openly and actively.

What role should the teacher have in a classroom?

Well, I think the functional role of teachers in a classroom should be a facilitator in learning, rather than a king controlling learners' activities. It means that teachers should provide knowledge for their students, show them how to process what they learn, then let learners make their own way to deepen their understanding. Argumentative discussions and teamwork activities are things that teachers should organize frequently in their class to get the students involved in an active participation. 

Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom?

Oh, this is a very noticeable matter following the emergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in education. Digitalization in classrooms has obviously brought about numerous benefits for learners. Having said that, I believe teachers still remain their irreplaceable position in teaching because human interactions more or less play an important role in learning. In particular, computers simply cannot inspire us because this is an aspect of feelings and emotions which goes beyond the approach of AI. Therefore, instructors are valuable in creating inspirational experiences to encourage learner's motivation.   

For more details, read this website:

How has teaching changed in your country in the last few decades?

It is clear that the teaching methods in Vietnam have changed significantly. In the past, teachers used to be the main source of knowledge, the leader and educator of their students. Nowadays, although they are still considered to be a kind of leader in the classroom, they are more of facilitators in learning. Another difference is represented by the technical support they need to be able to use effectively, such as computers, projectors, adaptive software, etc. Instead of teaching with chalk, they become IT managers of the classroom.

What is the difference between the way children learn and the way adults learn?

I think that flexibility makes the difference in the learning ways of children and grown-ups. Mature people tend to be fixed in their ways of thinking and living. Therefore, they need longer time to imbibe new knowledge and concepts compared to children. On the other hand, kids are more adaptable and able to change easily to take in information. In addition, children use all five senses to adapt new things and they learn all the time in their daily life. By contrast, adults learn mostly through their sight and hearing, and they separate study from living. It means that they think knowledge is mainly from classes, not from their everyday life. 

How can a teacher make lessons for children more interesting?

I think to create activities which encourage children's active participation is the most important thing teachers should do to make their lessons more exciting. For young children, it is better to organize funny games to help students remember what they learn, such as hangman - a nice game for spelling, or stop the bus - a cool game for vocabulary. For older children, argumentative discussions and presentations would suit them better. Funny clips and music videos are also very helpful for learning facilitation. 

(Các câu hỏi & câu trả lời của Mr Simon, nguồn: )

What do you think makes a good lesson?

I think a good lesson is one that is interesting and engaging. By 'engaging' I mean that the students should feel involved in the lesson; they should feel that they are learning something new that is relevant to them. In my opinion, a lot depends on how the teacher delivers the content of the lesson in a way that students like. My favourite teacher at university used to involve the students by making us teach some of the lessons ourselves.

Do you think it's better to have a teacher or to teach yourself?

Well, there's no substitute for a good teacher. I think you can teach yourself, but you can learn a lot more quickly with the guidance of a teacher. For example, when learning a language, you really need someone to correct your mistakes; you can get the grammar and vocabulary from books, but books can't tell you where you're going wrong.

Do you think the traditional classroom will disappear in the future?

I don't think it will disappear, but it might become less common. I think more people will study independently, using different technologies rather than sitting in a classroom. Maybe students will attend a lesson just once a week, and spend the rest of their time following online courses or watching video lessons.


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