IELTS Speaking Part 1 - Thực hành nói phản xạ những với những chủ đề cơ bản

Topic: House & Neighbours & Hometown - part 1

8 thg 5, 2024

Câu hỏi + Câu trả lời mẫu Topic: House & Neighbours & Hometown 



Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): I live in a semi-detached house with three bedrooms in a suburb of Manchester. I've lived there for just over a year.

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): Currently I am living in a house with my family. We have moved to this house since I was born.

Answer 3 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): I am sharing a small studio apartment with three other friends. It is not very spacious but close to our university. 

Which is your favourite room in your home? Why?

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): I don't really have a favourite room. But if I had to choose, I'd say the living room because that's where I go to sit and relax.

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): Needless to say it is the bedroom. That is the only place I can have my personal space, get far away from people and take a rest. 

Would you like to change anything about your home? Why / why not?

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): Yes, I've been meaning to redecorate it since I moved in last year. It needs a new kitchen, so that's what I'd change first.

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): Not really. I'm happy with how it is now so I don't think about changing it. Also, redecoration is costly and I am not willing to spend for that at the moment. 

Answer 3 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): If I can, I would like to have my bedroom extended. But I think I have to ask my parents first since they are the house owner and will pay for this redecoration.

Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): Yes, I'd definitely move again at some point if I could afford to. I'd like to live in the countryside, or maybe in a different city or country.

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): Yes, if my financial status allows me to do so. My neighbours are really noisy with their karaoke singing and their children playing soccer so I'd like to move to a quiet area.

Answer 3 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): No, I love where I'm living now. Moving house is a tiring process, especially packing stuff, so I don't want to get involved in that.



(Câu hỏi: IELTS Cambridge 8, câu trả lời: Mr Simon)

How well do you know your next-door neighbours?

I know my neighbours quite well. They're really nice people, and I always stop to talk whenever I see them. I think it's important to get on well with the people who live next door.

How often do you see them?

I see my neighbours at least a few times a week. We usually see each other when we're leaving for work in the morning or coming home in the evening.

What problems do people sometimes have with their neighbours?

I think the most common problem is probably noise. It's difficult to live next to people who have a dog that barks at night, or who play loud music or have too many parties.



Where are you from?

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): I'm from Manchester, which is a city in the north west of England.

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): I'm a Saigonese/ I'm from Saigon/ HCM City. I was born and grew up in this city, so do other family members.

Answer 3 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): I'm a Hanoian/ I'm from Hanoi/ ____ province, which is located in the _____ of Vietnam.

Answer 4 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): I was born in and grew up in _____, but I have been in ______ since I was in university. My parents still live in my hometown and I usually visit their home at weekends. 

Do you like your hometown? (Why?)

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): Yes, I like living in Manchester because it's where most of my friends live and because there are plenty of things to do there. The only thing I don't like is the weather.

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): Yes, I love HCM City/ Hanoi. This is the biggest city in Southern Vietnam/ the capital of Vietnam, so living here is very convenient with many facilities and services. 

Answer 3 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): even though I love my hometown, I find it quite boring due to its slow life and a lack of various facilities and services like in big cities. 

Would you prefer to live somewhere else? (Why?)

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): For the moment, I'm happy living here, but at some point, I'd like to live in a country with a warmer climate, and I'd like to live near a beach!

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): Currently I am living in the best city in Vietnam so I have no reasons to move to elsewhere. Moving to areas which are less convenient would be a disaster for me.  

Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people? (Why?)

Answer 1 (of Mr Simon): Yes, Manchester has lots of things for young people, such as sports facilities, music and cinemas.

Answer 2 (of Be Ready IELTS teacher): Of course. HCM City/ Hanoi is the most attractive place for young people to study or get a good job. Also, the active lifestyle of urban areas with sufficient facilities and services would suit them best.


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