Để giúp các bạn củng cố thêm kiến thức tiếng Anh trước khi bắt tay vào luyện thi IELTS, hôm nay thầy sẽ chia sẻ cho các bạn về ngữ pháp đó là 40 Cụm động từ đi với "up" trong tiếng Anh được sử dụng thường xuyên.

Xem thêm bài viết: 

  • Tổng hợp các “thì” nên dùng trong IELTS
  • 20 cấu trúc giúp bạn chinh phục IELTS 7.0 trở lên
  • Các từ vựng “chủ chốt” trong IELTS writing task 1

40 Cụm động từ đi với "up" trong tiếng Anh các bạn ôn thi IELTS nên biết.

1. Act up = to misbehave

  • My son used to act up every day when he was little. 


2. Bottle up = stay hidden

  • He would rather bottle up rather than solve the problems at work. 

3. Break up = end a relationship

  • Jessica just broke up with her boyfriend.


4. Back up = to copy something as a security measure

  • My computer crashes three times this week, so I need to back up all my data now. 


5. Blow up = to get angry very fast

  • Moore blows up almost every class because Jack is always late. 

6. Brighten up = to make cheerful, happy

  • My sister tried to brighten up my day when I was feeling said. 


7. Butter up = to flatter

  • She always butters up her boss when the new job position is available. 


8. Catch up = to share news with someone

  • I haven’t seen him for such a long time, and it was great to catch up.

9. Chat up = to have a light, friendly conversation

  • She went to that bar only because she liked chatting up with the handsome bartender.


10. Come up with = think of something, a plan or an idea

  • We have to come up with a plan!


11. Cover up = to hide, conceal

  • Even in court, he still tried to cover up everything that he did. 

Cụm động từ đi với up trong tiếng Anh

12. Doll up = to dress formally, to dress for a special occasion

  • My mom needs to doll up before her birthday party.


13. Dress up = to have very nice clothes on

  • Alicia always liked to dress up for her dates. 


14. Eat up = to believe immediately

  • He ate up everything that his psychologist told him.

15. End up – to turn out, conclude

  • He ended up working at his father’s company. 


16. Fix up = to make right, adjust

  • Melissa fixed up her dress before going out. 


17. Give up = surrender, admit failure

  • I will nevergive up.

18. Head up = to lead, to take charge

  • You have to head up all the meetings today.


19. Hold up = to wait, to delay

  • What’s holding up the presentation?


20. Hung up = thinking or worrying about someone/something

  • She was too hung up about her wedding.

21. Juice up = to charge

  • I have to juice up my laptop because the battery is dead.


22. Keep up = to continue

  • Keep up the good work everyone!


23. Kiss up to = to show false flattery

  • Everyone knew she was kissing up to the boss to get a better job.

24. ine up = have something/someone ready

  • Do you have any food lined up?


25. Loosen up = to relax

  • You have been very stressed lately – you have to loosen up.


26. Make up = to reconcile after a quarrel/fight

  • I can’t stay mad at you anymore, let’s make up?

27. Mess up = to make a mistake, to ruin

  • He totally messed up the cake.


28. Roll up one’s sleeves = to prepare to work

  • He rolled up his sleeves, and started packing.


29. Round up = to collect or gather something

  • Round up the employees for the meeting!

30. Screw up = to ruin, to make a mess

  • He totally screwed upon his exam.


31. Sign up = to commit oneself to a period of employment/education

  • Kevin signed up for his first Psychology course online. 


32. Speed up = to make something go faster

  • You have to speed up your car if you want to be there on time.

33. Split up = to separate, to break apart from the group

  • They had to split up in order to find Jimmy.


34. Sign up = to commit oneself to a period of employment/education

  • Kevin signed up for his first Psychology course online. 


35. Suck up = flatter someone excessively

  • He sucked up to the teacher only to get a better grade.

36. Take up = occupy time, space, attention

  • It’s going to take up too much time.


37. Tied up = very busy

  • He is always tied up with work.


38. Think up = to invent or imagine something

  • We have to think up an excuse for why we didn’t go to school.

39. Up the creek = to be in serious trouble

  • If I don’t pay the bill by tomorrow, I will be up the creek


40. Wind up = end up in a specific situation, place

  • I never thought I would wind upin Australia. 


Lời khuyên: Các em nên học thuộc các cụm động từ đi với "Up" và tự mình viết thêm những câu ví dụ khác, ngoài câu ví dụ thầy đã liệt kê trên đây để có thể ghi nhớ và biết cách vận dụng những cụm động từ này tốt nhất.