Table Completion là dạng bài điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành một bảng biểu cho trước. Đây cũng là một trong những dạng bài phổ biến trong các kỳ thi IELTS.

Dạng Table Completion có thể xuất hiện trong tất cả các phần của bài thi IELTS Listening. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu nhé.

Cách làm bài Listening Table Completion 

Ở dạng bài Table Completion, đề bài sẽ yêu cầu thí sinh điền đáp án đúng vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành một bảng biểu cho trước.

Nội dung được ghi lại trong bảng sẽ tập trung vào các ý, sự kiện chính được nhắc đến trong bài nghe. Đáp án đúng có thể được thể hiện dưới dạng chữ cái và/ hoặc số.

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Festival information


Type of event



a concert

performers from Canada


a ballet

company called 1 ........................................

19th—20th (afternoon)

a play

type of play: a comedy called Jemima

has had a good 2 ........................................

20th (evening)

a 3 ........................................ show

show is called 4 ........................................

Video bài học chi tiết, giảng dạy bởi Mr Minh - 9.0 Listening, các bạn cùng đón xem nhé:


Example. Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Festival information


Type of event



a concert

performers from Canada


a ballet

company called 1 ........................................

19th—20th (afternoon)

a play

type of play: a comedy called Jemima

has had a good 2 ........................................

20th (evening)

a 3 ........................................ show

show is called 4 ........................................


Check-up. Complete the table below. (Track U4_C1)

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.





Jazz band


Tickets available for £.........15…......

The 1 ................................. school

Also appearing: Carolyn Hart (plays the 2 .................................)

Duck races

£1 per duck

Start behind the

3 .................................


Prize: tickets for 4 ................................. held at the end of the festival.

Ducks can be bought in

the 5 .................................

Flower show


6 ................................. Hall

Prizes presented at 5 pm by a well-known 7 .................................

Video Chữa đề sẽ lên sóng sớm, các bạn làm đề bên dưới sau khi học xong bài chiến thuật nhé.


Skill Practice 1. Nghe và điền vào chỗ trống. 

1 Most people think that the Middle East is only .............

2 You can find trees ........................  in winter.

3 If you’re lucky, you may see a ............. or a .................., two species that live there.

4 The air is fresh, and you can .................... lakes.

5 Seeing the birds through ........................... makes them seem ............ .

6 You should learn about .................... first. That means ..................... .

7 You can identify them if you ................................ .

Skill Practice 2. Nghe và điền vào chỗ trống. 

1 The Main Hall has got seating for ................. people.

2 The ..................Room has got seating for up to one hundred people.

3 We're organising a dinner ................................, and we’re hoping for ......................... people.

4 There’s also ................ of £250, ............................ of course as long as there’s no damage.

5 You can pay the .......................... however you like though – cash, credit card, cheque...

6 You’ll have to ..........................if you want to use that.

7 You’ll have to see about ...................................... if you’re planning to have any music .................... .

8 About ................... before your event you’ll need to contact the caretaker, that’s Mr Evans, to ................................

PRACTICE - Bài thực hành

Question 1-4: 

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.



1 pair of trousers, 1…………., 2 jackets  


Jeremy 2………….


3…………. Street

Telephone no


Question 4-10: 

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.



Cost to repair/ replace


The 4 …………. needs to be replaced

not known

The 5…………. cabinet

The 6…………. of the cabinet is damaged

7 $………….

Dining room table

A 8…………. is split


Set of China

Six 9…………. were broken

about 10 $…………. in total

Question 11-15: 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Tourist attractions in Manham


Features and activities



specially adapted miner’s 11…………. take visions into the mountain

the mine is 12…………. and enclosed – unsuitable for children and animals

village school

classrooms and a special exhibition of 13………….

a 14…………. is recommended

“The George”

(Old sailing ship)

the ship’s wheel (was lost but has now been restored)

children shouldn’t use the 15………….

Các bạn cùng học nhé. 

Đáp án:

1: Eustatis
2: review
3: dance
4: Chat
1: secondary
2: flute
3: cinema
4: concert
5: market
6: Bythwaite
7: actor
Skill Practice 1.
1: a desert
Most people think that the Middle East is only a desert.
2: that lose their leaves
You can find trees that lose their leaves in winter.
3: yellow deer; brown bear
If you’re lucky, you may see a yellow deer or a brown bear, two species that live there.
4: swim in clear, clean
The air is fresh, and you can swim in clear, clean lakes.
5: binoculars; much nearer than they actually are
Seeing the birds through binoculars makes them seem much nearer than they actually are.
6: their calls; the sounds that each bird makes
You should learn about their calls first. That means the sounds that each bird makes.
7: happen to hear them
However, you can identify them if you happen to hear them.
Skill Practice 2.
1: 200
There’s our Main Hall – that’s got seating for 200 people.
2: Charlton
The Charlton Room – C-H-A-R L-T-O-N. That's got seating for up to one hundred.
3: to raise money for a charity; at least 150
Well, we’re organising a dinner to raise money for a charity, and we’re hoping for at least 150 people, so I think we'll go for the Main Hall.
4: a deposit; which is returnable
And I have to tell you there’s also a deposit of £250, which is returnable of course as long as there’s no damage.
5: actual rent of the room
You can pay the actual rent of the room however you like though – cash, credit card, cheque...
6: pay extra for the kitchen
Well, you’ll have to pay extra for the kitchen if you want to use that.
7: getting a licence/ license; during the meal
For example, you’ll have to see about getting a licence if you’re planning to have any music during the meal.
8: a week or ten days; make the arrangements for entry
And about a week or ten days before your event you’ll need to contact the caretaker, that’s Mr Evans, to make the arrangements for entry - he’ll sort that out with you.
Exercise 1.
1: 3 shirts
2: Paxman
3: 42 Zinzan
4: 0734852288
5: 15th March
6: Tuesday
Exercise 2.
1: screen
2: bathroom
3: door
4: 140
5: leg
6: plates
7: 60
Exercise 3.
1: trains
2: dark
3: games
4: guided tour
5: ladder/ladders


Cùng chuỗi học, bạn xem thêm ở đây:

Bài 1: Multiple choice (Single Answer)

Bài 2: Multiple choice (Multiple Answer)

Bài 3: Note/form completion

Bài 4: Table Completion

Bài 5: Sentence/summary/flowchart/diagram completion

Bài 6: IELTS Listening - Matching Information

Bài 7: Map/ Plan/ Diagram Labelling

Các bạn cùng học, nắm vững chiến lược làm bài Listening với thầy cô nhé.