Advantage - Disadvantage là dạng bài quen thuộc với yêu cầu thí sinh phân tích mặt tích cực tiêu cực của một vấn đề/ ý kiến nào đó. IELTS Fighter đã thực hiện bài phân tích Cách viết IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng bài Advantage Disadvantage, bạn có thể click xem lại nếu cần hiểu rõ hơn cách để viết dạng bài này nhé.

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Advantage Model Essays 1

Video hướng dẫn viết và phân tích chi tiết:

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.



young people/ gap year/ university studies


young people are encouraged to take some time off before starting university


advantages/ disadvantages, which outweigh which?



in many parts of the world/ have a tendency to take a gap year
This trend has both advantages and disadvantages. This essay will discuss both sides.

Body 1

Discuss the advantages
- a great opportunity to explore/discover themselves
+ they can find out what their passion/ through many activities traveling/ volunteering/ part-time jobs
+ acquire social skills such communication -> beneficial to their career later in life

- have less of a financial burden

+ support their tuition fee

Body 2

Discuss the disadvantages

- distraction from studying

+ không còn thấy việc học thú vị

+ brains getting rusty -> fall behind/ cannot keep up with peers

- increase the risk of getting injured

+ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe thể chất, tinh thần

- recruiters don’t really appreciate gap years if they are not significant


repeat the matter
disadvantages are more substantial


In many parts of the world, young people now have a tendency to take a gap year, which is the time between finishing high school and starting university. From my perspective, this trend has various advantages as well as drawbacks. This essay will discuss both sides.

On the one hand, taking a gap year seems like a great opportunity for young people to discover themselves. This means they can take some time off to find out what they are really passionate about, which will be vital for their career choice later in life. Students usually engage in volunteering, taking on different types of jobs or traveling to another country to experience a foreign culture. Moreover, people who choose to work before entering university will have less of a financial burden and they are believed to acquire more skills than those who don’t go to work before higher education.

On the other hand, I believe that this trend can bring about several disadvantages that should not be overlooked. Firstly, the biggest drawback is distraction. In other words, young people who spend way too much time earning money or traveling might be discouraged to go back to their study. Those who actually get on with their study may find it overwhelming at first as the experience is not as relaxing and enjoyable and they are more likely to fall behind. In addition, there are risks of getting sick or injured when people travel too often; some might even have fatal accidents. Furthermore, some recruiters say that they don’t really appreciate applicants’ gap year if it’s not significant.

In conclusion, while taking some time off studying to explore the world may sound like a good idea for people who have just finished school, I strongly believe that the disadvantages that it brings are more substantial.

Words: 302

Vocabulary and Collocations:

have a tendency to/ tend to + Vinf

có xu hướng làm gì

vital (adj)

quan trọng, thiết yếu

engage in + V-ing/sth

tham gia vào

financial burden

gánh nặng tài chính

overwhelming (adj)

choáng ngợp

fall behind

tụt lại

Advantage Model Essays 2

Cùng xem phân tích qua video sau:

It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives.

Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Disadvantages Advantages

Reason: risk = failure; cost people their money, time, effort, 


professional life: quit job in search of a better position => unemployment, poverty 

personal life: trust other people => betrayed => psychological and emotional damages, embarrassment 

=> undeniable, most people play safe 

- If risk = failure; realize shortcomings/ weaknesses for future improvement, relationships: lessons to improve interpersonal skills  

- If successful, take risk: new ideas, entrepreneurial spirit => wealth

=> whether in failure or success, taking risk is good

Sample answer

There is no doubt that risk is an essential and inevitable element in human lives and careers. From a personal perspective, the downside of taking risks pales in comparison with the upside, and this essay shall shed light on the justifications for this statement. 

On the one hand, the major drawback of taking risks is the chance of failure. This is due to humans’ inability to predict the future or read others’ minds, which may cost people their money, time, and effort. In their professional lives, for instance, job hoppers seeking vacancies in different organizations may ultimately face unemployment and poverty. In their personal lives, putting trust in friends or acquaintances means accepting the risk of betrayal, information leakage, embarrassment, or even psychological and emotional damages. These adverse consequences are the undeniable reasons why normally most people would try to avoid all risks. 

On the other hand, I am firmly convinced that the beneficial outcomes of taking risks are far more significant. First, failure, which is previously mentioned as a negative consequence, is also an opportunity for development. A rejected candidate can realize his own shortcomings for better performance in the next job interview. Similarly, failure in relationships brings lessons to improve interpersonal skills. Moreover, from a more optimistic view, venturing out of one’s comfort zone, implementing novel ideas, and embracing uncertainties can also bring success. These are among the core values of entrepreneurial spirit which created million-dollar businesses. Therefore, it can be deduced that taking risk brings benefits in case of both failure and success. 

In conclusion, venturing might lead to financial losses and emotional damage. However, facing new challenges facilitates improvement in case of failure and brings wealth in case of success. As a result, the advantageous impacts can overshadow the downside. (294w, band 7.5)

Vocabulary highlight

- inevitable [adj]: không thể tránh khỏi 

- venture out of one’s comfort zone [v phr]: mạo hiểm vượt ra khỏi vùng an toàn

- face new challenges [v. phr]: sẵn sàng đối mặt với những thử thách mới

- embrace [v]: accept something 

- uncertainty [n]: sự bất định, không chắc chắn

- in search of something [prep phr]: nhằm mục đích tìm kiếm cái gì (seek [v])

- entrepreneurial spirit [n phr]: tinh thần khởi nghiệp 

- vacancy [n]: vị trí công việc còn bỏ trống, cần tuyển người = employment opportunity

- million-dollar businesses [n]: những doanh nghiệp đáng giá hàng triệu đô la 

- job hopper [n]: người nhảy việc (people changing jobs frequently) 

- interpersonal skills [n phr]: những kỹ năng giao tiếp đối nhân xử thế (soft skills)

- psychological and emotional damages [n phr]: những tổn thương về tâm lý và cảm xúc 

Advantage Model Essays 3

Cùng xem phân tích qua video sau:

 Đề bài:

In the past, people stored knowledge in books.  Nowadays, people store knowledge on the Internet. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Type Advantage - Disadvantage
Topic Internet
Subtopic (+) & (-) of storing knowledge online

Sample answer

In recent years, due to the proliferation of technology, people have a growing tendency to keep information on the Internet instead of in printed books.

It has become a debatable topic whether this change has brought about more advantages or disadvantages. From my perspective, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks for several reasons, and this essay serves to give an insight into the situation.

On the one hand, supporters of this trend often claim that the merits coming from storing knowledge online are remarkable.

Firstly, there is no denying that accessing information on the Internet offers great convenience, which is crucial in today’s world of advanced technology. Whenever people are in need of finding information that serves particular purposes, instead of spending time finding the suitable books and correct chapters like in the past, with just a few clicks on any electronic devices connected to the Internet, they can precisely locate the answers they need in no time. Secondly, keeping data online is also considered a great way of protecting the environment, as it relieves the burden of printing books, which often led to mass deforestation in the past years. In modern times, technological advances have allowed readers to conveniently upload and download hundreds of gigabytes of data, which is equivalent to millions of books, helping to preserve trees all around the world.

On the other hand, although storing information on the Internet is advantageous, it also has certain drawbacks. In the past, publishers had to carefully examine information in books before printing and distributing them. However, nowadays, anyone can put information anywhere and anytime on the Internet, so there is a huge source of unreliable information, which could negatively impact the mindset of readers. This is not to mention that Internet users could suffer from viruses that harm their electronic devices.

An alarming concern is the quality of information that is circulating online. It is an actual fact that there are thousands of types of malicious softwares and programs that could be installed on the computers, phones or laptops of individuals and organizations without their consent when they click on suspicious links.

In conclusion, there is no denying that storing information on the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, I am personally convinced that the merits outweigh its demerits, as it is a much more convenient way to search for data and also plays a role in the preservation of wood used for printing books.

Vocabulary highlight

- Remarkable (adj) đáng chú ý, đặc biệt

- Merits >< demerits: ưu điểm >< nhược điểm

- Due to the proliferation of technology: Do sự tăng trưởng nhanh của công nghệ

- Have a growing tendency to: Có xu hướng làm gì đó tăng lên

- Debatable (adj) gây tranh cãi -> Sth has become a debatable topic: Điều gì đó đã trở thành vấn đề gây tranh cãi

- Give an insight into sth: Đưa ra góc nhìn về điều gì đó

- There is no denying that: Không thể chối từ rằng

- Offer great convenience: Cung cấp một sự thuận tiện lớn

To be in need of sth: Cần điều gì đó

- Deforestation (n) nạn phá rừng

- An alarming concern is …: Một mối lo đáng báo động đó là

- This is not to mention that: Đấy còn chưa kể rằng

- Malicious (adj) gây hại

- Consent (n) sự đồng ý, sự tán thành

Advantage Model Essays 4

Cùng xem phân tích qua video sau:

Đề bài: Today different types of robots are developed which are good friends to us and help us both at home and work. Is this a positive or negative development?


Topic The ever-growing/ever-increasing/ever-expanding impacts of robots
Viewpoint companion humans and assisting humans at work or in personal life
Question Positive or negative. Advantages and Disadvantages


Positive impacts Negative impacts

(1) productivity increase and safety improvement at work;

(2) reduction in the dearth of workforce in certain industries.

(1) political repercussions;

(2) redefinition of what it means to be a human


The ever-growing impacts of robots in human life has become a perpetual concern/ an increasing topic of discussion in the last few decades. While the advancement of robotization is beneficial in certain industries, I would argue that this trend would detrimentally impact the social and political stability, and potentially redefine an existential human.

On the one hand, robots seem to contribute to productivity increase and safety improvement, and provide a vital workforce. Firstly, industrial robots working at a constant speed with no breaks or holiday could produce more precise and high-quality work than human workers. Also, these robots could save workers from performing life-threatening tasks, especially in highly hazardous working conditions, including toxic chemicals, poor lighting, or tight spaces. Secondly, companionate robots could attenuate the epidemic of loneliness caused by the scarcity of those working in healthcare for the elderly industry. Low fertility has left behind an aging population in early industrializing countries which are facing a critical undersupply of healthcare workers, which could become a thing of the past if robotics taks the role of an essential resupply of workforce.

On the other hand, I believe that robot implementation might have social and political repercussions and reconceptualize the definition of human. Firstly, the displacement effect of industrial robots in manufacturing and service industries, causing widespread layoffs, might have a rippling influence on income, families, and the local economy, leading to social disorder and civil discontent against those in power. Citizens could hold governmental officials and policy makers accountable for their unemployment, giving a rise to those campaigning based on extreme views, including anti-establishment, anti-democracy, and populist nationalism while ignoring the real reason of the trend--automation and robotics. For example, populist candidates and parties, including former U.S. President Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, built their political base around anti-immigration, xenophobia, chauvinism, and anti-globalization without mentioning the technological advancement and robotization. Some people in favor of using robots might ignore the imminent political and social catastrophe for the sake of virtually negligible increased productivity, saved manufacturing cost, and elderly healthcare. Secondly,  robot advancement might redefine what it counts as a human. While companionship robots could take the responsibility of caring the aging population, the omnipresence of sex and companionate robots might deprive human’s experiences, including the fear of loneliness, sadness, and pain. Also, humans always attempt to evolve to more than human, and ultimately immortal, and by small steps, human re-embodiment into machines could challenge our understanding of humans and reframe our notion and conviction of whether a machine with a human brain but no physical body could be considered as a human.

In conclusion, despite some advantageous  impacts of robotics, I still believe that utilizing robots assisting humans at work or companioning the elderly and those in need at home might be a harmful development.

Advantage Model Essays 5

Cùng xem phân tích qua video sau:

Đề bài:  

In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students in a classroom. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach in teaching?


Topic Technology being used in education.


Advantages – disadvantages

Mission - Plan

Body 1: advantages - 2

Body 2: disadvantages – 2



Thời đại công nghệ tdong đến nhiều k.canh cuộc sống, bao gồm g.duc. Nhiều trường đổi mới, áp dụng công nghệ. Thuyết giảng truyền thống ko còn phổ biến. Có ưu có nhược, bài này sẽ phân tích.

Technology-driven era where technology affects many aspects of our life, including education.

Traditional methods of education, revolutionised, aid of advanced softwares, lecture is no longer the primary method.

Body 1 - Advantages

Flexibility: đa dạng, đa dụng. Ví dụ, covid khiến traditional class đóng cửa, online class thịnh hành. Học tiếp ko bị cản trở. Làm việc tại nhà, nhiều người có việc. Zoom, etc.

Biggest benefit, flexibility, two different ways. No longer essential for the students to be in the classroom. Covid taught us that this way of learning is a life-saver. Distance learning facility enables people of different backgrounds, such as professionals and housewives to enroll and finish useful courses at home. Zoom…

Body 2 - Disadvantages Ko phải cũng dùng được, not comfortable, lack of technological skills and interests, exmples: most students dislike online classes. Education needs interaction. Impersonal technology cannot replace human contact. It can never be an alternative to expert tutors.

Lợi ích: học từ xa, làm từ xa, học nhiều thứ, ko cần tiếp xúc, đảm bảo an toàn dịch bệnh.

Hại: impersonal, not the best method.


We have moved into a technology-driven era where technology is affecting many different aspects of our life, including education. In some schools, recently, traditional methods of education have been revolutionised with the aid of advanced softwares to the extend that lectures are no longer the primary method of teaching students. While this new approach has some shortcomings, it also has significant benefits. This essay outlines both the advantages and disadvantages of the aforementioned approach.

Perceivably the biggest benefit of the use of technology in education is the flexibility that it offers. This is evident in two different ways. It, firstly, is no longer essential for students to be physically present in the classrooms for their courses. The COVID-19 pandemic has specifically taught us how this flexibility could be a life-saver. The distance learning facility, especially during the peak of pandemic, enables employed professionals, housewives and people across countries to enroll and successfully finish many useful courses online, offered by numerous institutes. Another area of flexibility is of course the interactive tools like “Zoom”, for example, the lecturers can use it to deliver their courses to large numbers of students.

Not everything, however, about the introduction of new technology into education is useful. Not all students, to start, are comfortable with using technology, even when they are part of the digital native generation. This is a grave issue as they may be affected by their lack of technological skills and interests. For instance, an overwhelming number of students, almost 75%, despite enthusiasm for smartphones and computers, reported that they dislike online classes due to lack of physical interaction. Another related issue is that education is a human activity, and it works best with as much human interaction as possible. Impersonal techonology, therefore, simply cannot replace traditional face-to-face tutorials and seminars. Thus, a piece of technology or tool can never be a solid alternative to expert tutors who know there students individually and teach them accordingly.

To conclude, technology in education brings some important benefits and enables distance learning. It also becomes the only way of learning during lockdowns and pandemics. However, due to the fact that it can be impersonal for some and discourages people for their lack of technological knowledge, it is not the best method to teach and learn.

(Word: 380)

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