Giới thiệu sở thích - Hobbies  bằng tiếng Anh luôn là đề tài quen thuộc từ chương trình THCS, THPT, nhưng không phải ai cũng đủ vốn từ vựng và ý tưởng để thể hiện cảm xúc của mình. Để có một bài giới thiệu đơn giản nhưng vẫn để lại ấn tượng cho người nghe, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp chi tiết các bước giúp bạn có thể tự tin chia sẻ về những điều  ấm của mình bằng tiếng Anh với mọi người nhé. 

Từ vựng tiếng Anh miêu tả sở thích 

Watch television (movie) ) 

/wɒʧ ˈtɛlɪˌvɪʒən/ (/wɒtʃ ˈmuːviz/ 

xem ti vi (phim) 

Cook nấu ăn 


nấu ăn 

Chat with friends 

/ʧæt wɪð frɛndz/ 

án gẫu với bạn bè 

Play chess: chơi cờ 

/pleɪ ʧɛs/ 

chơi cờ 

Hang out with friends 

/hæŋ aʊt wɪð frɛndz/ 

đi chơi với bạn 

Collect stamp 

/kəˈlɛkt stæmp/ 

sưu tập con tem 

Walk the dog  

/wɔːk ðə dɒg/ 

dắt chó đi dạo 

Play sports 


chơi thể thao 

Play computer games 

/pleɪ kəmˈpjuːtə geɪmz/ 

chơi game 

Play an instrument 

/pleɪ ən ˈɪnstrʊmənt/ 

chơi nhạc cụ 

Go shopping  

/gəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ 

đi mua sắm 

Listen to music  

/ˈlɪsn tuː ˈmjuːzɪk/ 

nghe nhạc 

Go camping  

/gəʊ ˈkæmpɪŋ/ 

đi cắm trại 

Take photo  

/teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊ/ 

chụp ảnh 

Play chess  

/pleɪ ʧɛs/ 

chơi cờ 

Read books  

/riːd bʊks/ 

đọc sách 

Collect things 

/kəˈlɛkt θɪŋz/ 

sưu tập đồ 



du lịch 



sở thích 



thích cái gì hơn 



tận hưởng 




Crazy about 

/ˈkreɪziəˈbaʊt / 

phát cuồng vì 

Keen on  

/kiːnɑːn / 

thích thú 

Câu hỏi về sở thích bằng tiếng Anh 

Một số câu hỏi phổ biến về sở thích 

– What’s your hobby? (Sở thích của bạn là gì?) 

– What kind of things do you like to do? (Bạn thích những điều gì?) 

–  What’s your favorite…? (food, subject, activities, sport, movie) (… ưa thích của bạn là gì?) 

– Do you have any hobbies? (Bạn có sở thích gì không?) 

Một số câu trả lời phổ biến 

- I am interested in/ I’m into/I enjoy… 

- I love to… 

- My favorite food is … 

- I have a passion for … 

- I’m keen on… 

- I am good at … 


- What do you often do in your spare time/ free time? 

- Usually I enjoy listening to music  

- What kind of spare time activities do you prefer? 

- I prefer to watch TV with my parents. 

Phrasal verb miêu tả sở thích bằng tiếng Anh 

- Take up: bắt đầu một sở thích/ hoạt động nào đó 

e.g. "I decided to take up painting as a hobby." 

- Give up: Từ bỏ làm điều gì đó  

e.g. "I had to give up gardening because of my busy schedule." 

- Hang out: dành thời gian cho ai đó và tận hưởng sở thích/ hoạt động nào đó 

e.g. "I love hanging out with my friends and playing board games." 

- Tune in: tập trung vào một công việc/ hoạt động/ sở thích nào đó  

e.g: "I can really tune in and lose track of time when I'm playing my guitar." 

- Work on: dành thời gian tập trung, duy trì hoặc nỗ lực thực hiện một việc nào đó.,

e.g. "I need to work on my golf swing if I want to improve my game." 

- Gear up: chuẩn bị cho điều gì/ sở thích/ hoạt động cần nhiều đồ đạc, dụng cụ kèm theo.  

 e.g. "I need to gear up for my camping trip by buying a tent and sleeping bag." 

Brush up on: xem lại điều gì 

e.g. "I'm going to brush up on my French before my trip to Paris so I can communicate better." 

- Check out: khám phá cái gì đó 

e.g. "I want to check out that new yoga studio and see if I like the classes." 

- Show off: khoe ra điều gì đó  

e.g. "He's always showing off his fancy camera and photography skills." 

- Keep up with: bắt kịp/ cập nhật xu hướng hoặc thông tin 

e.g. "I try to keep up with the latest fashion trends by reading fashion magazines." 

Idioms sử dụng để miêu tả sở thích

- A labor of love: công việc bạn làm vì tình cảm/ sở thích chứ không phải vì tiền bạc. 

Example: "Although he doesn't make any money from it, gardening is a real labor of love for him." 

- Blow off steam: thư giãn, thả lỏng đầu óc  

Example: "After a long week at work, I like to blow off steam by going for a run." 

- Get a kick out of: tìm thấy niềm vui từ cái gì 

Example: "She really gets a kick out of playing video games with her friends." 

- On a whim: Làm điều gì đó một cách tuỳ hứng, không lên kế hoạch trước 

Example: "I decided to take up hiking on a whim after seeing a photo of a beautiful mountain trail." 

- A breath of fresh air: thổi một làn gió mới/ mang dến sự thay đổi mới mẻ  

Example: "Taking up ballroom dancing has been a breath of fresh air for him after years of just going to work and coming home." 

- A good fit: một điều gì đó rất phù hợp với bản thân, cá tính của ai đó 

Example: "I think writing would be a good fit for her, since she's always been very creative and expressive." 

- A new lease on life: cơ may được hưởng sức khoẻ tốt hơn trước 

Example: "After retiring, he took up woodworking and it gave him a new lease on life." 

- In one's element: ở trong hoàn cảnh thuận tiện như cá gặp nước 

Example: "She's in her element when she's on stage, singing and performing for a crowd." 

- The icing on the cake: một bổng lộc kèm thêm vào một tin mừng hay một điều gì tốt đẹp. 

Example: "Winning the tournament was great, but getting to meet my favorite player was really the icing on the cake." 

- A game changer: diều gì đó làm “thay đổi cuộc chơi” 

Example: "Taking up rock climbing has been a game changer for her, because it requires her to push herself in ways she never thought possible." 

Chủ đề Hobbies trong IELTS Speaking 

Chủ đề Hobbies thường xuất hiện trong cả 3 phần của IELTS Speaking và được biết đến như một trong những topic quen thuộc nhất. 

PART 1:  

- What is your hobby? 

- Is your hobby common in your country? 

- Is your hobby the same as when you were a child? 

- Is there anybody in your family who you share your hobby with? 

- Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people? 

- Do you prefer going out or staying at home? 

- What will do if you go out? 

- When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do? 

- Do you prefer going out on your own or with friends? 

- What hobbies/free-time activities are popular in your country? 

Bạn xem thêm Topic khác hay có trong IELTS speaking nha: 

Cách trả lời câu hỏi Describe a person  

IELTS Speaking Sample answer topic Smile  

IELTS Speaking Sample Answer topic Music  

PART 2: 

Discuss your preferred pastime. You should say: 

- What exactly is it, exactly? 

- Have you been doing this for a long time? 

- What kind of company do you have when you’re doing it? 

- Also, why is this significant to you? 

Bài mẫu 

Music has always been my favorite pastime, and I have been passionate about it since I was a child. I have always felt a deep connection with music and considered it to be a vital part of my life. Even as a child, I would get hyperactive and dance around the room whenever music was played. My attachment to music was so strong that I would get angry if anyone attempted to touch the sound system. Music was my solace during difficult times, and I always felt that it had a significant impact on my life. 

As a kid, I used to sneak into the garage where my brother and his bandmates kept their musical instruments with my girlfriend. We would experiment with the instruments, attempting to play our favorite songs. Despite our efforts, we were not very successful. My love for music was not just limited to me; it ran in my family. On Friday nights, we used to have karaoke sessions, and everyone, including our parents, would participate. We recorded these sessions and sent them to our neighbors for feedback. I usually won the competition and earned a reward purchased from our personal savings. 

Even now, music remains an essential part of my life. I listen to music to shut out the world around me when I feel overwhelmed. I have a collection of sad songs that help me during difficult times, and I also listen to upbeat songs to boost my mood when I am happy. I love that music caters to every mood and situation. I often combine music with other interests, such as reading a book while listening to orchestral music in the background. 

One of the best things about music is that it has universal appeal, and it is not necessary to understand the lyrics to enjoy it. I have a diverse music collection that includes different genres from all over the world. Although I do not understand the lyrics of some of my favorite African songs, I still enjoy them. However, I have a strong preference for country and rock music. 

PART 3: 

1: Do you think men and women tend to have different types of hobbies? 

I agree with the statement that sports are usually considered a hobby among the men I know, while women tend to prefer more sedentary and calming activities like reading or crafts. However, it's worth noting that there are also many women who enjoy thrilling pursuits or have a passion for cycling. Similarly, there are men who take an interest in creative hobbies like sewing or pottery. There are always exceptions to any generalization or pattern. 

2: Why do some people become enamored with their hobbies? 

In my opinion, every person has a particular subject or activity that captivates them, whether it's something as diverse as the evolution of art, a dynamic sport such as basketball, or a creative pastime like card-making. Each individual is distinct and what fascinates one person may appear bizarre to another. Nevertheless, not everyone has the luxury to pursue their interests due to time constraints. For instance, mothers of young children typically have less free time compared to single men who devote entire weekends to playing video games. 

3: Do you believe that hobbies that keep you fit are preferable to hobbies that you can do while sitting? 

I disagree, in my opinion, the most beneficial hobbies are those that expand your knowledge, enhance your quality of life, and enable you to acquire a fresh skill. This could encompass a vast range of activities, but it's crucial to keep evolving as an individual and steer clear of monotony by always venturing into new areas. 

Trên đây là những kiến thức giúp các bạn có thể giới thiệu về sở thích bằng tiếng Anh một cách trôi chảy nhất. Cùng đón chờ những bài học tiếp theo cùng IELTS Fighter nhé.