Multiple Choice là dạng bài chọn đáp án chính xác trong nhiều đáp án cho sẵn. Đây là một trong những dạng phổ biến nhất trong bài thi IELTS Listening, xuất hiện trong hầu hết các kỳ thi và có thể gặp trong tất cả các phần. 


Bài yêu cầu chọn đáp án chính xác để hoàn thành câu hoặc trả lời câu hỏi. 

Ở dạng chọn đáp án để trả lời câu hỏi, đề bài có thể yêu cầu chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án, vì vậy trước khi nghe bạn cần chú ý đọc và kiểm tra kỹ yêu cầu của đề bài. 

Question 8- 11

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

Devils Tower national Monument

8.    Guests can inquire about routes at the

A.  Visitor Center. 

B.  climbing office. 

C.  gift shop

Dạng chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu 

Question 5-7 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

How much will Alex have to pay for his tour?

A $25

B $45

C $70

Dạng chọn đáp án để trả lời câu hỏi 

Question 5-7 

Choose THREE letters, A-G 

Which THREE things does the speaker say travelers should make sure to do when making payments overseas?

A take advantage of tax refunds

B get the correct change

C pay with money rather than cards

D avoid counterfeit cash

E pay credit card fees

F get a good exchange rate

G paid traveler taxes

Dạng chọn nhiều đáp án 



- Dạng bài Multiple choice có thể yêu cầu chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án, vì vậy bạn cần kiểm tra kỹ số lượng đáp án mà đề yêu cầu 

- Gạch chân các keyword ở câu hỏi. Ngoài ra chúng ta cũng nên đọc hết tất cả các đáp án trước khi nghe. 




3.1 Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng

Choose the correct letter A, B or C

Why can’t John go on the boat trip?

A  he doesn’t feel well.

B  he has booked theater tickets. 

C  he scared of the water.

  • Ở dạng Multiple Choice, bạn cần nghe kỹ các thông tin liên quan và tìm ra gợi ý trả lời. Các thông tin này có thể đã bị viết theo cách khác, nói cách khác từ mà bạn đọc được ở câu hỏi sẽ bị thay đổi và sẽ không giống hệt những gì bạn nghe trong băng (paraphrase). Vì vậy khi luyện tập ở nhà, bạn hãy kẻ bảng thống kê lại xem các keyword trong bài đã bị thay đổi như thế nào nhé. Ngoài ra cách này cũng sẽ giúp bạn xây dựng thêm vốn từ vựng của mình đó.

Ví dụ: 




don’t fancy

boat trip 


scared of

sick with fear

3.2 Nghe và lựa chọn đáp án đúng 

Choose the correct letter A, B or C

Alex is mostly interested in seeing

A  art galleries.a

B  contemporary culture.

C  historical sites.

  • Các đáp án sẽ được nhắc tới trong băng theo thứ tự bất kỳ. Vì vậy các bạn cần nắm được hết tất cả các đáp án để tránh bị miss mất thông tin nhé.

3.3 Nghe và lựa chọn đáp án đúng 

Choose TWO letters, A-E 

Which TWO sports will have national matches played at the Brighton Sports Complex?

A football 

B volleyball

C tennis

D swimming

E basketball

  • Với một số bài, tất cả các đáp án sẽ đều được nhắc đến trong băng, tuy nhiên sẽ chỉ có 1 số đáp án là chính xác. Nhưng đáp án còn lại được gọi là “distractors” - đáp án gây nhiễu, cho nên khi nghe thấy 1 đáp án được nhắc đến, chưa chắc đó là đáp án chính xác, nên chúng ta cần phải lắng nghe kỹ những thông tin xung quanh đáp án đó nữa. 

3.4 Nghe và lựa chọn đáp án đúng

Choose THREE letters, A-H 

Which THREE are recommended to take with you? 

A. camera 

B. food and drink 

C. mosquito repellent 

D. walking boots 

E. sunscreen

F. large bag 

G. cash 

H. extra clothes

  • Sẽ có những đáp án lúc đầu là chính xác, nhưng người nói vì một lý do nào đó sẽ biến đó thành đáp án sai. Hãy nghe kĩ những từ nối như “but”, “however”, although”,... để xác định đâu là đáp án chính xác nhé.
  • Trong trường hợp phải chọn nhiều hơn một đáp án, bạn cần lưu ý mỗi đáp án chỉ được sử dụng để trả lời cho một câu hỏi và khi điền vào phiếu trả lời, chỉ tô duy nhất một đáp án cho mỗi câu. Nếu tô nhiều hơn một, những câu đó sẽ được coi là không chính xác. 



Thường giữa các phần thi nghe, các bạn sẽ có một khoảng thời gian ngắn để check đáp án, các bạn có thể dùng khoảng thời gian này để đọc trước các câu hỏi nhé. 

Hoặc các bạn có thể chỉ tập trung vào câu hỏi, chứ không cần đọc tất cả các đáp để tiết kiệm thời gian


Hãy gạch chân tất cả những từ khoá trước khi nghe để nắm chắc nội dung chính 

Luôn luôn để ý đến câu hỏi tiếp theo 

Nếu như bạn đã miss mất 1 câu, hãy lập tức chuyển sang câu tiếp theo để tránh mất thời gian, vì khi bạn cố nghe, thì có thể sẽ bị miss luôn câu tiếp theo rồi.


Bạn có thể luyện tập bằng cách chỉ nghe nội dung của băng xem mình hiểu được bao nhiêu phần, không cần làm bài tập. 

Để có thể nghe - hiểu thì điều quan trọng nhất là phải xây dựng vốn từ vựng thật chắc chắn, khi luyện nghe bạn nên mở phần script ra và note lại những từ vựng mà mình chưa biết, đặc biệt là keyword, vì đây là những từ chứa nội dung chính của cả bài. 

Ngoài ra bạn có thể xây dựng môi trường tiếng Anh bằng cách xem phim, nghe podcast, nghe nhạc. xem video bằng tiếng Anh để tai nghe quen hơn nhé.

Mời các bạn tham khảo thêm cách làm bài:

Cách làm dạng Note Completion

Cách làm bài Sentence/Summary completion

Cách làm dạng bài Map Labelling


3.5  Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

1. Why does a ticket for the museum cost £10?

A The money is needed to fix parts of the building.

B The collection of Latin American art is unique.

C It is the only art museum in Europe.

2. The tourist office assistant suggests going to the next town for a good restaurant because 

A they overlook the sea.

B the restaurants are bigger.

C there are more restaurants to choose from.

3.6 Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng

Choose THREE letters A-F.

Give three reasons why the Yellow Plaque scheme was started.

A to boost tourism 

B to raise awareness of local history

C to increase knowledge of famous people 

D for publicity

E for architectural preservation F to raise national awareness

1_________________                                       2_________________         3_________________ 

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

4. The scheme has had the most success in

A increasing the amount of tourism in the area.

B raising the profiles of the famous people featured. 

C raising historical awareness.

5. Successful Yellow Plaque nominees have to

A have a nomination and 50 signatures.

B be approved by a central panel.

C have done something remarkable.

6. The scheme is mainly funded by

A the community.

B local councils.

C the tourist board.



A: So, there is a great walking toward tomorrow morning. For tomorrow night we could go on the cruise around Harbor. What do you think, John?

B: Well we’ve got to theater tickets for tonight, so will be too tired for the walking tour in the morning. But I don’t fancy the cruise either. 

A: Why not? It’ll be fun! Look, is the dinner cruise, and it’s only $12 each.

B: I hate the sea, and I’ll be sick with fear if the waves are big! And dinner… on a boat… I just couldn’t.

A: But we’ll be in harbor!

B: Still… Ah, but what about this? There’s a bus tour tomorrow evening. It’s only 5.50 dollars and it goes all around the main tourist sites!

B: Yeah, That sounds okay …


A  Thank you for contacting Sun Wave Tours. How may I help you?

B  Hi. My name is Alex. I’m here in Melbourne for work until this Saturday, and I want to go on the City tour that I saw advertised in your flyer. I’m available on either Wednesday or Thursday . 

A  We can certainly accommodate that. What in our city are you interested in seeing?

B  Well, I am curious about both historical sites and contemporary culture. But I’m also interested in old architecture. So, I do want to tour some art galleries more than anything. I heard that there is a national art gallery in the city.

A  Yes, there is. I actually recommend our top spot tour. It starts just in front of our office on Elizabeth Street and conclude at the national Gallery of Victoria. And there are a lot of places to get lunch in that area afterward.


Thank you. As many of you are already aware, the Brighton sports complex will be the largest athletic stadium our city has ever seen, serving primarily as the venue for national tennis matches. I am speaking today on behalf of the entire committee that helps get the projects started. I’m happy to say to all the City council members here with us today that we stayed well under our budget. The project was also finished by our completion deadline and will open as scheduled. Many of the council members already Toured the facility and were very impressed with what they saw. 

I guess now is a good time to talk about the various sports facilities that are housed in the complex. Not only does the complex house 22 tennis courts, but it also has two full-size basketball courts. One will be indoors and available to use year-round. Furthermore, it will be used for games played among regional and national teams. The complex also has a volleyball court, an indoor football field, a weight room and an Olympic size swimming pool. We are incredibly excited to welcome the citizens of Brighton to use these facilities. And soon, we will have more details about our plans for a yoga studio.


We’ll be going on a 6-mile hike and the terrain will be pretty uneven. So, you really must have some really strong footwear, like a good pair of boots. 

There will be a plenty of photo opportunities on this trip, so I know many of you will want to take a camera, but I’m afraid it is prohibited. 

I also see that many of you have your binoculars with you. However, I must explain that the forest will be pretty dense where’re we going so you may not have many opportunities to use them. 

On our trip, it will be quite shaded, you don’t need to worry about sunscreen. 

Mosquito repellent on the other hand is often useful but not at this time of year. 

We’ll be walking for a few hours so you might want to bring refreshments with you. Once you enter the park, there’s no where to buy anything so definitely that’s a must. 

Now if I were you, I’d take a good size rucksack with you as you may want to bring a change of clothing with you as well as other personal items.

I know many people recommend to take local currency with you on the trip, but the souvenir shop which is outside the park, does take credit cards, as well as dollars and euros. So, I leave that decision entirely up to you. 


A: Can I also ask you about the museum in the main square? I was reading about it in my guide book and was shocked to see that the entrance price is £10. Why does it cost so much?

B: Well, the museum has the largest collection of Latin American art in Europe. People come from all over the world to see it. But that's not the reason why it's so expensive to get in. You see, the building is very old and it needs repairs. The £10 ticket cost will go towards repairing the roof and the walls.

A: I see. Well, I suppose it's worth paying £10 to see the collection.

B: Yes, I think so too. Is there anything else I can help you with?

A: Actually, there is. I was wondering if you knew of any good restaurants in the area.

B: Well, there are a few restaurants near the harbour, and a couple on the beach which are nice. The problem is that the smell of the fish market is quite strong down there.

A: Mm, I don't think my girlfriend would be very pleased.

B: I know what you mean - it's not very romantic, is it? My advice would be to go to the next town. It’s bigger, and the restaurant selection is wider. You can get there by taxi and it only takes about ten minutes. The town is quite picturesque ... Is it for a special occasion?

A Yes, it's my girlfriend's birthday so I'd like to go somewhere special. Um, do you know any of these restaurants well enough to tell me about them?


Thank you for coming along to the Cultural Sydney talk. I'm going to start by telling you about the Yellow Plaque scheme, which has been running in Sydney for over forty years and has been incredibly successful. When you are walking around the city, you’ll see some buildings with a small round yellow plaque on them. If you take a closer look, you'll see the name and details of a famous person who lived in that very place. We have, at present, 130 plaques up in the city. The scheme has been great for tourism, but it was really started to raise awareness of the rich history of Sydney, both locally and nationally, and we think we've managed to do this. We also wanted to make people aware of the impressive list of important people who have lived in this city, and we've certainly achieved that. But that’s not all. Although not part of our original aims, the scheme has also helped preserve some of the older and more important buildings in Sydney because people now know that these buildings are a link to our past; some of the buildings are actually over 180 years old, which, for Australia, is ancient! We actually think that this is where the scheme has achieved the most success; in raising the profile of our rich history. Of course, it has helped tourism, but not only that, locals also walk around looking at the plaques. It has been really wonderful in highlighting our past. Some people are quite surprised to see who has lived here; take Errol Flynn for example. He was married in Sydney.

We are planning on putting more plaques up and a common question is how can people nominate a figure to be put on a plaque. It's quite a simple process. Applications can be downloaded from our website. If you want to nominate someone for a plague you just need the person's name, where they lived and you need three signatures to approve vour application. Our panel then checks that all the data you've submitted is correct and hopefully, within a year a new plaque will be erected. But you can't nominate just anyone! A plague can only be given to a person who is famous and has achieved something out of the ordinary, like an important politician or world-record breaking sportsman, for example. We aim to have fifty new plaques up within the next three years, and we have plenty of

funding to do so. Our funding comes from three sources: the local council, community donations and the tourist board. Whereas in the past the tourist board put in the majority of funding, now public donations count for sixty-five per cent of all total funds! In fact, our funding is so healthy now; there are plans to expand the scheme.


3.1 C

3.2 A

3.3 C E

3.4 B D F


1.A 2.C


1.B 2.F 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A

 Nguồn tham khảo: 
The Official Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training - Pauline Cullen
Listening for IELTS - Fiona Ash & Jo Tomlinson