Chủ đề Relationships thường xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS với các từ vựng quen thuộc dưới đây, các bạn cùng luyện tập và thực hành nha.

IELTS reading topic Relationships

Bài 1: Điền các cụm từ sau đây và các chỗ trống thích hợp.

registered civil partnership

whose spouses pass away

legal share

becoming ever more complicated

have welcomed the change

misled into

receive a share

 Widows or widowers (1) ____________________ without making a will are set to receive a bigger inheritance payout from next month. If a person dies without making a will, the amount left automatically to his or her spouse or civil partner is changing from £125,000 to £250,000 where there are children.

Experts (2) ____________________ , which takes effect on February 1, but emphasize that it is still important to make a wilt, particularly if you are unmarried or separated but not divorced. However, people should not be (3) ____________________ thinking that these changes mean that they do not need to make a will. It still remains the case that unmarried couples are not entitled to receive anything on the death of their other half if he or she has not made a will.

Modern family life is (4) ____________________, with second marriages and children from more than one relationship. A will is the only way to ensure that those you love or are obliged to care for are adequately provided for. After the spouse has received his or her (5) ____________________, the rest of the estate is shared by children or grandchildren. If there are none, surviving parents will get a share. If there are none of these, any brothers and sisters who shared the same two parents as the deceased will (6) ____________________.

If your family circumstances have changed, it is important that you make or update a will to ensure that your money and possessions are distributed according to your wishes. For example, you may be separated and your ex-partner now lives with someone else. If you are married or enter into a (7) ____________________, this will invalidate any previous will you have made.

Bài 2: Nối từ ở cột bên trái với định nghĩa phù hợp của nó ở cột bên phải.

1. widow

2. widower

3. spouse

4. will

5. inheritance

6. ex-partner

7. (be) separated

8. (be) divorced

9. other half (informal)

10. estate

11. deceased(noun)

12. invalidate

a. a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner (formal)

b. a former member of an established couple

c. to have stopped living together as a couple somebody's wife,

d. husband or partner

e. a person who has recently died

f. a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again

g. money or property which you receive from somebody who has died

h. a man whose wife has died and who has not married again

i. A document is which a person declares what should be done with their  money and property after they die

j. to be legally separated from a husband or wife because the marriage has ended

k. to prove that an argument, conclusion, or result is wrong or cause it to

l. all the money and property somebody leaves behind them when they die

Bài 3: Chọn nhan đề tương ứng cho mỗi đoạn sau

  1. _____________

Nicholson defines the traditional family as the unit of parents with children who live together'. The bond between husband and wife is seen as particularly important, and the family feels itself to be separate from other kin. This family group is often referred to as the nuclear family.

  1. _____________

Traditional families have disadvantages:

  • Because both partners now tend to work, they have tremendous time pressures, making it difficult to carry out satisfactory and rewarding childcare.
  • Children who are the victims of abuse by parents have relatively little opportunity to turn to other relatives for help.
  • Traditional families place a heavy burden of expectation on the partners, and, with work and childcare commitments, it may be difficult for them to provide the love and companionship each partner expects.

However, traditional families do have some advantages:

  • Their small size tends to encourage intimacy between family members, and, when the relationships work, they can be rewarding and long-lasting.
  • Traditional families can be economically successful because they are not usually expected to share their resources with others.
  1. _____________

Having someone else's child stay overnight is quite a responsibility. Some children begin having sleepovers with friends during the early school years, others still haven't started by age 11. It is important not to start too early: just because they say they want to have a sleepover at someone else's house, doesn’t mean it's a good idea. When there is a sleepover at your house, be prepared with some strategies to get the children to stop talking and calm down. Agree lights out time in advance and have some calmer activities before bedtime.

  1. Advice for sleepovers
  2. The traditional family unit
  3. The advantages and disadvantages of traditional families

Bài 4: Làm theo các yêu cầu sau.

  1. Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây với các giới từ sau.

for/ from/ in/ into/ of/ on/ over/ with

  1. Parents sometimes want to exercise too much control __________ their children.
  2. Young people often perceive their parents as interfering too much__________ their lives.
  3. It is often better to negotiate responsibilities __________ adolescents than to impose responsibilities __________ them.
  4. Children must learn to cooperate__________ others in order to achieve goals.
  5. In some countries such as Scotland, the age__________ criminal responsibility is as low as ten.
  6. When setting standards__________ behavior, the child's level of maturity needs to be taken __________ account.
  7. In order for children to distinguish right__________ wrong, they need to be held accountable __________ their actions.
  8. Parents do not always behave__________ the best interests__________ their children.

Hoàn thành các câu dưới bằng các cụm cho trước dưới đây.

Taken into account

Interfering too much in their lives

Cooperate with others

Exercise too much control over

In the best interests of

  1. It is unethical if professionals do not act …………… their clients.
  2. If a child has a disability, this has to be …………… when deciding on a programme of education.
  3. If you are applying for a job which requires teamwork, you need to demonstrate that you are able to ……………
  4. When governments impose too many rules and regulations, people often complain that the state is ……………
  5. If managers …………… their employees, workers may never develop the ability to take initiative.

Bài 5: Đọc các đoạn văn và các tiêu đề dưới đây, sau đó chọn tiêu đề khớp với mỗi đoạn văn.

Tiêu đề

i. Proteins might play a part in anaesthesia

ii. A hypothesis held before the 1980’s

iii. Effect of the two variables on proteins

iv. Findings made by Dr. Eckenhoff

v. How anaesthesia works

vi. Shapes of proteins

 Sleeping secrets

A In 1846, a Bostonian dentist called William Morton removed a tumour from the neck of a newspaper printer to whom he had administered ether. The printer felt no pain. Ever since then, doctors have been trying to fathom exactly what causes the curious state of unconsciousness, now known as anaesthesia, into which he lapsed.

B For a long time, researchers in the field believed that anaesthetics worked by dissolving in the fatty sheaths that insulate nerves. This, it was theorized, caused them to interfere with the electrical signals that pass along those nerves. Since one of the few things that anaesthetic chemicals seemed to have in common was a tendency to dissolve in fats, and their solubility was related to their effectiveness, that hypothesis looked good until the suggested electrical effects were measured in the 1980s and discovered to be too small.

C At around that time, however, another idea was becoming popular. This was that anaesthetic combine with a critical proteins in the central nervous system and bring them – and consciousness – grinding to a halt. Subsequent research has shown that anaesthetics can, indeed, bind to protein molecules, and can sometimes affect their function as a result. But nobody has yet identified the elusive proteins involved in anaesthesia. In October, however, Roderic Eckenhoff, an anaesthesiologist at the University of Pennsylvania, will publish a paper that may bring that identification closer. Though he has not found the guilty proteins, he thinks he knows something important about their characteristics, and thus how anaesthetics perform their trick.

D Proteins consists of long chains of chemical links known as amino acids. These chains, however, are usually folded up into more or less globular shapes which are held steady by weak chemical bonds between adjacent parts of the chain.

IELTS Writing Relationships

Sắp xếp lại các câu sau dựa vào các từ cho sẵn .

  1. Children/ In most countries around the world,/ are/ persons /recognized/ by/ law /as



  1. Children/ because / do not/ the/ have/ access/ to as/ their rights /adults, they /to defend. Same/ power/ lack the means



  1. Is/ It/ that /adults /important /recognize /young /the rights of /people.



  1. the duty of /Some /that /argue/ this /parents/ is /uniquely



  1. Society/ bear /must/ this /some /of/ responsibility /as a whole



  1. can /ensure/ its policies /that /into account/ Government/ children/take the interests of



  1. This /young people/ in the halls of /ensure /would/ represented /are /continuously/ power that/



  1. And/ charities/ can / Local government / that/ have / young people / access to/ confidential sources/ independent / of / help/ ensure.




Từ vựng liên quan đến nhà vợ/nhà chồng

● Mother-in-law (n) mẹ chồng/mẹ vợ

● Father-in-law(n) bố chồng/bố vợ

● Son-in-law (n) con rể

● Daughter-in-law  (n) con dâu

● Sister-in-law (n) chị/em dâu

● Brother-in-law (n) anh/em rể

Từ vựng về các kiểu gia đình

● Nuclear family   (n): Gia đình hạt nhân

● Single parent (n): Bố/mẹ đơn thân

● Extended family  n): Đại gia đình

● Only child (n): Con một

Từ vựng miêu tả các mối quan hệ trong gia đình

● Close to: Thân thiết với

● Look after:  Chăm sóc

● Get along with: Có mối quan hệ tốt với

● Bring up:  Nuôi nấng

● Admire: Ngưỡng mộ

● Age difference:  Khác biệt tuổi tác

Đáp án:


Bài 1

1. whose spouses pass away
2. have welcomed the change
3. misled into
4. becoming ever more complicated
5. legal share
6. receive a share
7. registered civil partnership

Bài 2

1f, 2h, 3a, 4i, 5g, 6b, 7c, 8j, 9d, 101,11 e, 12k

Bài 3

1. The traditional family unit 2. The advantages and disadvantages of traditional families

3. Advice for sleepovers

Bài 4

1. over; 2. in; 3. with, on; 4. with;

5. of; 6. of, into; 7. from, for; 8. in, of

Bài 5

A. v; B. ii; C. i; D. vi


1. In most countries around the world, children are recognised as persons by law.

2. Because children do not have the same access to power as adults, they lack the means to defend their rights.

3. It is important that adults recognise the rights of young people.

4. Some argue that this is uniquely the duty of parents.

5. Society as a whole must bear some of this responsibility.

6. Government can ensure that its policies take the interests of children into account.

7. This would ensure that young people are continuously represented in the halls of power.

8. Local government and charities can ensure that young people have access to independent confidential sources of help.

Các bạn cùng tham khảo học tập nha.