Chào các em, hôm nay chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau tìm hiểu về từ vựng của chủ đề “Crowded places”. Đây là một chủ đề tương đối lạ, và xuất hiện rất nhiều gần đây trong các đề thi thật quý 2 năm 2019. Vậy hãy cùng cô khám phá những từ vựng hay ho thuộc chủ đề này nhé. 

IELTS Speaking part 1 topic crowded place

1. What kind of places are crowded in where you’re living now?

I’m living in Hanoi so the city seems to be hectic all the time, especially, the old quarter area - the heart of the city where streets are often jam-packed, and if you take a stroll in this area during the weekend, you’ll be surprised by how large the crowd is.

Những từ vựng hay cần lưu ý:




hectic (adj)


đông đúc, náo nhiệt


jam-packed (adj)

/ˌdʒæm ˈpækt

chật kín


to take a stroll


đi dạo



2. Do you like crowded place?

It depends on what sort of crowded place you’re referring to. I love being in the crowd where people there share the same interests as I do or at least there’s some people that I know like a concert for example. But I don’t enjoy being around lots of strangers, I’ll start to feel extremely overwhelmed and anxious, and I tend to keep myself to myself because of my social awkwardness. Besides it feels very unpleasant when being pushed and shoved in overcrowded places.  

Những từ vựng hay cần lưu ý:




overwhelmed (adj)


choáng ngợp


anxious (adj)


lo lắng


to keep oneself to oneself


không nói chuyện với mọi người


social awkwardness

/ˈsoʊʃl ˈɔːkwərdnəs/

ngại giao tiếp


to push and shove

/pʊʃ ən ʃʌv/

chen lấn xô đẩy




quá đông đúc



 3. When was the last time you were in crowded place? 

Last month I took a trip to Ha Long, also a major tourist destination in Vietnam. It was only the beginning of the summer but there were thousands of people on the beach which was jaw-dropping. But then I managed to find a good spot to sit on the shore because it was pretty chaotic down the beach. 

Những từ vựng hay cần lưu ý: 




a major tourist destination


điểm đến du lịch nổi tiếng


jaw-dropping (adj)

/ˈdʒɔː drɑːpɪŋ/

kinh ngạc, trầm trồ đến mức há hốc mồm


chaotic (adj)


hỗn loạn




4. Do you prefer to go to crowded places or places that have few people?

Honestly, I’m always overwhelmed by the daily crunch of urban life, so I would definitely go for tranquil places where I can surround myself with relative silence and a sense of calm.

Những từ vựng hay cần lưu ý:




the daily crunch of urban life


sự xô bồ thường nhật của cuộc sống thành thị


tranquil (adj)


yên tĩnh


sense of calm


cảm giác bình tâm, yên bình



Megacity [n]: Siêu đô thị với dân số lớn, thường hơn 10 triệu người
Eg: Currently, there are 37 megacities in the world.

Exceptionally [adv]: Ngoại lệ
Eg: The weather was exceptionally mild for the time of the year

Massive [adj]: Rất lớn, tính theo kích thước, số lượng,
Eg: If the drought continues, deaths will occur on a massive scale.

Extrovert [n]: Hướng ngoại
Eg: Most sales people are extroverts.

Intimidate [v]: Hăm dọa
Eg: They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.

Prospect [n]: tiềm năng
Eg: Is there any prospect of the weather improving?

Boil down to [expression]: Biểu hiện
Eg: The problem boils down to one thing – lack of money.

Individualistic [adj]: cá nhân
Eg: Her approach is highly individualistic and may not be suitable for everyone.

Collective [adj]: Tập thể
Eg: It was a collective decision/effort.

Privacy [n]: Riêng tư
Eg: I hate sharing a bedroom – I never get any privacy.

1. What kind of places are crowded in where you’re living now?

Most often, crowded places are public venues that attract a great number of people. Megacities like New York, Beijing, and Tokyo are known for being exceptionally crowded. Photos of massive crowds of people depict these cities’ residents doing everything from walking down the street to marching in parades and even sitting in traffic.

2. Do you like crowded place?

Yes, sometimes. (Give a reason for your answer) I’m an extrovert in nature, so I like to go out and socialize with others. I like big crowds at sporting events and concerts, for example, but I can be intimidated when entering a big social gathering and facing the prospect of mingling. I think it depends on whether the event is me spectating or something where I’m expected to interact with the crowd.

3. When was the last time you were in crowded place?

Last month I took a trip to Ha Long, also a major tourist destination in Vietnam. It was only the beginning of the summer but there were thousands of people on the beach which was jaw-dropping. But then I managed to find a good spot to sit on the shore because it was pretty chaotic down the beach.

4. Do you prefer to go to crowded places or places that have few people?

Honestly, I’m always overwhelmed by the daily crunch of urban life, so I would definitely go for tranquil places where I can surround myself with relative silence and a sense of calm.

5. Why do people like to go to crowded places?

 Well, there are many reasons for this tendency. (Give a reason for your answer) After all, it boils down to the way humans conduct their lives. While some prefer to live the life of a community, others are individualistic. Cheerful people prefer sharing their activities with the crowd and take it as collective enjoyment. As a matter of fact, while young people like adventure and loudness, older people value their privacy and time with themselves.

Trên đây là một số câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu band 8 cùng từ vựng cơ bản về topic Crowded Place, các bạn lưu vào học tập nhé! 

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