Chủ đề “Game” là 1 chủ đề rất hay xuất hiện trong các bài thi Speaking, đặc biệt ở Part 1. Gần đây, trong Part 2, chủ đề “game” cũng đã được sử dụng, khi đó giám khảo sẽ yêu cầu “Describe a game you played a lot in childhood”( mô tả một trò chơi hồi nhỏ bạn hay chơi ) và mở rộng câu hỏi đó. 

Dưới đây có 4 câu hỏi về Games trích từ sách Cambridge IELTS 9 và câu trả lời mẫu, từ vựng hay mà các bạn có thể tham khảo, ứng dụng cho bài nói của mình nếu lỡ gặp topic Games nhé!

IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Games

1. What games are popular in your country? [Why?]

Loại trò chơi nào phổ biến ở nước bạn ? [Tại sao]

Khi trả lời câu hỏi “What games are popular in your country?”, hãy nói về 1 trò chơi cụ thể, và đưa ra giải thích, mô tả về trò chơi đó trong câu trả lời.

Câu trả lời mẫu 1

It varies. For our young generation, there is only one name for games that we are crazy about, which is the computer games, either single-user version or concurrent version. For the elder generation, like my grandpa, they have a lot of folk games to play, such as shuttlecock, and jumping rope. As for the reason why such kind of situation appears, personally I think it has much to do with the changes of times and technology.

Câu trả lời mẫu 2

I would say the most popular game is Plants Vs. Zombies. When it comes to the reason of popularity, I would like to summarize the following two points: firstly, this game is easy to learn; secondly, through conquering the zombies in the game, people can obtain a sense of satisfaction, which is urgently needed to push people forward.

Từ vựng nổi bật:

  • Crazy about sth (adj) /ˈkreɪzi//əˈbaʊt/: yêu thích điên cuồng 1 cái gì đấy
  • Concurrent version (n)/kənˈkʌrənt//ˈvɜːʃn/: phiên bản hiện hành
  • Adventure games (n)/ədˈventʃə(r)//ɡeɪmz/ game phiêu lưu
  • Racing games (n)/ˈreɪsɪŋ//ɡeɪmz/ game tốc độ
  • Single-user version (n) /ˈsɪŋɡl/ /ˈjuːzə(r)//ˈvɜːʃn/: phiên bản 1 người chơi
  • Role-playing games (n) /rəʊl/ /ˈpleɪɪŋ/ /ɡeɪmz/game nhập vai
  • Folk game (n) /fəʊk/ /ɡeɪm/ trò chơi dân gian
  • Shuttlecock (n) /ˈʃʌtlkɒk/ game đá cầu

2: Do you play any games? [Why/Why not?]

Bạn có chơi trò chơi nào không? Tại sao có/Tại sao không?

Khi gặp câu hỏi này, cách tốt nhất là trả lời trực tiếp việc mình có hay không chơi trò chơi. Có thể nói qua về trò chơi, mô tả về cảm nhận của cá nhân khi chơi game đó, có những gì khiến mình ưa thích/những khó khăn khi chơi game. Tức chúng ta nói về các sự ảnh hưởng của trò chơi đó về mặt tinh thần và thể chất.

Câu trả lời mẫu 1:

Before I give you my answer, I have to remind you that I'm a super game player. Of course I play games and played a great number of diversified ones. When I moved on the dancing blanket, I enjoyed the feeling of dancing to the music; When I played the Megga Jump, I couldn't help overcoming all the obstacles to win success. All these games not only help me relax but also benefit me with the ambition to succeed.

Câu trả lời mẫu 2:

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to play games, since I have to prepare for my prospective oversea study. I'm busy with participating different examinations and applying for passport and so on. If I had sufficient time, I would like to take a try.

Câu trả lời mẫu 3:

I play games but in moderation. I just see them as an adjustment method in that they can shift my attention from the endless and boring work for a while. By playing games, I can work more efficiently.

Từ vựng nổi bật

    • Super game player (n) /ˈsuːpə(r)//ɡeɪm/ /ˈpleɪə(r)/: người chơi giỏi
    • Unfortunately (adv)/ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli/: không may
    • Overcome all the obstacle /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm//ɔːl//ði/ /ˈɒbstəkl/: vượt qua mọi chướng ngại vật
    • Prepare for /prɪˈpeə(r)/ /fə(r)/: chuẩn bị cho
    • Be busy with doing sth /bi/ /ˈbɪzi//wɪð/ /ˈduːɪŋ/: bận bịu với việc gì/làm gì
    • In moderation /ɪn/ /ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃn/: điều đồ, tiết chế

3: How do people learn to play games in your country?

Ở đất nước bạn, mọi người làm cách nào tìm hiểu cách chơi các trò chơi?

Đây là dạng câu hỏi mở, thí sinh có thể trả lời dựa trên hiểu biết của mình. Cần lưu ý câu hỏi tập trung vào cách thức người chơi tiếp cận và phương pháp để học chơi các trò chơi, vì thế, khi trả lời, thí sinh có thể tưởng tượng rằng chính mình đang tìm cách tiếp cận 1 trò chơi, giúp cho bài nói chân thực hơn.

Câu trả lời mẫu 1:

Traditional games were quite simple and easy to learn. With the development of society, one huge difference nowadays is that we are obsessed with high-tech computer games. Referring to how to learn it, it's pretty convenient to find breakthrough on the Internet for player. They are experts of Counter-Strike and War Craft without devoting too much time to learning the game skills.

Câu trả lời mẫu 2:

The majority of people learn to play games during their school time. However, people also can take part in various sports and game clubs if they prefer to play more.

Câu trả lời mẫu 3:

We now live in the information age. It's a piece of cake for us to explore the skills concerning playing games. Confronting with these confusions, the majority turn to the Internet for help. Through surfing the Internet, not only can people acquire the method of playing, but they can also communicate with other garners to promote the level

Từ vựng nổi bật:

      • Be obsessed with sth /bi/ /əbˈsest//wɪð/: ám ảnh với cái gì
      • Counter-strike /ˈkaʊntə(r)//straɪk/: tên một trò chơi đấu súng
      • Breakthrough (n) /ˈbreɪkθruː/: vượt qua
      • War craft /wɔː(r)/ /krɑːft/: tên một trò chơi
      • A piece of cake /ə/ /piːs//əv//keɪk/: chuyện đơn giản, việc dễ dàng
      • Take part in /teɪk/ /pɑːt//ɪn/: tham gia vào

4: Do you think it’s important for people to play games? [Why/Why not?]

Bạn có nghĩ rằng chơi các trò chơi là việc quan trọng/nên làm không? [Tại sao?]

Câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này thường là ĐỒNG Ý. Thí sinh có thể về những lợi ích của game từ nhiều góc độ ảnh hưởng. Ví dụ, khi chơi trò chơi, có thể rèn luyện về tâm lý, giúp người chơi thư giãn, tránh áp lực. Ngoài ra, có thể nói về những trò chơi mà mình đang chơi và đưa ra ưu điểm của nó mà bản thân nhận thấy (Đưa ra câu trả lời có giải thích và ví dụ luôn được đánh giá cao)

Câu trả lời mẫu 1:

Absolutely, games are of utmost importance for people. We can benefit both physically and mentally. Taking part in some outdoor games can enhance our body flexibility. And more importantly, We can make acquaintances with people whom we meet during the games which can in turn bring us happiness.

Câu trả lời mẫu 2:

So far as I'm concerned, many companies begin to adopt team games while they are carrying out new staff training. On the one hand, team games can help new employees get familiar with the company culture, value and other co-workers as soon as possible; on the other hand, via team games, the collective sense of honor has been enhanced. Therefore, I do also believe games are essential.

Câu trả lời mẫu 3:

Definitely yes. Games are to people what condiment is to diet. Without games, our life will lose some interests and become dull. Imagine it, when you go through a tough day surrounded by tired work, when you are out of mood, and even when you don't know how to kill the time, why not take the game as a weapon to re-energize yourself?

Từ vựng nổi bật

  • Both physically and mentally /bəʊθ/ˈfɪzɪkli//ənd//ˈmentəli/: cả về thể chất và tinh thần
  • On the one hand … on the other hand /ɒn/ /ði//wʌn//hænd/: về mặt này thì …… mặt khác thì…….
  • So far as I'm concerned /səʊ//fɑː(r)//əz//aɪm//kənˈsɜːnd/: như tôi được biết
  • Games to people what condiment is to diet /ɡeɪmz/ /tuː//ˈpiːpl/ /wɒt//ˈkɒndɪmənt//ɪz/ /tuː//ˈdaɪət/: trò chơi cũng giống như gia vị khi ta thêm vào thức ăn
  • Make acquaintances with sb/sth /meɪk/ /əˈkweɪntəns/ /wɪð/ làm quen với

Part 2 Sample

Describe a game that you used to play in your childhood.

You should say about:

- What the game is;

- Why you like playing it;

- Who you play it with;

- And explain how it is played.

2. Suggested answer

Whenever it comes to my childhood, I always think of the good old days that I spent with the kids in my neighborhood. Today I am going to tell you about one of my most favorite childhood game, whose name is blind-man’s-buff and it is very popular with kids born in 1990s.

I loved the game so much that I played every afternoon after school with my next door friends. It helped me relax after a long day studying at school.

To be more specific, the game required at least three people and we usually tried to gather about nine or ten kids so as to have more fun. First we played scissors, paper, rock to choose one person who would be blindfolded and when that person was chosen, his/her eyes would be tied up so he/she couldn’t see anything then we formed a large circle around that person. The circle was not allowed to “break” under any circumstances. Everyone should run to make the circle move and make it more difficult for the blindfolded person to catch anyone. If the blindfolded kid could touch someone and say his/her name, the blindfolded kid would be free and the kid who was caught would be blindfolded this time.

I continued to play this game till I finished primary school. Though I got older, the game was not suitable for me but it was truly one of my most favorite childhood memories.


Blindfold (v) /ˈblaɪnd.foʊld/: bịt mắt

Blind-man’s-buff (n) /ˌblaɪnd.mænz ˈbʌf/: trò bịt mắt bắt dê

Next door friend (n) /ˌnekst ˈdɔːr frend/: các bạn sống gần nhà

The good old days (n): những ngày tháng quá khứ tươi đẹp

Part 3 Sample

1. Do you think winning is the most important goal for playing games?

Without a doubt winning is essential but I reckon other factors are also important. Individuals are able to learn several positive traits from games such as being cooperative, supportive, delivering strategies and even learn how to accept the failure. All of which helps to develop soft skills and benefits player much in the reality. I think acknowledging these aforementioned values from games would make the games much more competitive and interesting. Participants can also enjoy the games fullest without boring themselves of compulsorily being the winner.

2. What kinds of games do children play these days?

With the proliferation of modern technology and the widespread of the Internet, electronic devices are become more prevalent than ever. Therefore, online games are of the top choice when kids want to play games. There are several online games are available online which make children get indulged or even addicted. For example, some online games require teamwork such as league of legend, Pubg are most popular among others. I believe this phenomenon leads to negative impacts on both mental and physical health in kids.

3. Which do you think are better, indoor or outdoor games?

Well, first of all, I believe that indoor games offer the advantage of being easily accessible, especially in urban areas where outdoor spaces may be limited. I mean they provide opportunities for entertainment and social interaction within the comforts of one's home or community centers. Indoor games can also be enjoyed regardless of weather conditions or time of day. On the other hand, it is obvious that outdoor games allow people to connect with nature, engage in physical activity, and experience the thrill of open spaces. They provide opportunities for fresh air, sunshine, and a break from sedentary indoor lifestyles. Ultimately, the "better" choice depends on personal preferences, circumstances and the specific benefits or experiences individuals seek.

4. How can children benefit from playing team games?

Well, the benefits are quite clear regarding team games. Firstly, they foster valuable social and interpersonal skills. I mean children would be able to develop communication, cooperation, and collaboration abilities as they work together towards a common goal. What's more, team games also teach them about leadership, decision-making, and problem-solving. Additionally, participation in team games promotes a sense of belonging, boosting self-confidence and building friendships. It also teaches children important life skills such as resilience, discipline, and the ability to handle both success and failure.

5. Why do people like to play different games?

Well, there are a few that pop up in my head. Firstly, games provide entertainment and amusement, serving as an escape from daily routines and responsibilities. Therefore, people often claim that playing games can be a form of relaxation and stress relief, allowing individuals to unwind and have fun. Games also provide opportunities for social interaction and bonding, as they can be enjoyed with friends, family, or even strangers. Additionally, games often present challenges and puzzles that stimulate the mind and promote cognitive development. They offer a platform for individuals to test their skills, showcase their abilities, and experience a sense of achievement. The diverse range of games available caters to different interests, preferences, and skill levels, allowing individuals to find enjoyment in various activities.

6. Do you think it's good for children to play games?

I strongly believe that all of us should get involved in some sorts of games and sports as they are entertaining, educative and good for both physical and mental health. An active lifestyle keeps us fit and healthy. And playing games is the best way to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Parents should encourage their children to play outdoors sports every single day to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

7. How important would you say it is to develop a sense of competition in children?

I mean this trait can be beneficial, but it should be balanced with sportsmanship and fairness. What I want to say is that competition can drive children to strive for personal growth, push their limits, and achieve their best. It also prepares children for real-world challenges, teaching them the importance of hard work, perseverance, and healthy ambition. However, we must be utmost careful since it is crucial to ensure that competition is seen as a means of personal improvement rather than solely focusing on winning at all costs. Thus, emphasizing sportsmanship and fair play is essential, teaching children to respect their opponents, accept defeat gracefully, and celebrate success with humility.

Trên đây là 1 số câu hỏi và từ vựng hay topic Games, các bạn cùng tham khảo nhé. Những từ vựng hy vọng hữu ích cho bạn.

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