Chủ đề quản lý thời gian là một topic quen thuộc với Part 1 và part 2 theo các đề dưới đây nha.

Sample Part 1 Time Management

1. Do you like being busy?

For the most part, I enjoy being busy. Whenever I have too much time on my hands (idiom: có nhiều thời gian rảnh), I get really bored. Then I end up just lying around the house doing nothing. But when I'm busy, I feel like I have a purpose. I have something to get me up in the morning and keep me motivated.

2. Is it easy to manage time for you?

No, it’s not always easy to manage time. Even if you have a list of things to do, you might get distracted and end up wasting time. So you have to stay very focused and dedicated. Sometimes things come up and you have to manage your time differently. It's not always easy to stick to the plan (theo một kế hoạch).

3. When do you find it hard to allocate time?

I find it hard to allocate (phân bổ) time when I have a lot going on. For example, when I was in university, I was also working a part-time job. So it was hard to split my time (chia thời gian) between shifts at work and my homework. It’s difficult to figure out (xem xét, tìm ra) what part of your life deserves the most time. 

Sample Part 2

Skill-developing exercises

1. Lexical resource

Bài 1: Điền một từ vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau.  

I’m gonna (1) ____________ about the first time that I took the IELTS Test. I’ve gotta to (2) ___________ that it was an unforgettable experience and I’ve learned my lesson from it. It was a year ago, when I was a senior at (3) ______________.

2. Grammar

Bài 2: Đoạn văn sau có 3 lỗi sai. Hãy tìm và sửa chúng.

At that time I really need the IELTS certificate to complete my graduation requirements. To be honest, being a senior made me stressed out all the time. I had work on my thesis while going through a lot interviews to have an internship at the company that I wanted. So it actually left me little time to prepare my IELTS Test. Not until 2 weeks before the examination did I took the preparation more seriously.




3. Pronunciation

Bài 3: Dựa vào những phiên âm sau, hãy viết đầy đủ và chính xác từ đó.

So (1) /ˈbeɪ.sɪ.kəl.i/ _____________________ what I did was just doing some reading and listening tests, practicing speaking on my own with my phone recording, and reading some writing (2) /ˈsæm.pəl/ _____________________  without practicing any. On the test day, honestly, I freaked out. And I think you can (3) /ˈprɑː.bə.bli/ _____________________  tell why.

4. Coherence

Bài 4:  Hãy điền những cụm từ có trong bảng vào đoạn văn sau để tạo thành một đoạn văn hoàn chỉnh và có nghĩa.  

In the writing test, I was too focused on Task 1, (1)____, figures and numbers have always been my biggest fear so it took me too much time to finish the first task of the test. Moving on to the second one, (2)___, but when I looked at the clock, there were about 15 minutes left and as expected, I didn’t have enough time to complete the essay.

So I finally learned that (3)___

A. careful preparation is the most critical thing if you want to be successful.

B. I have to say that the question wasn’t too complicated to tackle

C. plus I’m not much of a Mathematician


1_______ 2_______ 3_______

Sample answer

Cue card

Describe a situation when you didn’t have enough time.

You should say about:

- When it is;

- What you were doing;

- And explain how you feel about that.

Suggested answer

Describe a situation when you didn’t have enough time.



I’m gonna talk about the first time that I took the IELTS Test. I’ve gotta to admit that it was an unforgettable experience and I’ve learned my lesson from it. It was a year ago, when I was a senior at university.


At that time I really needed the IELTS certificate to complete my graduation requirements. To be honest, being a senior made me stressed out all the time. I had to work on my thesis while going through a lot interviews to have an internship at the company that I wanted. So it actually left me little time to prepare for my IELTS Test. Not until 2 weeks before the examination did I took the preparation more seriously. So basically what I did was just doing some reading and listening tests, practicing speaking on my own with my phone recording, and reading some writing samples without practicing any. On the test day, honestly, I freaked out. And I think you can probably tell why.


In the writing test, I was too focused on Task 1, plus I’m not much of a Mathematician, figures and numbers have always been my biggest fear so it took me too much time to finish the first task of the test. Moving on to the second one, I have to say that the question wasn’t too complicated to tackle, but when I looked at the clock, there were about 15 minutes left and as expected, I didn’t have enough time to complete the essay.

So I finally learned that careful preparation is the most critical thing if you want to be successful.


Useful expressions


New words



stressed out (adj)

/ˌstrest ˈaʊt/

căng thẳng, lo âu


thesis (n)


khóa luận tốt nghiệp của sinh viên sắp ra trường

freak out (v)


bực tức, lo lắng, trở nên cảm xúc


not much of (+ Noun)

(không hẳn là)

I am not much of a good cook so I often feel worried whenever I have to cook for the whole family.

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