Chúng ta cùng tìm hiểu câu hỏi, từ vựng, sample part 1 & 2 về chủ đề Friends nhé.

Speaking part 1 topic Friends

1. In your free time, would you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?

It depends on the situation. But if I have quite a lot of spare time, of course, I prefer to be with my intimate friends because they are my source of encouragement, inspiration and affection.

spare time (n) /sper taɪm/: thời gian rảnh

intimate (adj) /ˈɪntɪmət/: thân thiết, thân mật

encouragement (n) /ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒmənt/: sự khích lệ, động viên

inspiration (n) /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/: nguồn cảm hứng

affection (n) /əˈfekʃn/: sự yêu mến

2. How much time do you spend with friends?

I don’t really have much free time since I’m in full-time employment. So normally, I get together with friends once or twice a week for meals or coffee to gossip. We also go on small trips every once in a while to maintain bonds and let off some steam.

get together (phr. v) /ɡet təˈɡeðər/: tụ họp

gossip (v) /ˈɡɑːsɪp/: chuyện phiếm

every once in a while (idm) /ˈevri wʌns ɪn ə waɪl/: thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi

bond (n) /bɑːnd/: mối quan hệ, liên hệ

let off some steam (idm) /let ɔːf sʌm stiːm/: giải tỏa căng thẳng, xả hơi

3. What kind of friends do you prefer?

I find myself attracted to people who are honest, loyal and know how to behave with others. I always avoid making friends with people who have a superiority complex. Therefore, I only have a handful of friends who share the same interests as mine and value these traits.

honest (adj) /ˈɑːnɪst/: thành thật, trung thực

loyal (adj) /ˈlɔɪəl/: trung thành

superiority complex (n) /suːˌpɪriˈɔːrəti kɑːmpleks/: mặc cảm tự tôn

trait (n) /treɪt/: đặc điểm, nét tiêu biểu

a handful of (n) /ə ˈhændfʊl əv/: một số lượng nhỏ

4. Is friendship very important to you and why?

Of course, to me, there is no doubt that friends are indispensable. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”. Not only could they make our lives more interesting, but friends also help us develop a sense of sharing whether they are tangible things or just motivational words of wisdom, especially when we have difficult moments in life.

there is no doubt that (phr) /ðer ɪz nəʊ daʊt ðæt/: chắc chắn

indispensable (adj) /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl/: không thể thiếu được

a sense of sharing (n) /sens əv ʃerɪŋ/: ý thức sẻ chia

tangible (adj) /ˈtændʒəbl/: hữu hình

words of wisdom (n) /wɜːrdz əv ˈwɪzdəm/: lời khôn ngoan

5. Do you have many friends?

Answer: Actually no, I don’t have many friends mainly because I’d have to spend a lot of time in order to keep in touch with all of them. I prefer spending my time maintaining a good friendship. Especially with those who wouldn’t complain so much about their lives and being negative or pessimistic. I have two very good friends whom I really care about.

6. How often do you see or meet your friends?

Answer: I try to meet my friends at least once a month, which may not seem much, but that seems to be enough for me to keep each other updated about our lives by talking about the issues that are affecting our lives on a daily basis. With the passage of time, we have got busy and can't meet each other every day or even every other day despite the fact that we really enjoy spending time together.

7. Is there anything special about your friends?

Answer: I am not sure what “special” really means in this context, but all of my friends are pretty “special” to me because we all take care of us each other in whichever “capacity” it is possible. But, if you are asking to name any particular “skill” or “quality”, I would say that one of my friends has great “cycling” skill while another one is a “champion” of inter-city “chess” playing tournament.


- Mainly because: chủ yếu là vì...

- Keep in touch (v): giữ liên lạc

- Negative (a): tiêu cực

- Pessimistic (a): Bi quan

- Complain (v): than phiền

- On a daily basis: Hàng ngày, thường ngày.

- Maintain (v): Duy trì

- Tournament (n): giải đấu

8. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?

Answer: My friends are mostly of the same age group even though I wouldn’t mind having friends from a different age category as well. However, I choose to stick with friends of my age mainly because it becomes rather easy to relate with each other as we all tend to talk, behave and think pretty much the same way.

9. What you did with your friends last time you met them?

Answer: It rarely happens that all of our friends are managing to meet and get together at the same time and at the same spot because of our busy life schedule, but when it does happen, we try to make the best use of the occasion. So, the last time when we all got together, we went to one of our favourite restaurant in our home town to enjoy a great meal.

10. What do you think makes a great friend?

Answer: Well, I think it is important for a friend to be thoughtful and considerate. If I make friend with someone who only cares about themselves, especially if they are arrogant and narcissistic I would immediately be put off and try to disconnect from the conversation. A great friend will offer you practical advice, will glue your feet to the ground while being supportive in your decisions.

11. Are friend important to you?

Of course, friends are essential to me as they provide emotional support, companionship, and the opportunity for social interaction. I must say that they play a significant role in my life and contribute to my overall happiness and well-being.

12. What do you and your friend do together?

With my friends, we engage in various activities depending on our shared interests. This may include going out for meals or coffee, watching movies, playing sports or games, exploring new places, or simply spending quality time chatting and catching up.

12. Do you have many friends?

I must say that I have a small circle of close friends whom I trust and rely on. I mean quality matters more to me than quantity, as strong and meaningful friendships are more valuable than having a large number of acquaintances.

13. Do you prefer one friend or many friends?

Frankly speaking, I appreciate the dynamic of having both. What I mean is that having a few close friends allows for deeper connections and a support system, while having a broader circle of friends provides the opportunity to interact with different personalities and perspectives.

14. What kind of people do you like to have as a friend?

I have to say that I highly value friends who are sincere, trustworthy, and supportive. I mean people who possess good communication skills, empathy, and a positive outlook on life would greatly make my life better while enhancing my mental health.

15. What kind of friend do you want to meet in the future?

Hopefully, I could make friends with those with mutual interests and goals, and those with whom I can grow and learn together. In fact, finding friends who provide mutual support and encouragement is always wonderful for me.

16. Do you think you are a good friend?

Well, while I believe that I always try to be sincere and positive, nobody is perfect. Through trial and error, I strive to be understanding, caring, and reliable in my friendships, and I hope that my friends perceive me as a dear companion.

17. Do you prefer to spend time with friends or alone?

Actually, both spending time with friends and enjoying solitude have their distinctive merits. I mean it really depends on the circumstances and my current mood. Friendships provide social connections and enjoyment, while alone time allows for self-reflection and personal growth.

18. Do you like to spend time with friends?

Definitely, I really cherish the time I am around my friends. To me, engaging in activities together, sharing laughter, and building meaningful connections are some of the most fulfilling experiences in life.


- Supportive (a): mang tính động viên, hỗ trợ

- Pratical advice (n): Sự khuyên nhủ thực tế (có thể áp dụng được)

- Arrogant (a): Tự cao, tự kiêu

- Narcissistic (a): Chỉ biết đến bản thân, tự luyến

- Considerate (a): Biết cảm thông, thấu hiểu, lo lắng cho người khác

- Life schedule (n): Lịch trình đời sống.

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Speaking Part 2 Friend

Describe a friend that you remember from childhood.

Skill-developing exercises

Lexical resource

Bài 1: Hãy liệt kê ra khoảng 10 từ vựng và cấu trúc mà bạn có thể sử dụng để mô tả một người bạn của mình. Bài này sẽ có nhiều cách trả lời khác nhau.

(1) _______

(2) ________

(3) ________

(4) ________

(5) ________

(6) ________

(7) _________

(8) __________

(9) ___________

(10) __________

Bài 2: Cho dạng đúng của những từ trong ngoặc sau.

I really admire Linh for several reasons. Firstly, she was not only an (1) (excel) ________ student but she was also very (2) (helpful) ________.

Despite being (3) (extreme) _______intelligent, she spent more time than anyone of us in the class to study no matter it was a compulsory or an (4) (elective) _____ subject. She was very hard-working and she was among the students who had the most outstanding in-class (5) (perform) __________. Moreover, she often gave me a tutorial if I had any difficulties in study. She also encouraged me a lot and even sends me her learning materials if I want to have (6) (far) _____ understanding of the lesson.

Bài 3: Đọc đoạn văn sau đây và gạch chân hoặc tô đậm các từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ hai.

“Second, she has an undeniable alluring style, which does not come from her clothes or accessories she wears on her body but the inborn fresh look in every situation. That is the key thing that makes her look exquisite in most kinds of outfit, from designer clothes to casual ones. Whenever I go out with her, I feel extremely proud as my aunt often dresses simple but very stunning. I really admire her style and I wish I can have a good taste for fashion to look stylish like her.”

Bài 4: Nối các vế câu với nhau ở bảng A và bảng B để tạo thành những câu hoàn chỉnh và có nghĩa.

Bảng A

1. I and Linh

2. We lived next to each other

3. We talked about many things in this world

4. Linh was also the only one

5. At that time, she was my soul sister,

6. Though it has been years since I last met her;

Bảng B

a. with whom I could hang out with the consent of my parents.

b. for example our interests, hobbies or even shared about our crush.

c. however, we still keep in touch with each other and Linh is forever my best childhood friend!

d. a person who I could rely on and trust.

e. also had a lot of fun together.

f. so we used to take turns to give each other a ride to school, played at each other’s home or went to the park together.








Gợi ý câu trả lời:


Suggested answer

cheerful; excellent; elegant; shy; brave; cute; helpful; energetic; humorous; dynamic


excellent; helpful; extremely; elective; performance; further


Second, she has an undeniable alluring style, which does not come from her clothes or accessories she wears on her body but the inborn (từ này có 2 trọng âm) fresh look in every situation. That is the key thing that makes her look exquisite in most kinds of outfit, from designer clothes to casual ones. Whenever I go out with her, I feel extremely proud as my aunt often dresses simple but very stunning. I really admire her style and I wish I can have a good taste for fashion to look stylish like her.


1e 2f 3b 4a 5d 6c

Sample answer Part 2

Cue card

Describe a friend that you remember from childhood.

You should say about:

- Who this friend is;

- What you remember from this friend;

And explain how he/she influences you.

Suggested answer

Describe a friend that you remember from childhood.



Honestly speaking, when someone asks me about a friend that I remember from childhood, the only person that I can recall vividly is Linh, who was my next door neighbor and also my classmate.


I really admire Linh for several reasons. Firstly, she was not only an excellent student but she was also very helpful.


Despite being extremely intelligent, she spent more time than anyone of us in the class to study no matter it was a compulsory or an elective subject. She was very hard-working and she was among the students who had the most outstanding in-class performance. Moreover, she often gave me a tutorial if I had any difficulties in study. She also encouraged me a lot and even sends me her learning materials if I want to have further understanding of the lesson.


I and Linh also had a lot of fun together.


We lived next to each other so we used to take turns to give each other a ride to school, played at each other’s home or went to the park together. We talked about many things in this world for example our interests, hobbies or even shared about our crush. Linh was also the only one with whom I could hang out with the consent of my parents. At that time, she was my soul sister, a person who I could rely on and trust.

Though it has been years since I last met her; however, we still keep in touch with each other and Linh is forever my best childhood friend!

Useful expressions


New words



compulsory (adj)


bắt buộc (với môn học)


elective (adj)


tự chọn (với môn học)

in-class performance (n)

/ɪn- klæs pɚˈfɔːr.məns/

cách thể hiện trong

lớp học

learning material (n)

/ˈlɝː.nɪŋ məˈtɪr.i.əl/

tài liệu học tập

soul sister (n)

/ soʊl ˈsɪs.tɚ/

người chị em


have further understanding of

(hiểu sâu hơn về cái gì)

Whenever I want to have further understanding of the lesson, Harry would always the one who was ready to give me a tutorial.

take turns to

(lần lượt làm gì)

In the exam room, we will take turns to answer the questions then we can be free.

with the consent of

(với sự đồng ý của)

With the consent of my family, I can stay at my friends’ houses when there is nobody at home.

keep in touch

(giữ liên lạc)

Though Hanh moved to German ten years ago, we still keep in touch and chat almost every week.

Trên đây là một số câu hỏi Part 1 và câu Part 2 theo chủ đề Friends, các bạn cùng tham khảo nhé.

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