Chủ đề về hoạt động ngoại khóa trong IELTS Speaking hôm nay, chúng ta cùng tìm hiểu về những câu hỏi vừa ra dạo gần đây và chắt lọc từ vựng hay, áp dụng hiệu quả nhé.

SPEAKING PART 1: Leisure activities

Các bạn hãy đọc các câu hỏi và gợi ý trả lời dưới đây!

Sau đó hãy tự quay video trả lời câu hỏi nha để tự học Speaking tốt hơn!

1. Do you have any hobbies or interests? [What are they?]

Answer: Yes, I have a number of hobbies, and I enjoy doing them depending on my mood and time. These hobbies include watching movies, reading storybooks, playing badminton and going to fishing on a bright sunny day.

2. How did you become interested in (whatever hobby/ interest the candidate mentions)?

Answer: I became interested in reading storybooks since the day my high school gave me a “storyteller” as an award for writing the best essay. My mother first introduced me to the idea of watching movies in order to keep me busy when she needed to finish some important house works. I became interested in fishing after watching some really interesting documentary on fishing on national geography TV channel a while ago. As for badminton, I became interested in it when one of my uncles gave me one badminton racket as a “gift” before some years.

3. What is there to do in your free time in your hometown/village?

Answer: I live in a very lively and vibrant town where one can do plenty of things to enjoy his or her free time. It has a few top class movie theatres where people can always watch the latest movies. If somebody is into enjoying a boat ride, he/she can always do so at a big lake in our hometown. Besides, there are a couple of large shopping malls where one can enjoy shopping for the whole day. Finally, one can also visit a number of restaurants that offer some great dishes at a really affordable price.


- At a really affordable price : Gia tiền rất hợp lí

- Shopping mall (n): trung tâm mua sắm

- Storybook (n): Sách văn học, tiểu thuyết, truyện ngắn

- Essay (n): Bài luận văn

- Badminton racket (n): Cây vợt cầu lông

- Storyteller (n): Người giỏi kể chuyện

- Mood (n): Tâm trạng

4. How do you usually spend your holidays?

Answer: It depends on what time of the year we are talking about. If it is during the summer, I spend most of my holiday times by hanging out with my friends at my favourite café or restaurants, fishing or swimming at a lake, or playing badminton. If it is during the winter time, I spend my holidays mostly indoor either by watching movies or reading books.

5. What new hobby you would like to take up in the future?

Answer: In future, I would like to choose “gardening” as my new hobby as it would allow me to make the empty space in front of my house look more beautiful. Besides, it would also allow me the opportunity to get closer to Mother Nature without having to go outside of my house.

6. Is there any hobby now that you want to drop?

Answer: Actually there is one. You see, I play a lot of online video games whenever I have free time, and the games I play are often strategically challenging. I often get enraged when I lose, or when things don't get my way. So I'm trying to reduce the time I spend on that game, so I can improve my anger management.


- Anger management (n): Sự kiềm chế cơn nóng giận

- Mother Nature (idiom): Mẹ Thiên Nhiên

- Holiday (n): Ngày nghỉ lễ quốc gia

- Vacation (n): Kì nghỉ lễ (do trường, công ty, hoặc cá nhân tạo ra)

- Spend time indoors (v): Dành thời gian trong nhà

- Spend time outdoors (v): Dành thời gian ở bên ngoài

Nào các bạn thực hành nha.

Speaking Part 2: Describe an activity

 you enjoy doing alone in your free time.

I. Skill-developing exercises

1. Lexical resource

Bài 1: Trong đoạn sau có 2 lỗi dùng từ. Hãy xác định và sửa chúng.

Ever since I was just a little kid, I’ve always enjoyed listening to music and dancing but not before I went into university did I take dance more importantly. And from that moment on, I started to practice dance anywhere anytime, especially when I’m just alone.

(1) _________________________________

(2) _________________________________

2. Grammar

Bài 2: Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở đoạn văn sau.

For me, dancing (1) (be) __________ such a great way to blow off some steam, plus it’s also a way to exercise I would say.

When you (2) (sit) __________ in front of your desk all day long working and you know being sedentary is not serving you in anyway, and if you not (3) (get) __________ that energy out, it’s gonna cripple you, so I (4) (dance) __________ to release all the stress out.

3. Pronunciation

Bài 3: Dựa vào những phiên âm sau, hãy viết từ đầy đủ và hoàn chỉnh.

Not only does it help improving my (1) /ˈfɪz.ɪ.kəl/ ____________________ health but also my mental health as well. It helps me (2) /ˈsteɪ.bə.laɪz/ ____________________ my mood, it allows my concentration to center myself when I’m working.

I often dance alone in my own room. Whenever I came across a good song on spotify and I feel like I want to make a choreography out of it or just simply do some (3) /ˈfriː.staɪl/ ____________________, I put on headphones and I just let my body start responding to the music naturally.

4. Coherence

Bài 4: Điền một liên từ vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau.

In the meantime, I also place a camera to capture all of my movements (1) _____________ when I dance, I don’t think at all and I can’t remember all the moves that I’ve made and I need to watch my footage again to see (2) _____________ my body comes up with new moves or to create a complete choreography based on the raw footage.

Dancing to me is not just a hobby (3) _____________ also a big passion in my whole life and it’s the biggest part that defines my personality. It puts a smile on my face and fills my heart with joy.

Đáp án:

B1: went into => entered; importantly => seriously

B2: is – sit – get – dance

B3: physical – stabilize – freestyle

B4: 1. since/as/because – 2. if – 3. but

II. Sample answer

1. Cue card

Describe an activity you enjoy doing alone in your free time.

You should say about:

- What the activity is;

- Why you enjoy doing it;

- And explain how you feel about that activity.

2. Suggested answer

Describe an activity you enjoy doing alone in your free time.



Ever since I was just a little kid, I’ve always enjoyed listening to music and dancing but not before I entered university did I take dance more seriously. And from that moment on, I started to practice dance anywhere anytime, especially when I’m just alone.


For me, dancing is such a great way to blow off some steam, plus it’s also a way to exercise I would say.

When you sit in front of your desk all day long working and you know being sedentary is not serving you in anyway, and if you not get that energy out, it’s gonna cripple you, so I dance to release all the stress out.


Not only does it help improving my physical health but also my mental health as well. It helps me stabilize my mood, it allows my concentration to center myself when I’m working.

I often dance alone in my own room. Whenever I came across a good song on spotify and I feel like I want to make a choreography out of it or just simply do some freestyle, I put on headphones and I just let my body start responding to the music naturally. In the meantime, I also place a camera to capture all of my movements ‘cause when I dance, I don’t think at all and I can’t remember all the moves that I’ve made and I need to watch my footage again to see if my body comes up with new moves or to create a complete choreography based on the raw footage.

Dancing to me is not just a hobby but also a big passion in my whole life and it’s the biggest part that defines my personality. It puts a smile on my face and fills my heart with joy.

III. Useful expressions

1. Vocabulary

New words



sedentary (adj)


hay ngồi nhiều, ít vận động


cripple (v)


làm cho cái gì trở nên kém hiệu quả

choreography (n)


vũ đạo

footage (n)


sự kiện thật, tình huống thật

 2. Structures

take St seriously

(coi trọng/ làm cái gì nghiêm túc)

Not until I was a senior did I take English seriously.

release all the stress out

(xả hết căng thẳng)

I play the piano and sing along whenever I want to release all the stress out.

define one’s personality

(định hình tính cách của ai đó)

Honestly, singing may help me define my personality.

respond to

(phản ứng với cái gì)

My hands respond naturally to dance music whenever there is a song.

In the meantime

(trong khi đó)

My dad is a really good cook, who can cook delicious dishes. In the meantime, my mom is not good at cooking at all.

to come up with (St)

(nảy ra/ nghĩ ra cái gì)

Have you come up with any ideas for the next workshop?

 3. Idioms

  • blow off some steam:
  • Having an ice cream while chatting with friends at the weekend in the park is also an ideal way to help me blow off some steam.

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