Chúng ta cùng tìm hiểu một số câu hỏi và đề bài xoay quanh chủ đề Parents and children nhé. Hãy thử áp dụng các từ vựng, cách trả lời này rồi tự quay video và luyện tập nha.

Speaking Part 1 Sample

Q. 1. Who are you closest to in your family?

Answer: I would say that I am closest to my mother of all my family members, mainly because my mother probably is the easiest person in the world to get along with. I can talk to my mother pretty much about everything without much of an issue and ask for her advice whenever I need it.

Q. 2. Do you get along well with your family?

Answer: Yes, I think that I get along pretty well with everybody in my family. Of course, we have disagreements over different issues from time to time, but I think that this kind of thing is a regular thing in pretty much every family. After all, the important thing is that we all settle down after a good argument at the end of the day.

Q. 3. Are your parents your role model in life? Why?

Answer: Yes, I would certainly say that my parents are the best role model in my life because I have seen how they have raised their family and stuck with it in thick and thin since the day I started to understand the world around me. My parents have been truly inspirational with their hard works and discipline and not to mention their unconditional love and dedication for me.


- Unconditional love (n): tình yêu vô điều kiện

- Dedication (n): sự tận tụy

- Discipline (n): sự kỉ luật

- Inspiration (n): nguồn cảm hứng

- Disagreement (n): sự bất đồng

- Argument (n): sự cải vã

- Thick and thin (idiom): lên voi xuống chó, lúc sung sướng lẫn hoạn nạn.

Q. 4. How much time did your parents spend with you when you were a child?

Answer: I would say that my parents managed to spend a good amount of time with me during my childhood, especially my mother who was a housewife and stayed at home all the time. However, as far as my father was concerned, he used to spend a significant amount of time outside of the home because of his work. Despite his busy work schedule, he tried his best to spend as much time as possible with me.

Q. 5. Do you want children in the future? Why?

Answer: I seriously don't think I'd have children of my own, to be frank. I lack the parenting skills and the patience to be a good parent. In fact, I don't think I even enjoy having children of other people in the same room with me. I'd leave that mission to another family. I and my partner would rather travel the world and have peace and silence at night.

Q. 6. What do you like the most about your parents?

Answer: Well, I think I like their personalities the most. My father is really funny and charismatic. He always cheer people up when they're down. He's willing to listen and to help if needed. My mom is friendly and caring. She is also respectful of my personal life and space. I honestly am so thankful to have them as my parents. I couldn't ask for better ones.


- Be willing to do something : sẵn lòng làm điều gì đó

- Respectful (a): mang tính tôn trọng, thể hiện sự tôn trọng

- Personal life (n): đời sống cá nhân

- Personality (n): tính cách

- Charismatic (a): tính thoải mái, yêu người, tốt bụng

- Parenting skills (n): những kĩ năng để làm cha mẹ

- Patience (n): sự nhẫn nại

- Silence (n): sự yên lặng

Speaking Part 2 Sample

Part 2: Describe an occasion when you spent time with a child

You should say:

Who the child was

What you did together

Why you did it

When you did it

How you felt about it

Well, this topic reminds me of the national holiday I spent with my family in May when my nephews came to visit me.

I was born in a family of three and I am the eldest sister. 7 years ago, my younger sister tied the knot with her husband working as an architect and she has got two sons now. The older one is 5 and and the younger one is 3. Basically, I work far away from home so I do not have much spare time to play with my nephews. The latest occasion was the time I visited my parents in May and had a whale of time with my wee boys. Talking about what we did together, I would say…ehm… a bunch of things. When my nephews came, I was planting some pot trees on the third floor. My older nephew just headed upstairs to find me and gave me a hug. After that, he helped me with putting soil into the pots while his younger brother was just messing up. Then, we went downstairs and I gave them a picture book, say an encyclopedia. The colorful pages of the book captured the little boys’ attention and they were all curious to ask me questions like “What’s this? What’s that”. Well, I have to say I was a bit exhausted while answering their questions but it was incredibly funny. We spent time having lunch and taking a nap together later on before going to the field and discovered the nature. I had some time to tell them about a variety of plants along the road and they were innocently posing me with questions again.

Time flies and it has been months since I had the precious moments with my nephews. I cherish every single second with my family as it is always filled with laughter and joy.

Speaking Part 3 Sample

1. Should parents give advice to help their kids decide what friends they make?

Lemme see, it strikes me that parents should offer advice to their children about choosing friends. While it's essential to allow children some autonomy in making their own decisions, parents can provide valuable guidance to ensure their safety and well-being. Parents can help children understand the importance of selecting friends who share similar values and interests. However, it's also crucial to strike a balance and not be too controlling, as children need to learn to make choices and navigate social relationships independently.

2. Do you think children should have a lot of toys?

Of course, children having toys is beneficial for their development. However, the quantity of toys isn't as important as their quality and educational value. Having a variety of toys can stimulate a child's creativity, imagination, and cognitive skills. It's essential for parents to choose toys that are age-appropriate and encourage learning through play. Excessive materialism and too many toys can be overwhelming for children, so it's important to strike a balance between playthings and other activities like outdoor play and reading.

3. Do you think that parents should make decision for their children?

Well, I suppose that parental decision-making should evolve as children grow and mature. In the early years, parents must make decisions on behalf of their children for matters related to health, safety, and education. However, as children become more independent and develop decision-making skills, parents should gradually involve them in the process. It's crucial to empower children to make age-appropriate choices and learn from their decisions while providing guidance and support. Overly controlling parenting can hinder a child's development of autonomy and decision-making skills.

4. At what age can children make decisions on their own?

It is undoubted that the ability of children to make decisions on their own varies depending on their maturity level and the nature of the decisions. In general, as children grow and develop, they become more capable of making decisions independently. Simple decisions like choosing what to wear or which book to read can be made at a relatively young age, typically around 4-5 years old. However, more complex decisions involving safety, education, or moral choices may require parental guidance and involvement until adolescence. It's essential for parents to assess their child's readiness and gradually grant them more autonomy as they become capable of handling responsibilities.

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