Ở trong phần IELTS Speaking Part 2 sẽ chia thành nhiều dạng câu hỏi khác nhau theo các chủ đề lớn như People, Thing...Và bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu với bạn các cấu trúc hay, cách trả lời câu hỏi Describe a person - chủ đề People nhé.

Hướng dẫn trả lời Speaking Part 2 People

1. Basic information IELTS Speaking Part 2 People

● Format: Độc thoại

● Giám khảo cung cấp một tờ đề bài (topic card) bao gồm đề bài và gợi ý về các ý chính bao gồm trong bài nói.

● 1 phút chuẩn bị & viết dàn ý

● 1-2 phút nói

● Sample:

Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say:

- Who he/she is

- Why you want to meet him/her

- Why he/she is famous

- and explain what you would do if you met him/her

2. Brainstorm

When describing a person, you should think about his/her:

● Personality - tính cách

● Qualities - phẩm chất

● Reputation - danh tiếng

● Stories - câu chuyện

● Impact - sức ảnh hưởng

● Work - công việc

● Talent - tài năng

3. Useful vocabulary and structures

● Reputation:

- to be well-known for sth = nổi tiếng vì...

- to have acquired a reputation for sth = đã gây dựng được tên tuổi nhờ...

- celebrity (n): người nổi tiếng

- acclaimed (adj): nổi tiếng, được hoan nghênh

- a … personality (n): người nổi tiếng trong lĩnh vực gì
(Ex: a sport personality = người nổi tiếng trong giới thể thao)

- a household name = cái tên được biết đến rộng rãi

● Talent/ Impact:

- She is a gifted musician

Cô ấy là một nghệ sĩ âm nhạc tài năng.

- She has many hits/ blockbusters.

Cô ấy có nhiều bản nhạc hit/ phim bom tấn.

- She is an accomplished businesswoman.

Cô ấy là một nữ doanh nhân rất thành đạt.

- Taylor Swift took the world by storm with the “Reputation” album.

Taylor Swift đã gây bão khắp thế giới với album Reputation.

- Jennifer Aniston became a household name in the 90s for her appearance in “Friends”

Jennifer Aniston đã trở thành cái tên được biết đến rộng rãi vào những năm 90s nhờ sự xuất hiện của cô ấy trong series Friends.

● Qualities:

- well-educated (adj): được giáo dục tốt

- kind-hearted (adj): tốt bụng

- headstrong (adj): mạnh mẽ

- independent (adj): tự lập, độc lập

- a role model = một hình mẫu lý tưởng

- to lead an exemplary life = sống một cuộc sống mẫu mực

4. People description outline - Dàn ý tả người

- Background information (thông tin nền)

- Qualities/ Reputation/ Achievements (phẩm chất, danh tiếng, thành tựu)

- Story-telling (Kể chuyện)

- Feelings (cảm nhận)

5. Cách viết note trong thời gian chuẩn bị (1 phút)


Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say:

● Who he/she is

● Why you want to meet him/her

● Why he/she is famous

● and explain what you would do if you met him/her


- Taylor Swift

- acclaimed musician (nghệ sĩ âm nhạc xuất chúng, nổi tiếng) Why famous?

- songwriting ability (khả năng sáng tác nhạc)

- has acquired reputation for many hits (đã gây dựng danh tiếng nhờ nhiều bản nhạc hit)

Why I want to meet

My role model because:

- independent (độc lập)

- headstrong (mạnh mẽ)

- calm and collected
(từ tốn, lịch thiệp)

Chat over coffee (nếu được gặp sẽ trò chuyện qua cà phê) Story-telling

- Have listened to her music since middle school (đã nghe nhạc của cô ấy từ hồi cấp 2)

- Adore her personality through interviews (yêu mến tính cách của cô ấy qua các buổi phỏng vấn)

Sample answer: Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

A celebrity that I’d be honored to meet is Taylor Swift. Swift is an acclaimed musician who has acquired a global reputation for numerous hits over the past 20 years. She is also widely known for her exceptional song-writing ability.

I started listening to Taylor Swift’s music since middle school. I’ve been a huge fan of hers ever since. I find her tunes incredibly catchy and have always admired her lyrical skills. Also, through watching numerous interviews and talk shows featuring Taylor, I’ve come to adore her calm and collected personality, which is why I’d love to be able to interact with her in person.

Furthermore, Taylor Swift has long been my role model for many reasons. She’s not only a talented musician but also an independent and headstrong woman, who works hard to achieve her goals and fight for what she believes in. She never lets backlash and criticism get in the way of her success. It would be wonderful if I could simply chat with her over coffee about how she has overcome drawbacks in her career. I could learn a lot from that.

(Một người nổi tiếng mà tôi sẽ rất vinh dự được gặp là Taylor Swift. Swift là một nghệ sĩ âm nhạc nổi tiếng, được ca ngợi, người đã đạt được danh tiếng toàn cầu với nhiều bản hit trong hơn 20 năm qua. Cô cũng được biết đến rộng rãi với khả năng sáng tác nhạc xuất chúng của mình.

Tôi bắt đầu nghe nhạc của Taylor Swift từ khi học cấp 2. Tôi đã trở thành một người hâm mộ lớn của cô ấy kể từ đó. Tôi thấy giai điệu của cô ấy vô cùng bắt tai và luôn ngưỡng mộ khả năng viết lời của cô ấy. Ngoài ra, thông qua việc xem nhiều buổi phỏng vấn và chương trình trò chuyện có sự góp mặt của Taylor, tôi càng yêu mến tính cách điềm đạm và thu hút của cô ấy, đó là lý do tại sao tôi muốn có thể trực tiếp tiếp xúc với cô ấy.

Hơn nữa, Taylor Swift từ lâu đã trở thành hình mẫu của tôi vì nhiều lý do. Cô ấy không chỉ là một nhạc sĩ tài năng mà còn là một người phụ nữ độc lập và mạnh mẽ, luôn làm việc chăm chỉ để đạt được mục tiêu và đấu tranh cho những gì cô ấy tin tưởng. Cô ấy không bao giờ để những phản ứng dữ dội và những lời chỉ trích cản trở thành công của mình. Sẽ thật tuyệt vời nếu tôi có thể đơn giản trò chuyện với cô ấy qua cà phê về tìm hiểu cách cô ấy đã khắc phục những trở ngại trong sự nghiệp của mình. Tôi có thể học được rất nhiều từ đó).

Bài mẫu + Vocabulary

Ngoài phần trên, chúng ta cùng thử sức luyện 2 đề Speaking hay gặp dưới đây về chủ đề People nhé.

Describe a person who helps protect the environment

Cùng luyện một số hoạt động dưới đây trước khi tham khảo bài mẫu nhé.

Bài 1: Hãy viết một đoạn văn ngắn (khoảng 2-3 câu) giới thiệu về một người tích cực bảo vệ môi trường mà bạn biết, bắt đầu bằng câu sau.

I would like to tell you about _________________

Bài 2: Dựa vào những từ gợi ý, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

  1. My/ mom/ have/ simple/ but/ practical/ way/ protect/ environment.


  1. She/ say/ no/ plastic/ bag/ so/ that/ why/ she/ always/ bring/ own/ cloth/ bag/ whenever/ she/ do/ grocery/ shopping.


  1. About/ several/ year/ ago, my/ grandmother/ usually/ use/ big/ plastic bag/ go/ to/ market/ because/ she/ say/ it/ convenient/ but/ my mom/ tell/ that/ it/ will/ take/ hundred/ year/ plastic bag/ dissolve.


  1. Moreover/, chemical/ from/ plastic bag/ contaminate/ water/ or/ soil, which/ may/ lead/ adverse/ effect/ our health.


  1. As/ result/, my grandmother/ not/ use/ plastic bag/ anymore.


Bài 3: Nghe đoạn băng sau và điền vào chỗ trống duy nhất 01 từ.

My mom has also told me and my family members to cut down on using products made of plastic such as (1) ______ or plastic bottles. She is ready to (2) _______ away all plastic products in my house and replace them with those made with glass or (3) ______. Although it may be more 0costly, my mom says that we must do that to protect the environment.

Bài 4: Với mỗi chỗ trống ở đoạn sau, hãy tư duy xem chúng ta sẽ điền những cụm từ gì. Sau đó hãy viết nghĩa tiếng Anh của những cụm từ này.

To sum up, she (1) ______to contribute to a cleaner environment and raise my family members’ and neighbors’ (2) _______about the importance of “living green”. If more people behave like her, I believe that we can (3) _____ environmental issues.

Sample answer

Cue card

Describe a person who helps protect the environment.

You should say about:

- Who he/she is;

- What he/she has done to protect the environment;

How he/she helps to contribute to protecting the environment.

Suggested answer

Describe a person who helps protect the environment.



I would like to tell you about an environmentally friendly person that I know very well and that person is my mother. She is a Math teacher in a secondary school in Hanoi and she is 53 years old now.


My mom has a simple but very practical way of protecting the environment. She says no to plastic bags so that’s why she always brings her own cloth bag whenever she does the grocery shopping. Several years ago, my grandmother usually used a big plastic bag when going to the market because she said it was convenient but then my mom told her that it would take hundreds of years for plastic bags to decompose. Moreover, the chemicals from plastic bags may contaminate water sources or soil, which may lead to adverse effects on our health. As a result, my grandmother doesn’t use plastic bags anymore.


My mom has also told me and my family members to cut down on using products made of plastic such as straws or plastic bottles. She is ready to throw away all plastic products in my house and replace them with those made with glass or ceramics. Although it may be more costly, my mom says that we must do that to protect the environment.


To sum up, she has made great attempts to contribute to a cleaner environment and raise my family members’ and neighbors’ awareness about the importance of “living green”. If more people behave like her, I believe that we can mitigate environmental issues.

Useful expressions - Vocabulary

New words



decompose (v)


phân hủy


contaminate (v)


làm ô nhiễm

pollute (v) /pəˈluːt/

We shouldn’t invest in companies that pollute the environment.

adverse (adj)


bất lợi, tiêu cực, không mong muốn

undesirable (adj) /ˌʌn.dɪˈzaɪr.ə.bəl/

The economic crisis has caused many undesirable effects to our country’s export and import.

ceramics (n)


gốm, sứ


costly (adj)


đắt đỏ

expensive (adj) /ɪkˈspen.sɪv/

I often treat myself to an expensive meal in a luxurious restaurant once a month.

mitigate (v)


làm giảm nhẹ

alleviate (v) /əˈliː.vi.eɪt/

The problem of poverty and illiteracy in rural areas must be alleviated.

issue (n)


vấn đề

problem (n) /ˈprɑː.bləm/

Concerted effort between government and local residents is needed to address the problem of overpopulation in some big cities in the world.


say no to

(nói không với)

My next door neighbors have decided to say no to plastic products.

do the grocery shopping

(đi mua đồ tiêu dùng)

I often do the grocery shopping for my mom when she is not at home.

cut down on (St)

(cắt giảm cái gì)

We should cut down on the use of electricity by switching of unnecessary electrical devices.

make great attempt (to do St)

(nỗ lực để làm việc gì)

My son has made great attempts to win the first prize in the upcoming Judo competiton.

raise one’s awareness (about St)

(nâng cao nhận thức của ai về cái gì)

People should raise their awareness about protecting the balance of the ecosystem.

Describe a person who is beautiful or handsome.

Luyện 4 bài tập theo tiêu chí Speaking để nâng cao ý tưởng nhé.

Bài 1: Hãy viết một đoạn văn ngắn giới thiệu về một người đẹp trai/ xinh gái mà bạn biết. Bắt đầu bằng…

 Let me tell you about the most handsome/ beautiful man/woman that I’ve ever met_______________.

Bài 2: Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở đoạn văn sau.

Let me tell you about the most handsome man that I’ve ever met and that person (1) (be) _______ none other than my dad - my biggest inspiration in life. He always (2) (be) _______a role model for me since I was born and I must say that I hold him in high repute. I’m not sure if he (3) (consider) _______ “handsome” now, but once I saw his picture when he was a university student, he (4) (look) _______really attractive dressing in an 80’s outfit. And I guess he was after by so many girls back then.

Bài 3: Nghe đoạn băng sau và điền vào chỗ trống những từ còn thiếu.

He is such a (1) ______ yet caring father and husband. Every trip he takes, never does he return home without bringing us back some gifts that he’s bought, (2) ______ for my mom, toys for my little brother and books for me. I still remember vividly the accident he had in 2011. It happened just 1 day before my class trip to China. I was scared to (3) _______ and cried my eyes out, but when he gained his (4) ________.

again, he held my hand and said, “don’t you worry about me, just go have fun with your friends, I’m alright”. It is exactly that moment when I realized how much loving and (5) ______ dad he was and that made me cry even louder.

Bài 4: Trước tiên hãy xác định bằng tiếng Việt xem những chỗ trống sau đây cần điền những từ gì. Sau đó hãy điền từ đó bằng tiếng Anh.

There’s no single day (1) _______ without us being worried about him on the sea, every time he (2) _____ back home, we all heave a sigh of relief. Now knowing that dad’s (3) _____ his life to support my family, I know he is the bravest, the strongest and the most beautiful human being.

Sample answer

Describe a person who is beautiful or handsome.

You should say about:

- Who the person is;

- How you met him/her;

- What his/her characteristics are;

And explain how you feel about him/her.

Describe a person who is beautiful or handsome.



Let me tell you about the most handsome man that I’ve ever met and that person is none other than my dad - my biggest inspiration in life. He has always been a role model for me since I was born and I must say that I hold him in high repute. I’m not sure if he is considered “handsome” now, but once I saw his picture when he was a university student, he looked really attractive dressing in an 80’s outfit. And I guess he was after by so many girls back then.


He is such a strict yet caring father and husband. Every trip he takes, never does he return home without bringing us back some gifts that he’s bought, jewel for my mom, toys for my little brother and books for me. I still remember vividly the accident he had in 2011. It happened just 1 day before my class trip to China. I was scared to death and cried my eyes out, but when he gained his conscious again, he held my hand and said, “don’t you worry about me, just go have fun with your friends, I’m alright”. It is exactly that moment when I realized how much loving and supportive dad he was and that made me cry even louder.


There’s no single day passing by without us being worried about him on the sea, every time he comes back home, we all heave a sigh of relief. Now knowing that dad’s risking his life to support my family, I know he is the bravest, the strongest and the most beautiful human being.


New words



role model (n)

/ˈroʊl ˌmɑː.dəl/

hình mẫu


caring (adj)


(tính cách) quan tâm đến người khác


hold Sb in high repute

(cực kỳ kính trọng ai)

Due to some reasons, I hold my grandfather in high repute.

gain conscious

(tỉnh lại)

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that my friend gained conscious after the accident.

There’s no single day passing by without

(không có ngày nào trôi qua mà không…)

There is no single day passing by without him drinking two bottles of milk.


  • scared to death: sợ chết khiếp
  • I was scared to deathwhen I was asked to give a presentation in front of approximately 200 people of the faculty.
  • cry one’s eyes out: khóc hết nước mắt
  • I cried my eyes outwhen I knew that my little cat died.

Describe a teenager that you know

Khởi động với 4 bài tập nhỏ, để thêm ý tưởng cho bài nói nhé.

Bài 1: Viết nghĩa tiếng Anh của những từ trong ngoặc sau.

I’m gonna talk about a youngster that I have known for years who is my little brother. He’s 17 right now, and he’s about to attend university next year. He bears a striking physical (sự giống nhau) _______ to me and even though he is 5 years younger than me. He is the tallest person in our family, and to be honest I feel kinda (xấu hổ) _________ standing next to him. And like any other teenagers, he pays a lot of attentions to his (diện mạo) _______and he likes dressing in the snazziest way, which is also the thing that I’m (đam mê) ______about.

Bài 2: Chia động từ ở các câu sau.

Well, when we were just little kids, there (1) (be) _______ a lot of rival sibling between us since we (2) (have) _____ contrasting temperaments, plus he was very stubborn back then. However, as we grew up together and we got to talk more and we (3) (do) _______ a lot of stuffs together as well, I feel like there’s a really strong bond between us two and our relationship progressively got much better. And not just fashion, we also (4) (share) ______ the same taste in music as well. Whenever I or he (5) (listen) _______ to a good song, we always tell the other person to listen to it.

Bài 3: Viết phiên âm chính xác của các từ sau.

1. taste

2. stuff

3. progressive

4. stubborn

5. relationship






Bài 4: Viết một đoạn văn ngắn dựa vào câu mở đầu và kết bài như sau. Bài này có thể có nhiều cách trả lời.

One more thing is that he is such a talented painter, _______________

He might not be a flawless person and he can be quite annoying at times, but he really has a strong sense of responsibility, and I believe I can count on him soon enough.

Suggested answer

B1: For me, ever since I was a secondary student, that’s around 10 years ago, I’ve always been a huge fan of Super Junior - a popular Korean boyband and among 13 members, the one that makes a major influence in my life is the leader, who is known as Leeteuk.

B2: was discovered – training – is

B3 : immense – ability – burst – adoring – energetic

B4 charming – in person – embrace.

Sample answer

Describe a teenager that you know.

You should say about:

- Who he or she is;

- How you met this teenager;

- What kind of person he or she is;

- What you and this person do together;

And explain how you feel about him or her.

Describe a teenager that you know.



I’m gonna talk about a youngster that I have known for years who is my little brother. He’s 17 right now, and he’s about to attend university next year. He bears a striking physical resemblance to me and even though he is 5 years younger than me. He is the tallest person in our family, and to be honest I feel kinda embarrassed standing next to him. And like any other teenagers, he pays a lot of attentions to his appearance and he likes dressing in the snazziest way, which is also the thing that I’m passionate about.


Well, when we were just little kids, there was a lot of rival sibling between us since we had contrasting temperaments, plus he was very stubborn back then. However, as we grew up together and we got to talk more and we did a lot of stuffs together as well, I feel like there’s a really strong bond between us two and our relationship progressively got much better. And not just fashion, we also share the same taste in music as well. Whenever I or he listens to a good song, we always tell the other person to listen to it.


One more thing is that he is such a talented painter, and there’s this one time I had a chance to catch a glimpse of his sketchbook, I was astonished by how amazing his artworks were.

And though we are living separately currently because I’m away from home for work, I stay in touch with him through messages, and social networks.

He might not be a flawless person and he can be quite annoying at times, but he really has a strong sense of responsibility, and I believe I can count on him soon enough.


New words



snazzy (adj)


phong cách


progressively (adv)


dần dần

gradually (adv) /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ə.li/

Gradually, he realized that she wasn’t telling the truth.

astonished (adj)


ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ



bear a striking physical resemblance to Sb

(trông rất giống ai)

She bears a striking physical resemblance to her father.

passionate about

(đam mê về cái gì)

He was so passionate about playing the guitar that he practiced whenever he came home after school.

share the same taste in

(có chung sở thích)

I and my best friend share the same taste in watching science fiction movies.

catch a glimpse of

(xem qua, nhìn qua)

When I got the chance to catch a glimpse of my sister’s sketchbook, I found that her work was amazing.

Trên đây là ba đề nổi bật chủ đề People trong Speaking Part 2. Cả nhà nhớ luyện tập và tìm hiểu thêm về các bài mẫu và từ vựng mở rộng theo chủ đề này:

Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 (PDF + VIDEO)

Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Speaking Describe a person