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Trước Khi giới thiệu về chủ đề cô muốn đố các bạn một câu hỏi và khi trả lời được câu hỏi này thì chắc chắn các bạn sẽ đoán được chủ đề học này hôm nay của chúng ta là gì? “Các bạn con trai chúng ta thường yêu bằng gì nhỉ???”

Woa vậy là các bạn suy đoán được từ câu hỏi trên các bạn con trai yêu bằng mắt và thường rất quan tâm tới ngoại hình của một cô gái, vậy ngoài hình trong tiếng Anh của chúng ta đọc là “Appearance”. Chủ đề IELTS Vocabulary mà bài học đem đến cho chúng ta chính là “Appearance”  Vậy, tất cả hãy sẵn sàng vào bài học ngay thôi nhé!

IELTS Vocabulary topic Appearance

Chúng ta cùng luyện hai bài nghe trước nhé.

Listen to two students talking about the teachers at their college and fill in the blank. (Track 1)

Jenny:    How was your first day back at college, Philip?

Philip:    Not bad. The teachers seem OK.

Jenny:    Which teachers do you have?

Philip:    Well, for Maths I have Mr… er… Oh, I can’t remember his name.  Older guy. Gray hair, (1) …………………….

Jenny:    Mr. Willis?

Philip:    No, not him. Mr. Willis doesn’t have a beard.

Jenny:    He has a (2) …………………….

Philip:    Yeah, but my Maths teacher has a beard and a mustache.  What’s his name – oh yes I know. Mr. Parker. That’s it.

Jenny:    Oh right. I have Mr. Johnson for Maths.

Philip:    Who’s he?

Jenny:    He’s a youngish guy, with brown hair down to his shoulders. He has a bit of a beard and a mustache too.

Philip:    Oh, I think I remember seeing him around. I thought he was a student.

Jenny:    Don’t be silly. He’s far too old to be a student.  Who else do you have?

Philip:    I have Mrs. Amos for Physics.

Jenny:    Is that the tall black lady? Short-haired?

Philip:    No, you’re thinking of Mrs. King. No, Mrs. Amos is… well, she’s got short auburn hair, (3) ……………………. and quite long, and a round face.

Jenny:    Oh yes. I know who you mean. Quite a (4) ……………………. woman.  She seems nice. And who do you have for Economics?

Philip:    Er… oh I can’t remember her name either. A young woman, blonde hair. (5) ……………………..

Jenny:    Miss Tully? She doesn’t do Economics. She teaches French.

Philip    Not Ms. Tully. Ms. Tully’s hair isn’t that long. It only goes as far as her shoulders. My Economics teacher’s hair goes right down her back. And she doesn’t wear glasses either. What’s her name again?

Jenny:    Oh – I know who you mean. Miss Wood!

Philip:    That’s right. Miss Wood. And I have Mr. Joseph for English.

Jenny:    Is that the bald black guy?

Philip:    Yes, that’s right. He’s good. He’s funny. Who else do you have?

Jenny:    Er… I have Mr. Chandler for Geography – do you know him?  He has short brown hair, he’s quite young.  He’s really enthusiastic!

Philip:    No, I don’t think I’ve seen him.

Jenny:    And I have Mrs. Brighouse for Psychology. Do you know her?  Older lady, with short (6) ……………………. hair and glasses. She’s quite (7) ……………………., but her lessons are really interesting.

Philip:    Oh yes, I’ve seen her around.

Tham khảo

Đáp án:

1. beard 2. mustache 3. straight 4. smiley 5. wavy 6. fair 7. serious

Jenny: How was your first day back at college, Philip?

Philip: Not bad. The teachers seem OK.

Jenny: Which teachers do you have?

Philip: Well, for Maths I have Mr… er… Oh, I can’t remember his name. Older guy. Grey hair, beard.

Jenny: Mr Willis?

Philip: No, not him. Mr. Willis doesn’t have a beard. Jenny: He has a mustache.

Philip: Yeah, but my Maths teacher has a beard and a mustache. What’s his name – oh yes I know. Mr. Parker. That’s it.

Jenny: Oh right. I have Mr. Johnson for Maths.

Philip: Who’s he?

Jenny: He’s the youngest guy, with brown hair down to his shoulders. He has a bit of a beard and a mustache too.

Philip: Oh, I think I remember seeing him around. I thought he was a student.

Jenny: Don’t be silly. He’s far too old to be a student. Who else do you have?

Philip: I have Mrs. Amos for Physics.

Jenny: Is that the tall black lady? Short-haired?

Philip: No, you’re thinking of Mrs. King. No, Mrs. Amos is… well, she’s got sort of auburn hair, straight and quite long, and a round face.

Jenny: Oh yes. I know who you mean. Quite a smiley woman. She seems nice. And who do you have for Economics?

Philip: Er… oh I can’t remember her name either. A young woman, blonde hair. Wavy. Jenny: Miss Tully? She doesn’t do Economics. She teaches French.

Philip: Not Ms. Tully. Ms. Tully’s hair isn’t that long. It only goes as far as her shoulders. My Economics teacher’s hair goes right down her back. And she doesn’t wear glasses either. What’s her name again?

Jenny: Oh – I know who you mean. Miss Wood!

Philip: That’s right. Miss Wood. And I have Mr. Joseph for English.

Jenny: Is that the bald black guy?

Philip: Yes, that’s right. He’s good. He’s funny. Who else do you have?

Jenny: Er… I have Mr. Chandler for Geography – do you know him? He has short brown hair, he’s quite young. He’s really enthusiastic!

Philip: No, I don’t think I’ve seen him.

Jenny: And I have Mrs. Brighouse for Psychology. Do you know her? Older lady, with short fair hair and glasses. She’s quite serious, but her lessons are really interesting.

Philip: Oh yes, I’ve seen her around.

Cùng rút ra một số từ vựng ở đây:








Râu quai nón


N, Adj


Người phụ nữ tóc vàng hoe; vàng hoe (thường dùng cho nữ)




Nhợt nhạt (da), vàng nhạt (tóc)



/ˈmʌstæʃ/ ; /məˈstæʃ/

Râu mép, ria




Nghiêm nghị




Thẳng (tóc)




Hay cười




Tóc xoăn lọn sóng

Exercise 2. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 3)

Samantha: Do you remember George Hawkins?

Tony: George Hawkins? That name sounds (1) ……………………. What does he look like?

Samantha: He’s really tall. He’s about 6 feet 4 inches tall. He has short (2) ……………………. hair. He is a little bit (3) ……………………. He sometimes wears glasses. And he dresses very well. And he usually wears a suit.

Tony: That name rings a bell. But I can’t picture him.

Samantha: You met him last year at the Christmas party.

Tony: I’m sorry. I don’t remember him.

Samantha: His wife’s name is Jessica. She’s kind of short. She has long (4) ……………………. hair. She’s very (5) ……………………. And very (6) …… ……………….

Tony: Oh yes. Of course I remember her. I was talking to her at Bill’s birthday party.

Samantha: They invited us for dinner next week.

Tony: Sounds good. Let’s go.

Tham khảo

Đáp án:

1. familiar 2. black 3. overweight 4. blonde 5. thin 6. stylish

Samantha: Do you remember George Hawkins?

Tony: George Hawkins? That name sounds familiar. What does he look like?

Samantha: He’s really tall. He’s about 6 feet 4 inches tall. He has short black hair. He is a little bit overweight. He sometimes wears glasses. And he dresses very well. And he usually wears the suit.

Tony: That name rings a bell. But I can’t picture him.

Samantha: You met him last year at the Christmas party.

Tony: I’m sorry. I don’t remember him. Samantha: His wife’s name is Jessica. She’s kind of short. She has long blonde hair. She’s very thin. And very stylish.

Tony: Oh yes. Of course I remember her. I was talking with her at Bill’s birthday party.

Samantha: They invited us for dinner next week. Tony: Sounds good. Let’s go.

Các từ vựng khác:

Figure /ˈfɪɡ.ər/: Vóc dáng

Beautiful Figure /ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl ˈfɪɡ.ər/: Vóc dáng đẹp

Slim Figure /slɪm ˈfɪɡ.ər/: mảnh khảnh

Hourglass Figure /ˈaʊə.ɡlɑːs ˈfɪɡ.ər/: Vóng dáng đồng hồ cát

Well Built /wel ˈbɪlt/: Vạm vỡ

Dress smartly /dres ˈsmɑː Ăn mặc ảnh bao ><  Dress slovenly : Ăn mặc lôi thôi

Get Done up: Ăn diện cho đẹp

Complexion /kəmˈplek.ʃən/: da

Fair Complexion /feər kəmˈplek.ʃən/: da trắng

Pointed face /ˈpɔɪn.tɪd feɪs/: gương mặt cằm V-line

Round face /raʊnd feɪs/: gương mặt tròn

Oval face /ˈəʊ.vəl feɪs/: mặt trái xoan

Look younger for your age: trẻ so với độ tuổi của ai đó

Be middle aged: trung niên

To get on a bit: già

 Từ vựng nâng cao bạn sử dụng để ghi điểm trong IELTS speaking





to bear a striking resemblance

Trông rất giống với…


cropped hair

Tóc cắt rất ngắn


disheveled hair

Đầu tóc bù xù


to dress up to the nines

Ăn mặc lịch sự và cuốn rũ


fair hair

Tóc nhuộm màu sáng


to be fair-skinned

Làn da sáng màu


to get done up

Ăn mặc lich sự


to be getting on a bit

Trở nên già đi


to go grey

Tóc bắt đầu ngả bạc


to be good looking

Ưa nhìn


to grow old gracefully

Trở nên chín chắn


to be hard of hearing

Bị lãng tai


in his/her 30s/40s:

Ở độ tuổi ngoài 30, 40



Ăn mặc luộm thuộm


to look young for your age

Nhìn trẻ hơn so với tuổi


to lose one’s figure

Để mất vóc dáng



Nước da đẹp


make up

Đồ trang điểm


medium height

Chiều cao trung bình



Tuổi trung niên khoảng từ 45 – 65


to never have a hair out of place

Mái tóc được cắt rất đẹp


to be overweight

Thừa cân


pointed face

Khuôn mặt nhọn


shoulder-length hair

Tóc ngang vai


slender figure

Thân hình mảnh khảnh (cao và gầy)


slim figure

Hình dáng mảnh mai (hấp dẫn)


thick hair

Tóc dày


to wear glasses

Đeo kính


to be well-built

Thân hình cơ bắp


to be well-turned out

Sáng sủa thông minh


youthful appearance

Vẻ ngoài trẻ khỏe

IELTS Speaking topic Appearance

Áp dụng từ vựng trong câu trả lời với các câu hỏi part 1, part 2 và part 3 nhé! Bạn hãy lưu ý từ vựng in đậm trong câu trả lời, đây là từ vựng sử dụng để đạt điểm tốt trong IELTS speaking.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: Do you look like any other people in your family?
Carlo: No … not at all … take my brother for example … he has short cropped hair and has quite a pointed face … he’s also quite fair-skinned compared to me …

Examiner: Tell me about your family.
Andrea: My father’s getting on a bit … he’s in his 60s … but he looks very young for his age … he still does lots of exercise and is quite well-built …

Examiner: What does your best friend look like?
Mandy: She’s the same age as me … she has shoulder-length hair … fair hair … she has a slim figure and is medium height …

Part 2-style task

Describe a person whose appearance you like. You should say

  • who this person is
  • what their relationship is to you
  • what they look like

and say what it is about their appearance you like.

Monique:  OK … I’d like to talk about my aunt … her name’s Marta and she’s quite a character … she’s middle-aged but has a very youthful appearance … she’s a little overweight I suppose but not too much … she has a friendly round face framed by thick blonde hair … she has a lovely complexion and she’s always well-turned out … she actually always looks like she’s going out for the evening to somewhere special … there’s never a hair out of place … I’ve always thought she bears a striking resemblance to someone on TV … I can’t remember the name now … she wears glasses and always seems to have a different pair on every time I see her … I like the way she looks because she wears clothes that are right for her age and manages to look glamorous without it looking like she’s too done up … yes … I’ll be happy if I look like her when I’m her age …

Part 3-style questions

Examiner:  Is it important to dress well whenever we go out?
Mark: It depends where you’re going … I know some people get done up just to go to the shops … but I don’t see the point … you shouldn’t go out looking scruffy with disheveled hair but I really don’t see the point in getting dressed up to the nines unless you’re going somewhere special …

Examiner: Do people worry too much about their appearance as they get older?
Mira: I’m sure they do … yes … but it happens to all of us doesn’t it … we all go grey eventually and get hard of hearing … we start to lose our figure … that’s why plastic surgery is so popular … personally I think we just need to grow old gracefully and not worry too much about how we look …

Examiner: Is attractiveness a quality worthwhile aiming for?
Phoebe: I’d like to say no … it shouldn’t matter what we look like in terms of our physical appearance … but unfortunately it seems women especially are taken more seriously if they are good looking with a slender figure with perfect make up and so on …

Ở cuối video bài giảng cô Thảo Uyên còn đưa thêm ví dụ thực tế giám khảo sẽ hỏi trong IELTS Speaking, các bạn lắng nghe cô đã hướng dẫn trả lời như thế nào được tốt nhất và học kỹ các từ vựng trên đây để áp dụng tốt nhất trong bài thi của bạn. 

Nguồn bài mẫu:

Bên cạnh đó, luyện nói bạn sẽ cần partner để cùng luyện tập. Nếu chưa có ai luyện tập, chữa bài cùng, bạn có thể tham gia Group IELTS Fighter - Hỗ trợ học tập đây nha.

Chúc các bạn học tập thật tốt nhé!

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