“Invention”, hay “Phát minh” nói chung, là một chủ đề khá “quen mặt” với các thí sinh khi ôn thi IELTS Speaking nhưng không phải vì quen thuộc nên chúng ta được quyền chủ quan. “Invention” là một chủ đề có thể nói là khá học thuật và khá khó vì đòi hỏi vốn từ về kỹ thuật hay sáng chế khá cao.

Tuy nhiên, với 2 subtopics “Inventors” – Các nhà phát minh và “Inventions” – Các sản phẩm sáng chế cụ thể thì các thí sinh hãy luôn tự tin với chủ đề này vì dường như nó đã bao quát khá kỹ về chủ đề chung “Invention” của chúng ta. Bây giờ thì cùng xem trong chủ đề này thì chúng ta sẽ học được những từ gì nhé!

Bạn có thể lưu về file video đọc mẫu từ Ms.Quỳnh nha:

1. INVENTORS (Nhà phát minh)

Part 1

Do you want to become an inventor in the future? (Bạn có muốn trở thành một nhà phát minh trong tương lai không?)

Sample answer


(Answer) Actually I find myself not creative enough to be an inventor. (Reason) I don’t have a necessary amount of technical know-how and patience to go through a lot of trial and error. (Example) I would like to be a person who can enjoy the inventions rather than the one who can invent them.

Technical know-how (n)

Kiến thức về công nghệ

Trial and error (n)

Quá trình thử nghiệm và thất bại

Part 2

Describe an inventor that you admire the most. (Mô tả một nhà phát minh mà bạn ngưỡng mộ nhất)

Sample answer


(Answer) Wow, to be honest, today I would like to describe Thomas Edison - an American and one of the greatest inventors of all time and he is considered one of the men that have changed the world.

(Reason) I mention him for his perseverance through a lot of trial and error and the practicability of his inventions. (Example) He is famous all over the world for being a very prolific inventor, who has more than 1,000 patents for more than 1,000 inventions throughout his life – a very impressive number! It took him many years to invent those things and his inventions range from fluoroscope, phonograph,… but the most outstanding one must be the light bulb, which is the thing that we still use today. After a lot of experiment then failure and other difficulties, he finally invented one of the greatest inventions in humankind history. The advent of the light bulb in 1880 marked a milestone in history when it put an end to darkness and people had a brand new household appliance to light.

(Example) Moreover, the phonograph, or a record player, is also one of his famous inventions. Although now it is only used by a small number of people, it used to be the most popular entertaining application for millions of people around the world. In addition, Thomas Edison is also famous for his quote: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”, which inspires people to work with perseverance and passion then success will come to them.

Practicability (n)

Tính hữu dụng

Prolific inventor (n)

Nhà khoa học có rất nhiều phát minh

Patents (n)

Bằng sáng chế

Phonograph (n)

Máy hát

Light bulb (n)

Bóng đèn điện

Experiment (n)

Thí nghiệm

Failure (n)

Thất bại

Advent (n)

Sự xuất hiện/sự ra đời

Milestone in history (n)

Dấu mốc trong lịch sử

Household appliance (n)

Thiết bị gia dụng

Part 3

What should government do to encourage inventors? (Chính phủ nên làm gì để khuyến khích các nhà phát minh?)

Sample answer


(Answer) Well, I think inventors are an indispensable part of an economy, where creativity is put in top priority and innovations are made to serve the life of people so it is crucial that inventors be encouraged. (Example) Government should raise a fund for inventors and when each invention is made, they will be awarded an amount of money. Moreover, each invention should be examined carefully and commercialized to assist inventors and make them feel more motivated to create new things.

Innovations (n)

Sự đổi mới, cải tiến

Commercialized (adj)

Thương mại hóa


Glossary Box

Technical know-how (n)

 /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl/ /ˈnəʊ.haʊ/

Kiến thức về công nghệ

Trial and error (n)

/traɪəl//ənd/ /ˈer.ər/

Quá trình thử nghiệm và thất bại

Practicability (n)


Tính hữu dụng

Prolific inventor (n)

 /prəˈlɪf.ɪk/ /ɪnˈven.tər/

Nhà khoa học có rất nhiều phát minh

Patents (n)


Bằng sáng chế

Phonograph (n)


Máy hát

Light bulb (n)

/laɪt/ /bʌlb/

Bóng đèn điện

Experiment (n)


Thí nghiệm

Failure (n)


Thất bại

Advent (n)


Sự xuất hiện/sự ra đời

Milestone in history (n)

/ˈmaɪl.stəʊn/ /ɪn/ /ˈhɪs.tər.i/

Dấu mốc trong lịch sử

Household appliance (n)


Thiết bị gia dụng

Innovations (n)


Sự đổi mới, cải tiến

Commercialized (adj)


Thương mại hóa


2. INVENTIONS (Các phát minh)

Part 1

Do you enjoy using technological devices? (Bạn có thích sử dụng các đồ dùng công nghệ không?)

Sample answer


(Answer) Definitely yes. (Example) I have to say that I am a techie and I love to browse websites in my free time to find information about the latest technological innovations. I am a big fan of them; for example, smart phone, TV or computer. I think my life would suffer a lot of difficulties if I don’t have these technological inventions.

Techie (n)

Người hiểu biết nhiều về công nghệ

Browse websites (v)

Lướt mạng


Part 2

Describe an invention that changes people’s life. (Mô tả một phát minh mà đã thay đổi cuộc sống của mọi người)

Sample answer


(Answer) Well, when it comes to invention, I would choose smart phone – which is one of the revolutionary creations of human beings.

(Reason) It is both convenient and cost-effective. (Example) In the past, when there was no smart phone, people could only get in touch with each other through telephone and it took ages to reach one person but now, with only one smart phone, we can use it for various purposes. Not only can we call others but we can also see their face, keep updated with their daily activities or do other kinds of entertainment; for example, listen to music or surf the net. Moreover, there are available applications such as Grab which helps us catch a taxi or motorbike much more easily. With this smart device, there seems to be little barrier in communication among people.

(Reason) In addition, smart phone helps reduce the cost of our call as we have online application such as Viber, Skype or Whatsapp. (Example) We can also do the shopping without going to traditional markets. With just one screen and one touch, we can get whatever we want and have them delivered to our home. People often say that with only one smart phone, they can carry the whole world with them. So you see, it is a wonderful thing to have it in our life!

Revolutionary creations (n)

Những sáng tạo mang tính cách mạng

Cost-effective (adj)

Tiết kiệm chi phí

Get in touch (v)

Giữ liên lạc

Various purposes (n)

Nhiều mục đích

Surf the net  (v)

Lướt mạng

Barrier (n)

Rào cản

Online application (n)

Ứng dụng trực tuyến

Have them delivered to (v)

Vận chuyển cái gì đến đâu


Part 3

What do you think are the drawbacks of technological inventions? (Đâu là những bất lợi của những phát minh công nghệ?)

Sample answer


(Answer) Well, I have to say yes. (Example) Technological breakthroughs help humans in many ways and our life is much more convenient. However, people now tend to rely a lot on those inventions, which might make us lazier. We will not do household chores on a regular basis as automated robots will take over them. Moreover, smart phones may hinder us from meeting face-to-face with our beloved people. I think that we should use these devices wisely to avoid being its victims.

Technological breakthroughs (n)

Những sự đột phá về công nghệ

Automated robots (n)

Rô-bốt tự động



Glossary Box

Techie (n)


Người hiểu biết nhiều về công nghệ

Browse websites (v)

/braʊz/ /ˈweb.saɪts/

Lướt mạng

Revolutionary creations (n)


Sáng tạo mang tính cách mạng

Cost-effective (adj)


Tiết kiệm chi phí

Get in touch (v)

/ɡet//ɪn/ /tʌtʃ/

Giữ liên lạc

Various purposes (n)


Nhiều mục đích

Surf the net  (v)


Lướt mạng

Barrier (n)


Rào cản

Online application (n)


Ứng dụng trực tuyến

Have (St) delivered to (v)

/hæv/ /dɪˈlɪv.ərd/ 

Vận chuyển cái gì đến đâu

Technological breakthrough (n)

/ˌtek.nəˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ /ˈbreɪk.θruː/

Sự đột phá về công nghệ

Automated robot (n)


Rô-bốt tự động

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