Một đề khó nữa mà các bạn học Task 1 thường được nhắc đến đó là đề về Cutting tools in the Stone Age. Bạn cùng tham khảo bài mẫu, video chữa, giải đáp từ vựng cùng IELTS Fighter dưới đây nhé.

Đề bài:

The diagram below shows the development of cutting tools in the Stone Age.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

đề writing cutting tools in the Stone Age

Bài mẫu: 

The two pictures compare 2 Stone Age cutting tools which were probably made and used by ancient people.
In general, while tool A was relatively simple and rudimentary, tool B was more refined.

First, 1.4 million years ago, tool A’s measurements were approximately 9 cm in length and 5 cm in width. From the front view, it had a rough surface. With a tapering shape, its biggest part was the middle, while the two ends were much smaller. The side view shows its thickness at about 2.5 cm. In the back, the large bottom part was perhaps the handle, while the pointy tip served the cutting purpose.

Dating back to 800,000 thousand years ago, tool B was nearly 12 cm long and 8 cm wide, which was significantly larger than tool A. From the front view, tool B closely resembled a water drop with a pointy tip and a round bottom. From the side view, both the edge and the tip seem straight and sharper than tool A. The back view clearly displays the bigger size of tool B compared to tool A. (186)

Vocabulary takeaway:

- Rough [adj]: gồ ghề, ko bằng phẳng >< Smooth [adj]: trơn, nhẵn, bằng phẳng

- Rudimentary [adj]: thô sơ >< Refined [adj]: đã được tinh chỉnh/ mài dũa

- Refinery/ Refinement/ Improvement/ Enhancement/ Upgrade [n]: sự cải tiến

- Refine/ Improve/ Enhance/ Upgrade [v]: nâng cấp/ tinh chỉnh

- Closely resemble [v]: trông rất giống cái gì/ ai

- Bear [v] a striking resemblance to sth/sb: trông giống cái gì đó

- Measurements [plural n]: các số đo nói chung

- Tapering [adj]: nhỏ dần về 1 đầu

- Tip [n]: đầu/mũi (vật nhọn)

- Pointy [adj]: nhọn

- Edge [n]: cạnh/lưỡi/rìa

- Sharp [adj]: sắc bén >< Dull [adj]: cùn, mòn

- Handle [n]: chuôi/tay cầm của 1 đồ vật

- Round [adj]: tròn

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