Sport là một chủ đề cũng thường gặp trong bài thi IELTS Writing bên cạnh các bài viết về Giáo dục, công nghệ hay kinh tế...Để thực hiện bài viết về chủ đề Sport sẽ cần phân tích nhiều khía cạnh khác nhau. Dưới đây là hai đề thi thật về chủ đề này, các bạn cùng tham khảo thêm nhé.

Writing: sports role in contemporary society

Link video chữa đề:

Some people think that sports play an important role in the development of society. Others think they are nothing more than a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



sports role in contemporary society


(1) sports as recreational actitivities

(2) sports as a fundamental part of social and cultural development


Discuss and give your own opinion



[TOPIC] has become a perpetual concern/contentious topic to the public in recent years. Some individuals believe that [VIEWPOINT 1], while others argue that [VIEWPOINT 2]. In this essay, I would like to discuss both of these perspectives before drawing a reasoned conclusion.

Body 1

sports as recreational activities


(1) alleviate the harmful impacts of the win-at-all-cost attitude among elite players.

(2) high stakes attitude detrimentally affect school education and student development

Body 2

sports as social and cultural development tool


(1) shape citizens’ understanding of socio-economic issues

(2) unique power to mobilize and inspire people




Sport activities have become a perpetual concern for the public in recent years. Some individuals believe that sports are nothing but purely recreational activities, while others aruge that sports play an essential role in social and cultural advancement in any community. In this essay, I would like to discuss both of these perspectives before drawing a reasoned conclusion.

On the one hand, some people claim that sports should only be considered physical recreations due to the high stakes inflicted upon elite athletes and knock-on effects on school education. Firstly, recreationalizing sports might alleviate the detrimental repercussions of the win-at-all-cost attitudes from elite players as they flagrantly disregard their own welfare. Professional atheltes tend to neglect injuries and continue playing with pain, resulting in long-term health impacts, or they might even resort to unethical means and athletic performance-enhancing drugs, including doping, for achieving championship. Secondly, the high stakes attitude could devastate school sports field and other aspects of school. While the benefits of exercise to kids’ physical and mental wellbeing are well-documented, there is a huge discrepancy between kids kicking a ball around a park and them being subject to highly structured, high-stress and high-stakes organized sports. Pushing students to the limits by partaking in overly arduous sports under the socially constructed pressure might become self-harmful and ultimately bring disruption to their personal and school lives.

On the other hand, sports activities are essential to society as a telling reflection of a society’s values. Firsly, sports in scoeity can even influence citizens’ understanding of socio-economic issues, and they can help frame national identity or divert attention to pressing issues. For instane, the recent Colin Kaepernick controversy, in which he led a movement of NFL players kneeeling during the national anthem, raised awareness of police brutality against African Americans, and led to th NFL agreeing to devote substantial funds to help reverse the trend in cities across America. Secondly, while sports can also, at times negatively impact society with corruption, scandal, and the incitement of violence, their positive influence far outweighs their negative aspects as it has an unique power to attract, mobilize and inspire people. In fact, sports are synonymous with human values, including respect for the opponent, acceptance of binding rules, teamwork and fairness. Physical activities like sports, whether for recreational, professional or educational purposes, are not merely about fitness and victory; above all, they are an essential building block of a prosperous and healthy society. Much like a country’s educational system, media, or political and social movement,s sporting events bring disparte people together by strengthening ties and celebrating the common ideals of fairness, sacrifice, hope and sportmanship.

In conclusion, despite certain validity in support of considering sports as physical recreations, I still believe that sports should serve as a fundamental part of social and human advancement.

Words: 468

Vocabulary and Collocations:

high stakes

high risk

elite sports/professional sports

elite/professional players/athletes


inflict upon


knock-on effect

hiệu ứng sâu rộng

detrimental repercussions

tác động bất lợi

win-at-all-cost attitude

thái độ thắng bằng mọi giá

unethical means

phương tiện phi đạo đức

athletic performance-enhancing drugs

thuốc tăng cương thành tích thể thảo


physicall demanding

bring disruption to

mang lại sự gián đoạn/đổ vỡ cho…..

telling reflection of

phản ánh quan trọng về

national identity

bản sắc dân tộc

police brutality

sự tàn bạo của cảnh sát

incitement of violence

kích động bạo lực

political and social movements

phong trào chính trị/xã hội

common ideals

lý tưởng chung

acceptance of binding rules

chấp nhận những quy tắc chung


tinh thần thể thao

essential building block of

một khối thiết yếu của….

Writing task 2: Extreme sports

Link video chữa chi tiết:

Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Extreme sports = high-risk activities/high-adrenaline sports


1- an absolute ban on extreme sports

2- individuals should have freedom


Discuss and give your own opinion



[TOPIC] has become a perpetual concern/contentious topic. Some individuals believe that [VIEWPOINT 1], while other claim tht [VIEWPOINT 2]. In this essay, I would like to discuss both of these viewpoints/perspectives before drawing a reasoned conclusion.

Body 1

the administration’s interest to protect health and life of citizens

1- commercialization of risk, influencing on inexperienced participants to engage in these activities with nearly no knowledge or preparation

2- the intensity of belonging to extreme culture with the social media and TV coverage

Body 2

infringement on personal liberty

1- personal freedom the cornerstone of constitutionalized states → outright ban would contravene personal choices about physical activities and hobbies

2- show the disjointed governance of the government





A wide range of high-risk, high-adrenaline activities, collectively known as extreme sports, has grown exponentially in popularity in recent years. As a result, some individuals believe that the administration should issue an outright ban on these sports, while others think that the personal liberty of choosing sports should not be violated. In this essay, I would like to discuss both of these perspectives before drawing a reasoned conclusion.

On the one hand, a complete prohibition on high-risk sports is of the administration’s interest to protect life and health of citizens, especially those inexperienced and amateurs influenced by commercial ads and media coverage. Firstly, the commercialization of risk through various tourist-oriented avenues strips the real prospect of injuries and death from the extremity, causing inexperienced non-athletes to engage in these activities for self-centered glory and fantasy while lacking basic awareness of imminent risk of harm or proper training sessions of specialized equipment use. Secondly, the intensity of belonging to a culture of extremity is repeatedly amplified through social media and TV coverage, encouraging the general public to partaking in these high-risk sports with an illusion that they are becoming part of elite athletes. This discourse surrounding extreme sports suggests that they are offering something more than conventional sports could ever offer to participants. Therefore, an absolute ban of extreme sports could reduce the life-threatening injury possibility for ill-informed participants.

On the other hand, I still argue that the decision to engage in high-adrenaline activities should be reserved for each individual as an outright ban could violently infringe on personal liberty and cause a loss of trust and confidence towards the government. Firstly, immediate personal freedom in areas of civic life has always been a cornerstone of any constitutionalized society, which means a complete prohibition on popular outdoor sports could contravene the foundational right, the right of choosing their hobbies and physical activities. Also, the failure of regulating extreme sports leading to an outright ban only shows the disjointed and siloed governance of the administration. In fact, athletes would keep venturing into mountains or high-risk sites without even less oversight in the absence of legalization. Therefore, policy makers should devise more thoughful reforms, requirng stricter mandatory kits, certifications, proper training, and improvement in infrastructure and various measures for safety, allowing individuals to make their decision on partaking in these actitvities.

In conclusion, despite well-intentioned aims to protect citizens’ life and health, I believe that people should be allowed to choose their outdoor activities as the administration should refer to refroms to achieve better regulation rather than an outright ban on extreme sports.

Words: 430.

Vocabulary and Collocations:

grow exponentially in popularity

become extremely popular

isssue an outright ban on…...

đưa ra lệnh cấm hoàn toàn

outright = complete =absolute


commercialization of risk

thương mại hóa nguy cơ

personal liberty/freedom/individualism

chủ nghĩa/tự do cá nhân

imminent risk of harm

nguy cơ tổn hại tiềm tàng


thiếu thông tin


thiếu chuẩn bị

loss of confidence

mất niềm tin


nền tảng

constitutionalized state

quốc gia hoạt động dựa trên Hiến pháp (Pháp quyền)

venture into

dấn thân vào


sự giám sát

devise reforms

đưa ra các cải cách

well-intentioned aims

mục đích có thiện chí/mục đích có ý tốt

Writing task 2: Sports (3)

Đề bài:

Large companies use sports events to promote their products.

Some people think this has a negative impact on sports.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Topic: Sports

Subtopic: Impacts of advertisements on sports


Background information

In recent decades, it has been observed that large corporations have been increasingly utilizing athletic events for the purpose of marketing and selling their goods.

- for the purpose of + doing sth: để làm được điều gì đó

- Increasingly utilizing (adv + v) tăng cường sử dụng


Whether this trend has brought about more benefits or drawbacks for sports remains a debatable issue, and this essay serves to give an insight into the situation.

- Sth remains a debatable issue: điều gì đó vẫn còn là vấn đề gây tranh cãi

- This essay serves to give an insight into the situation: Bài luận này nhằm đưa ra góc nhìn về vấn đề này

Body 1

On the one hand, it is fair to say that the monetization integrated into sports events could result in a number of disadvantages.

- Monetization (n) kiếm tiền (từ tài sản, hoạt động kinh doanh)

Firstly, as money is being poured into sports, athletes are required to allocate a remarkable amount of time to serving sponsorship contracts by showing up in promotional events and taking part in tiring advertisement productions.

- Allocate a remarkable amount of time to + N/V-ing: Dành một khoảng thời gian đáng kể vào việc gì đó

- To be poured: Được đổ vào

As a result, it could exhaust their energy, which could be better spent on practicing and competing at high levels, thus leading to poorer performance.

A well-known case of this issue in Vietnam is that of a national goalkeeper, Nguyen Van A, who was expected to be the best to guard the goal for our nation in the upcoming years. As he devoted too much of his time to acting in adverts, he gradually lost focus and confidence during important matches, which negatively affected his reputation.

- Thus + V-ing: Vì vậy + hành động

- Devote time: Dành thời gian

Secondly, it is a fact that in global sports competitions like the Euros, World Cup or NBA, there are often tens or hundreds of brands advertising in various approaches and forms.

- It is a(n) (actual) fact that: Đó là một sự thật rằng

Consequently, it leads to the audience’s negative feelings of being bombarded with annoying and frustrating commercials, adversely influencing the pure enjoyment of sports that they expect.

Body 2 

On the other hand, there is no denying that financial gains from advertisements in sports could bring significant advantages for several reasons.

- There is no denying that: Không thể chối từ rằng

With a huge source of money flowing in, establishments could invest in constructing and maintaining stadiums and arenas, improving the quality of medical treatments given to players and staff, and ensuring security throughout sports events

The positive outcome of this could be the immense joy of sports lovers around the world, which could sometimes be memorable for a lifetime.

The success of an athletic event could also boost the image of the host country, leading to more commercial opportunities or political advantages in the future.

- Immense (adj): rất lớn

- Memorable (adj): đáng nhớ

Furthermore, more money would be a big motivation for youngsters who want to pursue a career in professional sports.

For example, advertisements have given sports stars like Ronaldo, Messi life-changing payment, allowing them to fully concentrate on playing football and achieving admirable performances.

- Pursue (v) pursuit (n) : theo đuổi

- Admirable (adj) đáng ngưỡng mộ


In conclusion, it is undeniable that there are both merits and demerits of commercialization in sports.

- Merit (n) ưu điểm >< demerit (n) nhược điểm

Nevertheless, I am personally convinced that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, as financial gains from advertising allow better conditions for sports competitions, as well as motivate young people to take part in sports and perform the best.

Bài mẫu hoàn chỉnh:

In recent decades, it has been observed that large corporations have been increasingly utilizing athletic events for the purpose of marketing and selling their goods. Whether this trend has brought about more benefits or drawbacks for sports remains a debatable issue, and this essay serves to give an insight into the situation.

On the one hand, it is fair to say that the monetization integrated into sports events could result in a number of disadvantages. Firstly, as money is being poured into sports, athletes are required to allocate a remarkable amount of time to serving sponsorship contracts by showing up in promotional events and taking part in tiring advertisement productions. As a result, it could exhaust their energy, which could be better spent on practicing and competing at high levels, thus leading to poorer performance. A well-known case of this issue in Vietnam is that of a national goalkeeper, Nguyen Van A, who was expected to be the best to guard the goal for our nation in the upcoming years. As he devoted too much of his time to acting in adverts, he gradually lost focus and confidence during important matches, which negatively affected his reputation. Secondly, it is a fact that in global sports competitions like the Euros, World Cup or NBA, there are often tens or hundreds of brands advertising in various approaches and forms. Consequently, it leads to the audience’s negative feelings of being bombarded with annoying and frustrating commercials, adversely influencing the pure enjoyment of sports that they expect.

On the other hand, there is no denying that financial gains from advertisements in sports could bring significant advantages for several reasons. With a huge source of money flowing in, establishments could invest in constructing and maintaining stadiums and arenas, improving the quality of medical treatments given to players and staff, and ensuring security throughout sports events. The positive outcome of this could be the immense joy of sports lovers around the world, which could sometimes be memorable for a lifetime. The success of an athletic event could also boost the image of the host country, leading to more commercial opportunities or political advantages in the future. Furthermore, more money would be a big motivation for youngsters who want to pursue a career in professional sports. For example, advertisements have given sports stars like Ronaldo, Messi life-changing payment, allowing them to fully concentrate on playing football and achieving admirable performances.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that there are both merits and demerits of commercialization in sports. Nevertheless, I am personally convinced that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, as financial gains from advertising allow better conditions for sports competitions, as well as motivate young people to take part in sports and perform the best.

Từ vựng và collocation:

For the purpose of + doing sth: để làm được điều gì đó

Increasingly utilizing (adv + v): tăng cường sử dụng

Sth remains a debatable issue: điều gì đó vẫn còn là vấn đề gây tranh cãi

This essay serves to give an insight into the situation: Bài luận này nhằm đưa ra góc nhìn về vấn đề này

Monetization (n) kiếm tiền (từ tài sản, hoạt động kinh doanh)

Allocate a remarkable amount of time to + N/V-ing: Dành một khoảng thời gian đáng kể vào việc gì đó

To be poured: Được đổ vào

Thus + V-ing: Vì vậy + hành động

Devote time: Dành thời gian

It is a(n) (actual) fact that: Đó là một sự thật rằng

There is no denying that: Không thể chối từ rằng

Immense (adj): rất lớn

Memorable (adj): đáng nhớ

Pursue (v) pursuit (n) : theo đuổi

Admirable (adj) đáng ngưỡng mộ

Bài mẫu số 4

Đề bài: Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the country, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinions.



Hosting international games


Beneficial to the hosting country detrimental


Discuss and give own opinion



[Topic] has become a widely perpetual concern. Some individuals argue that [Viewpoint 1], while others believe the opposite is true. In this essay, I would discuss both of these perspectives before drawing my own reasoned conclusion.

Body 1

Tổ chức sự kiện thể thao mang đến gánh nặng về tài chính và xã hội

Support: (1) tài chính: chi phí đầu tư cho cơ sở hạ tầng phục vụ cho các môn thể thao; (2) khả năng vỡ nợ nếu ko được kiếm soát tốt.

Body 2

Nếu như được tổ chức hợp lí, sự kiện thể thao mang lại nhiều lợi ích về hình ảnh quốc gia và cải thiện đầu tư

Support: (1) thu hút được sự chú ý của truyền thông và công chúng thể giới, (2) đầu tư dài hạn cho cơ sở hạ tầng → phát triển kinh tế.


Give own opinion


Hosting the Olympics and other major international sports events has become a perpetual concern. Some individuals believe that it is of great benefit for the hosting country, while others argue that the opposite is true. In this essay, I would discuss both of these perspectives before drawing my own reasoned conclusion.

On the one hand, organizing international games could bring adverse implications on their hosts financially and socially. Firstly, the cost burden associated with infrastructure and sporting venues construction could be detrimental to a hosting country’s whole economy. Most of those venues built for specific sports and potentially falling into disuse right after the event due to limited practicality and relevance to the general public might be wasteful to an already meager state budget. Secondly, related costs, involving security, food, staff, and advertising, before and after the events could be challenging for any country given a financial year. For example, the extravagant 2004 Olympics in Athens, which later caused Greece to debt and existential crisis, could exemplify any future hosting country to be cautious about its ambition to host a costly global game, such as the Olympics and World Cup.

On the other hand, I think that, if properly organized, international sporting events could be significantly advantageous to its hosting country. The most outstanding benefit is that it boosts the country’s national image and improves its standing in the global political arena. Successfully hosting an event that would be heavily covered by the global media would certainly help promote the wave of tourists coming to watch the games, which indirectly impacts the hospitality and travel industry by the influx of overseas travellers to local hotels and restaurants. Secondly, throwing money into infrastructure projects, including apartment complexes for athletes, venues for various competitions, road and airport extension, and subway line construction for incoming tourists, should be considered long-term investment that would benefit the general public and the future generation. These projects could hugely contribute to the GDP growth, create thousands of additional jobs, and potentially build up a world-class infrastructure system for citizens to use long after sporting events.

In conclusion, while some adverse impacts might be caused by hosting an international game, I believe that there are more benefits to the hosting country if the event is thoroughly planned and organized to maximize the use of sporting venues after the event.

Words: 391

Vocabulary and Collocations:

Fall into disuse

Ko sử dụng

meager state budget

ngân sách nhà nước ít ỏi

financial year

năm tài chính

public debt crisis

khủng hoảng nợ công

existential crisis

khủng hoảng tồn tại

boost national image

nâng cao hình ảnh quốc gia

improve standing

cải thiện vị thế


làn sóng/dòng chảy

world-class infrastructure

cơ sở hạ tầng đẳng cấp thế giới

Trên đây là ba bài mẫu phân tích đề thi thật IELTS Writing topic Sports, các bạn tham khảo nâng cao vốn từ và cách viết ghi điểm nhé.

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