Describe a personality - miêu tả tính cách, nhân cách của một người thì sử dụng những từ vựng tiếng Anh nào? Tính cách rất đa dạng, có nhiều kiểu khác nhau nhưng dưới đây, mình sẽ tổng hợp cùng các bạn các từ vựng miêu tả tính cách hay và ấn tượng nhất.Nào bắt đầu thôi.

30 từ vựng tiếng Anh về tính cách hay cần biết

1. Impartial: Công bằng, không thiên vị


= Free from undue bias or preconceived opinions

Ex: As chairman, I must remain impartial.

2. Intuitive: Đầy cảm tính


= Able to understand something by using feelings rather than by considering the facts

Ex: I don't think that women are necessarily more intuitive than men.

3. Inventive: Có đầu óc sáng tạo


= Marked by independence and creativity in thought or action

Ex: She has a highly inventive mind.

4. Passionate: Nhiệt huyết


= Having or expressing strong emotions

Ex: A passionate woman has been auditioning about nine times to join this contest.

Từ vựng tiếng Anh về tính cách

5. Persistent: Kiên trì, bền bỉ


= Determined to do something despite difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable

Ex: She can be very persistent when she wants something.

6. Philosophical: Bình thản, thản nhiên


= Having a calm attitude towards a difficult or disappointing situation

Ex: He was philosophical about losing and said that he'd be back next year to try again.

7. Practical: Thiết thực


= Connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories

Ex: He offered her some practical advice.

8. Rational: Đầy trên lý trí


= Able to think clearly and make decisions based on reason rather than emotions

Ex: No rational person would ever behave like that.

9. Reliable: Đáng tin cậy


= Worthy of trust

Ex: He was a very reliable and honest man who would never betray anyone.

10. Resourceful: Tháo vát


= Good at finding ways of doing things and solving problems, etc.

Ex: These women were strong, resourceful and courageous.

11. Sensible: Có óc xét đoán


= Able to make good judgements based on reason and experience rather than emotion; practical

Ex: She's a sensible sort of person.

12. Sincere: Thành thật


= Showing what you really think or feel

Ex: We offer our sincere sympathy to the two families.

13. Sympathetic: Đồng cảm


= Kind to somebody who is hurt or sad; showing that you understand and care about their problems

Ex: She was very sympathetic when I was sick.

14. Unassuming: khiêm tốn


= Not wanting to draw attention to yourself or to your abilities or status

Ex: He did some wonderful work in a quiet and unassuming way.

15. Witty: Hóm hỉnh


= Demonstrating striking cleverness and humor

Ex: Somebody made a witty remark about needing a forklift truck.

16. Adaptable: Có thể thích nghi


= Able to change or be changed in order to deal successfully with new situations

Ex: Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.

17. Adventurous: Thích phiêu lưu, mạo hiểm


=Willing to take risks and try new ideas; enjoying being in new, exciting situations

Ex: Many teachers would like to be more adventurous and creative.

18. Affectionate: Trìu mến


Showing caring feelings and love for somebody

Ex: He is very affectionate towards his children.

19. Ambitious: Đầy tham vọng


=Determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

Ex: They were very ambitious for their children

20. Amiable: Tử tế, tốt bụng


=Pleasant; friendly and easy to like

Her parents seemed very amiable.

21. Compassionate: Thương xót, động lòng thương


=Feeling or showing sympathy for people or animals who are suffering

Ex: Politicians are not usually regarded as warm or compassionate people.

22. Considerate: Thận trọng, chu đáo, có ý tứ


=Always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others

Ex: She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.

23. Courageous: Can đảm, dũng cảm


=Able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching

I hope people will be courageous enough to speak out against this injustice.

24. Courteous: Lịch sự, nhã nhặn


=Polite, especially in a way that shows respect

Ex: The hotel staff is friendly and courteous.

25. Diligent: Siêng năng, cần cù


=Showing care and effort in your work or duties

Ex: Being diligent is significantly important for freshmen at university.

26. Empathetic: Có sự đồng cảm


=Able to understand how somebody else feels because you can imagine what it is like to be that person

Ex: The medical profession requires doctors to be both clinically competent and empathetic towards their patients.

27. Exuberant: Cởi mở, hồ hởi


=Full of energy, excitement, and happiness

Ex: A noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters was gathered outside.

28. Frank: Thẳng thắn


=Honest and direct in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like

Ex: He was very frank about his relationship with the actress.

29. Generous: Rộng lượng


=Giving or willing to give freely; given freely

Ex: The gallery was named after its most generous benefactor.

30. Gregarious: Thích giao du


Temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others

Ex: She’s very outgoing and gregarious.

Một số từ phổ biến khác:

- Brilliant /ˈklevər/: Thông minh

- Creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/: Sáng tạo

- Kind /kaɪnd/: Tốt bụng

- Helpful /ˈhelpfl/: Hay giúp đỡ

- Positive /ˈpɑːzətɪv/: Tích cực

- Reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/: Đáng tin cậy

- Talkative /ˈtɔːkətɪv/: Hay nói

- Unfriendly /ʌnˈfrendli/: Không thân thiện

Những tính từ tiếng Anh về tính cách

Chú ý, đây là những từ vựng band khá cao, một từ vựng được xếp vào band cao là do chúng có một ngữ cảnh nhất định để được dùng. Vậy nên các bạn nhớ đọc định nghĩa tiếng Anh của từ để hiểu được ngữ cảnh dùng từ nhé.

(C1) Adaptable /əˈdæptəbl/: Có khả năng thích nghi tốt

= Able to change or be changed in order to deal successfully with new situations

Ex: Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.

(C2) Affable /ˈæfəbl/ Lịch sự, nhã nhặn

= Pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to

Ex: He greeted everyone in the same relaxed and affable manner.

(B1) Ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ Đầy tham vọng, hoài bão

= Determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

Ex: They were very ambitious for their children ? they wanted them to be successful).

(C2) Amicable /ˈæmɪkəbl/: Một cách thân tình, hữu nghị

= Done or achieved in a polite or friendly way and without arguing

Ex: The government and the union managed to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute.

(B2) Bright /braɪt/ Thông minh, sáng dạ

= Intelligent; quick to learn

Ex: Do you have any bright ideas ? clever ideas)?

(C1) broad-minded /ˌbrɔːd ˈmaɪndɪd/ Có tư tưởng rộng rãi, khoáng đạt

= Willing to listen to other people’s opinions and accept behaviour that is different from your own

Ex: Luckily, our boss is quite broad-minded.

(C1) Conscientious /ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs/ Chu đáo, tận tâm

= Taking care to do things carefully and correctly

Ex: His conscientious manner makes him a fantastic engineer.

(C2) Convivial adjective /kənˈvɪviəl/ Vui vẻ

= Cheerful and friendly in atmosphere or character

Ex: She was a convivial party host.

(C2) Courteous /ˈkɜːrtiəs/ Lịch sự, nhã nhặn

​= Polite, especially in a way that shows respect

Ex: The hotel staff are friendly and courteous.

(C1) Decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ Quyết đoán

= Able to decide something quickly and with confidence

The government must take decisive action on gun control.

(C1) Diplomatic /ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk/ Khôn khéo

= Having or showing skill in dealing with people in difficult situations

Ex: You could try being a little more diplomatic this time.

(C2) Exuberant /ɪɡˈzuːbərənt/ Cởi mở, hồ hởi

= Full of energy, excitement and happiness

Ex: A noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters were gathered outside.

(C2) Gregarious /ɡrɪˈɡeriəs/: Gần gũi, hòa đồng

= Liking to be with other people

Ex: Hugh was a popular and gregarious man.

(C2) Proactive /ˌprəʊˈæktɪv/ Chủ động giải quyết

= Controlling a situation by making things happen rather than waiting for things to happen and then reacting to them

Ex: Managers must be proactive in identifying and preventing potential problems.

Chủ đề Characters and Personalities trong Speaking

Characters and Personalities là một chủ đề rất thú vị trong IELTS Speaking. Chúng ta sẽ cùng đến với một vài câu trả lời mẫu về topic này trong Speaking part 1 và các từ vựng band cao xịn xò về topic này nhé.

Part 1:

How would you describe your personality?

=> I think I take after my father as I’m quite serious. I always demand the best possible results in everything I do. Sometimes I can even be too careful with unimportant things and trivial matter.

Do you have similar personality with your friends?

=> So many of my friends are introverts and so am I. I tend to stay at home or hang out in quite places rather than going to crowded places with all the hustle and bustle. Some people might say I’m a little reserved … but I think that’s my true self.

Are you similar or different to your siblings?
=> My older brother and I are very similar. We both love staying indoors and have fun online. But my youngest sister is the exact opposite. I’d say she is always fun-loving and tend to be a bit extroverted. She is certainly the life and soul of the party.

Part 2

Describe a teacher you once had who you enjoyed being taught by. You should say
who this person was
when they were your teacher
which subject they taught you
and describe what it was about their character that you liked.

=> I’d like to describe my Literature teacher from high school, Mrs. Huong.

In terms of appearance, she always looks young and gorgeous although she is in her fifties now. She has long black hair and her fashion style is always fabulous.

However, the most impressive thing about her is the personality. Although sometimes she could easily lose her temper, she was really understanding andthoughtful. When I was a ten-grader, I was really interested in following my musical passion. Sometimes, I even skipped classes to practice music for some competitions. She didn’t get mad at me, though. Instead, she gave me advice on how to balance between learning and extracurricular activities.

What’s more, she had a great sense of humour. We couldn’t stop laughing at her jokes when she was teaching literature, and that truly helped students take in her lessons better. Finally, I think she was also attention-seeking and ambitious. Whenever she participates in any activities, she always wants to win. She’s not the type of person that hid her light under a bushel. She always wanted to be the brightest star.

Al-in-all, she was the teacher that had the most significant impact on my younger days. I think her personality is why she won the heart ofall students.

That’s everything I want to say about my teacher. (220)

Part 3

- Which personal qualities do you want to pass on to your children?

=> I certainly would want my children to be confident and self-reliant.If people have faith in themselves and can stand on their own feet, they are able to face what life has to offer. But, I’d hope they wouldn’t be self-centred. They also need to consider the feelings and listen to opinions of others.

- Which characteristics do you think are the least appealing in a person?

=> I believe that narrow-minded people are the most difficult to get on with. They are never willing to take other people’s opinions and always think they’re right and other people are wrong.

- Which personality types do you think are less likely to suffer from stress or anxiety?

=> Probably people who are thick-skinned because they don’t let other people’s criticism or negative words affect them too much. They just focus on their target and keep doing what they do. Also, being clear-headed is a desirable trait since people will be less likely to overreact to situations or lose temper.


Ambitious (adj)/æmˈbɪʃ.əs/: tham vọng

Attention-seeking (adj): thích sự chú ý

Clear-headed (adj) /ˌklɪə ˈhed.ɪd/: suy nghĩ tỉnh táo

Confident (adj) /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt/: tự tin

Extrovert (n) /ˈek.strə.vɜːt/: người hướng ngoại

Fun-loving (adj)/ˈfʌnˌlʌv.ɪŋ/: ham vui

Good sense of humour (n): có khiếu hài hước

Introvert (n)/ˈɪntrəvɜːt/: người hướng nội

Narrow-minded (adj)/ˌnærəʊ ˈmaɪndɪd/: suy nghĩ hẹp hòi

Reserved (adj)/rɪˈzɜːvd/: rụt rè

Self-centred (adj) /ˌself ˈsentəd/: chỉ nghĩ đến mình

Self-reliant (adj)/ˌself rɪˈlaɪənt/: tự lập

Serious (adj)/ˈsɪəriəs/: nghiêm túc, khó tính

The hustle and bustle (n): sự sôi động, nhộn nhịp

Thick-skinned (adj)/ˌθɪk ˈskɪnd/: mặt dày

Understanding (adj)/ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ/: thấu hiểu người khác

Thoughtful (adj)/ˈθɔːtfl/: suy nghĩ chu đáo cho người khác

To be the life and soul of the party (n): là linh hồn của bữa tiệc, người luôn tạo ra không khí sôi động

To get on well with sb (v): có mối quan hệ tốt với ai đó

To hide one’s light under a bushel (idiom, v): ẩn giấu tài năng của mình

To lose one’s temper (v): nổi nóng

To take after (v): giống 1 ai đó trong gia đình (tính cách hoặc hoại hình)

Win the heart of sb (v): giành được tình cảm, sự yêu mến của người khác

Trên đây là các từ vựng hay để miêu tả tính cách, các bạn cùng ứng dụng nhé. Về đề thi Describe a person trong IELTS Speaking, các bạn sẽ cần phải chia sẻ về một người bạn trong gia đình, người thân, người để lại dấu ấn trong đời...khác nhau. Để chuẩn bị tốt cho đề thi này, các bạn nên xem thêm bài viết: Tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Speaking Describe a person

Bài viết sẽ chia sẻ cùng bạn những đề hay gặp và cách trả lời ghi điểm cao. Bạn cùng áp dụng thực hành để nâng cao kỹ năng của mình nhé. Bên cạnh từ vựng tiếng Anh về tính cách, bạn có thể xem thêm:

Từ vựng tiếng Anh về nghề nghiệp (Jobs Vocabulary)

Tổng hợp từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề thông dụng nhất

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