Personality” là một chủ đề từ vựng sẽ xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS, đặc biệt là IELTS Speaking Part 2 đối với những đề bài yêu cầu miêu tả người

VD: Describe a person who is beautiful or handsome; Describe a teenager that you know; Describe an interesting person;....

Thay vì sử dụng những từ đơn giản như “funny”, “nice”, “cool”,.. để miêu tả tính cách, trong bài này chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau học một số từ vựng để miêu tả các tính cách khác phức tạp hơn một chút nhé!

Hy vọng từ vựng sẽ giúp các bạn nhiều trong bài thi của mình. Các bạn có thể học thêm nhiều từ vựng hay theo 15 topic phổ biến khác mà IELTS Fighter đã giới thiệu nữa nhé!

Phân biệt giữa “Character” và “Personality”



Định nghĩa: Bản chất, phẩm chất bên trong, qua một thời gian tiếp xúc tìm hiểu mới thấy được, không thể “fake”

Ví dụ:

  • honest: chân thành
  • loyal: trung thành
  • kind: tử tế
  • virtue: đức hạnh

Định nghĩa:Tính cách, bề ngoài, dễ nhìn thấy được, dễ đoán được khi tiếp xúc một người, có thể “fake”

Ví dụ:

  • funny: vui tính
  • extroverted: hướng ngoại
  • optimistic: lạc quan
  • confident: tự tin
  • lazy: lười biếng
  • shy: hay mắc cỡ, ngại ngùng
  • overly serious: nghiêm trọng hóa vấn đề

Practice 1: Điền từ “personality” hoặc “character”  vào chỗ trống

a. She’s always the life and soul of the party because she has such a bubbly_____

b. I don’t believe he said that; it would be really out of ____

c. I didn’t get along with my business partner because our ____ clashed.

d. Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong ____.

Các tính từ miêu tả tính cách

Cùng luyện tập thêm:

Use the words given in the box to fill in the blank.









Rosie is one of my close friends. She is a (1) ……………………. girl with fair skin and long straight hair. We first met at an art class 4 years ago and I was sitting next to her. At first, I thought she was kind of (2) ……………………. since she was quiet and didn’t talk much.

However, when we started talking about favorite arts concepts, I realized that she was actually a (3) ……………………. yet (4) ……………………. girl. As time goes by and we have gotten closer, I found out that she is not only a (5) ……………………. girl who always looks on the bright side, but also a (6) ……………………. friend who is always there whenever I need help. She is really (7) ……………………. and (8) ……………………., too. Her ideas in her artworks always amaze me. I guess her sense of arts has also made her a well-dressed teenager.

Đáp án: 

1. thin 2. unfriendly 3. talkative 4. helpful 5. positive 6. reliable 7. brilliant/creative 8. creative/brilliant








Thông minh




Sáng tạo




Tốt bụng




Hay giúp đỡ




Tích cực




Đáng tin cậy




Hay nói








Không thân thiện


New words



self-absorbed (adj)

  • Henry is so self-absorbed it’s a miracle anyone bothers with him at all.

chỉ biết quan tâm đến lợi ích bản thân mình

selfish (adj)

self-reliant (adj)

  • Lone parents have to be self-reliant, resilient and inventive

tự lập, không dựa dẫm vào ai khác

independent (adj)



  • He's always been self-conscious about being so short.

lo lắng, xấu hổ về một điều gì ở bản thân (thường là ngoại hình) hoặc suy nghĩ của người khác về bản thân mình

insecure (adj)

well-behaved (adj)

  • The children are well-behaved and keen to learn.

biết cách cư xử

well-mannered (adj)

well-dressed (adj)

  • He walked into the party with a beautiful well-dressed blonde on his arm.

biết cách ăn mặc, mặc đẹp, thời trang

fashionable (adj)

well-informed (adj)

  • Most people are not very well-informed about the disease.

có kiến thức về một lĩnh vực nào đó

knowledgeable (adj)

Ứng dụng Speaking




Who is the person you admire?

1. Well, to me, I have always wanted to show my admiration to Taylor Swift.

a. She has a fair skin with blonde hair and green eyes. She may look a bit unfriendly, but in fact she is a smiley woman. In the past she was thin as a rail, but recently she looks more full-faced.

What does she look like?

2. She looks so pretty that she caught my attention the first time I saw her at the Billboard Music Awards 2015.

b. She has taught me and encouraged me to be strong, to be free, to do what I want to do and what I have to do, and most importantly, to always be myself.

What kind of person do you think she is?

3. She is actually a great person.

c. She is one of the most famous singers in the world.

What do you like most about her?

4. A whole lot of things. But if I have to choose one then it must be the way she and her music have taught me valuable lessons about life.

d. From what I see, she is a music nerd who is very serious with music. What a passionate person! Besides, she is a straightforward and strong woman who is never afraid to speak her mind.

Is there anything you don’t like about her?

5. Well, her scandalous love stories, I guess.

e. I know I shouldn’t gossip about her private life, but I actually think that it was kind of... a mess. That did cause me uneasiness because the way she used to live contradicted mine. That made me want to leave her fandom once, but somehow I’m still here.


Practice 2. Điền các tính từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

a. I was too ___ to notice how unhappy she was.

b. My parents raised me to be ___, not to depend on anyone.

c. Jane’s pretty ___ about her weight.

d. He is an obedient and ____ child.

e. I was sitting next to an elegant, ___ woman.

f. Mary is ___ about the stock market.

Practice 3. Read the text below and answer the questions

I’m blessed to have an extensive network of friends who are unbelievably helpful, positive and very reliable. And I more than anyone, never take my friends for granted. This is why I always make a special effort to keep in touch with my childhood friends, especially one in particular, my friend Tom.

Tom and I first met in 5th grade. He sat next to me the whole year, and I knew right away we would be best of friends. We used to spend all our time together. Tom was brilliant, outgoing, and very smiley. Whenever the teacher asked for a volunteer, he was the first to raise his hand. Later on, in high school and college, Tom became quite the lady’s man. I’m sure this had something to do with the fact that he was quite tall with a muscular build. He also had straight brown hair and blue eyes. He was a handsome young man.

Today, Tom is the owner of an IT firm with over a dozen employees. He and I have worked together on a few projects when he hired me to build his website for him. He’s still a very confident person, but I also found him to be very helpful, and we’ve had endless conversations where we talk about family, career, and difficulties in life. He always tries to encourage people to do their best, which is one of the things I admire about him. Even though we don’t see each other as much as we used to, I really appreciate our wonderful friendship.

  1. How are the author’s friends’ personalities?


  1. What kind of person was Tom?


  1. What did Tom look like?


  1. Does Tom always try to encourage people to do their best?


  1. How does the author feel about their friendship?


Tham khảo

Practice 4. Circle the correct word

1. Lily is a very brilliant/talkativestudent. She can answer most of the teacher’s questions.

2. That old man may look a bit smiley/unfriendly, but actually he is a kind person.

3. Don’t skip your meals! You look too talkative/thin!

4. Anne is always ready to give her friend’s a hand whenever they need help. She is really helpful/creative.

5. Do you know the actor playing Thor in ‘Avengers’? He’s got a kind of cool beard/wavy.

Practice 5. Listen and fill in the blank

Finn: How is your new job, Sam?

Sam: It’s great!

Finn: Are your colleagues nice?

Sam: Some of them are. Lee is very nice and (1) ……………………. He helped me a lot on my first day. Rebecca is really (2) ……………………. She often makes us all laugh.

Finn: That sounds nice.

Sam: It is. Most of my co-workers are very nice, honest and (3) …………………….

Finn: Not all of them?

Sam: A couple of people are… not so good.

Finn: Why?

Sam: Catherine is very (4) ……………………. She only thinks about herself. Mike always starts arguments with people. Phil talks too much.

Finn: I thought talkative was a good thing.

Sam: Not with Phil. He is too (5) ……………………. I can’t do any work when he is in the office because he keeps talking to me.

Now use the information in the passage above to fill in the blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

ielts vocabulary  PERSONALITY

Practice 6. Read the passage below and decide if the following statements are True or False.

Hi Mum and Dad,

Here I am at the Superb Camp. Mr. Lee is very kind and helpful. He asks us to write emails in English! Everything here is in English!

There are 25 kids from different schools in Ha Noi. They are all nice and friendly. My new friends are Phong, James and Nhung. (I’m attaching a photo of us here). James has blond hair and big blue eyes. He’s cool and creative. He likes taking pictures. He’s taking a picture of me now! Phong is the tall boy. He’s sporty and plays basketball very well. Nhung has chubby cheeks and wavy black hair. She’s kind. She shared her lunch with me today.

This evening we’re having a campfire. We’re singing and James is telling a ghost story! I hope it isn’t too scary! Tomorrow we’re doing a treasure hunt in the field. Then in the afternoon we’re visiting a milk farm to see how they make milk, cheese and butter. I’m not sure what we’re doing on the last day! Mr. Lee hasn’t told us yet. I’m sure it will be fun!

I miss you already. Please write soon.






1. Phuc is writing to his teacher.



2. Mr. Lee isn’t kind. He is scary.



3. Nhung has straight hair.



4. Phuc thinks Nhung is kind.



5. James is creative.



6. In the evening, the kids are playing inside.



7. They’re working on a milk farm tomorrow.



8. The children can speak Vietnamese at the camp.



Trên đây là những từ vựng IELTS hay topic Personality, các bạn ghi lại và ứng dụng cho bài thi của mình đặc biệt là Speaking nhé. Chúc các bạn học tốt.

Bên cạnh từ vựng này, bạn có thể tham khảo thêm tài liệu 25000 từ vựng thông dụng trong tiếng Anh nếu mới bắt đầu học nha! Chúc các bạn học tốt!


Practice 1:

a. personality

b. character

c. personality 

d. character

Practice 2:

a. self-absorbed

b. self-reliant

c. self-conscious

d. well-behaved

e. well-dressed

f. well-informed

Practice 3.

1. (The author’s friends/They are) Helpful, positive and very reliable.

2. (Tom/He was) Brilliant, outgoing and very smiley.

3. He was quite tall with a muscular build./He had straight brown hair and blue eyes./He was a handsome young man.

4. Yes, he does.

5. He really appreciates it/their relationship.

Practice 4.

a. brilliant b. unfriendly c. thin d. helpful e. beard

Practice 5

Điền từ: 1helpful 2. funny 3. friendly 4. selfish 5. talkative

Điền tranh: 1. nice and helpful 2. funny 3. selfish/thinks about herself 4. always starts argument 5. talks too much/talkative


Finn: How is your new job, Sam?

Sam: It’s great!

Finn: Are your colleagues nice?

Sam: Some of them are. Lee is very nice and helpful. He helped me a lot on my first day. Rebecca is really funny. She often makes us all laugh.

Finn: That sounds nice.

Sam: It is. Most of my co-workers are very nice, honest and friendly.

Finn: Not all of them?

Sam: A couple of people are… not so good.

Finn: Why?

Sam: Catherine is very selfish. She only thinks about herself. Mike always starts arguments with people. Phil talks too much.

Finn: I thought talkative was a good thing?

Sam: Not with Phil. He is too talkative. I can’t do any work when he is in the office because he keeps talking to me.

Practice 6.
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F

Chúc các bạn học tập tốt nhé! Có gì còn thắc mắc, hãy cmt ngay nha!